Social Life with Boyfriend

I'm wondering, for wives who cuckold their husband with one guy as opposed to several men, have you and the other man in your developed a social life separate from the social life you have with your husband?

Have you met his family, friends? Not lifestyle friends, more like weekend BBQ friends or attend someone couples Christmas party?

If you have, what do these friends know about your relationship?

Do you wear your wedding ring and tell them your husband is aware and accepts that there is another man you date or

Do you still wear your rings but let them believe your husband is unaware and that you're cheating on him, or

Do you take your ring off when you are with your boyfriend and let this second group of friends believe you are single/separated/divored?
lots of bulls do more than just fuck the wife, some enjoy taking them out for meals and out for drinks.
Some might be in the same social circles as you, so the mixing is an added thrill
I have seen a lot of wives wearing their wedding bands as well as an ankle chain, some with HW on them

A lot of it will depend on the bull and the wife, not all bulls and wives are willing to risk getting seen in public
Can comment on this some my x wife developed a social circle with her bf...however realized you've asked for wives be glad to chat further if you wish
I can appreciate not all bulls/wives are comfortable with being so public.

My question stems from a story idea. A wife's unintentional one-night stand turns onto an affair. What kind of internal conversations might a wife have with herself as the relationship progresses from something she never intended to happen, to the realization that she is in a committed boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.

I'm actually hoping to learn how different women dealt with things like this.
I can appreciate not all bulls/wives are comfortable with being so public.

My question stems from a story idea. A wife's unintentional one-night stand turns onto an affair. What kind of internal conversations might a wife have with herself as the relationship progresses from something she never intended to happen, to the realization that she is in a committed boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.

I'm actually hoping to learn how different women dealt with things like this.
Sorry cuck was that for me?
My wife has met some of their friends and has gone to gatherings/parties with them. She keeps her rings on and she wears an anklet with my cage key on it. If anyone asks, she tells them I know, but doesn’t bring it up herself.
I'm wondering, for wives who cuckold their husband with one guy as opposed to several men, have you and the other man in your developed a social life separate from the social life you have with your husband?

Have you met his family, friends? Not lifestyle friends, more like weekend BBQ friends or attend someone couples Christmas party?

If you have, what do these friends know about your relationship?

Do you wear your wedding ring and tell them your husband is aware and accepts that there is another man you date or

Do you still wear your rings but let them believe your husband is unaware and that you're cheating on him, or

Do you take your ring off when you are with your boyfriend and let this second group of friends believe you are single/separated/divored?
interesting start.
There is no other interaction with the 'bull' after fucking my wife. We also look for men outside our immediate area to ensure that there is little chance of bumping into him or his family. This is very much good sex only for all of us.
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Wife's relationships are all long term. Her most recent that broke up over COVID was 11 years with her Boss/Lover. He actually bought her a small diamond ring that she wore when the traveled together, and a couple times they let people think they were newlyweds.
She dates Lovers, meets their families if they are interested, she has discovered that most prefer that she be open about being married but cheating (especially if she is having sex with friends or family members of his) so wears her rings. She also has one sister who knows she cheats.

Interesting question. In my wife's case, once or twice a week (usually only once) my wife will go out with her boyfriend. They will go out for either drinks, and/or dinner, or even coffee maybe. Then they go to a hotel where she takes along a go-bag with everything she needs for an overnight. They meet up instead of her being picked up. She won't stay at his place and we don't have him over at our place. They meet up in places away from where they both live so as to reduce the number of people we know who she and he may run into. So far, so good. She does not really mix with in with his friends and vice versa. There is always a risk of people finding out, but hasn't happened yet.

As for people finding out, there is one friend she has who she has confided in about what she is doing. She has told me this but won't say which friend. And that friend has kept it a secret. Unfortunately I don't know who it is.
Great questions that we have not seen brought up before.

My wife's primary lover has been with us since 2010 and lives with us full time. So, there is a lot of cross-over between being a sex partner and a social partner. Yes, he has been to many of our family events on both my and my wife's side of the family. We have also met and spent time with his family, from grandparents to siblings.

My wife and I wear our rings but he is ringless. When out in social gatherings, he will introduce himself as my wife's boyfriend and then introduce me as her husband. He has taken her to his work functions like Christmas parties and has gone to her work functions. When asked she will say he is her boyfriend or he will introduce her as his girlfriend.

One specific time that I think resolved any questions anyone might have had was a night out on a houseboat with my wife's co-workers. There were eight couples for the weekend and I could see people's confusion at our situation. That night we all had a private room, but the rooms are small and not very private. At home we all three ...... in a queen-size bed, but on the boat, we had less than a full-size mattress and it was tight. Out on the front deck of the houseboat after dinner, we all sat around talking and drinking. Our boyfriend was already amorous from the day on the water and my wife in a bikini. That night my wife and our boyfriend had some pretty intense sex together once in the room. It did not take long for me to join in. I am sure anyone with any doubts about our arrangement had no doubts after that night although nobody ever mentioned anything directly.
My partner started a friendship with a guy at a dancing club,they had separate dance partners, but one night he had to dance with my partner as the others were missing. They had a close dance and she told me, he got a hard on and his cock was massive, but he never turned up next week, more the pity
Wife's relationships are all long term. Her most recent that broke up over COVID was 11 years with her Boss/Lover. He actually bought her a small diamond ring that she wore when the traveled together, and a couple times they let people think they were newlyweds.
She dates Lovers, meets their families if they are interested, she has discovered that most prefer that she be open about being married but cheating (especially if she is having sex with friends or family members of his) so wears her rings. She also has one sister who knows she cheats.

“if she is having sex with friends or family members of his”! Wow, can you elaborate?
“if she is having sex with friends or family members of his”! Wow, can you elaborate?
She went thru a period of time (3 years) where she was almost BBC exclusive. A lot of the Black guys she was involved with wanted to share her with friends and family members, and she went along with it. THey seemed quite proud of the fact that she was married but their Lover and willing to fuck anyone they wanted her to fuck. Actually, she went along with ANYTHING they wanted her to do.......she got VERY caught up in the lifestyle, to the point it almost broke us up.

Her (white, older) Boss/Lover also "shared" her a few times with some potential Clients, but it did not go well afterwards....he was always mad about something (usually how much she enjoyed it). Worth noting, ALL of the potential Clients became Clients!! LOL But the fight they had after she "entertained" wasn't worth it.

She went thru a period of time (3 years) where she was almost BBC exclusive. A lot of the Black guys she was involved with wanted to share her with friends and family members, and she went along with it. THey seemed quite proud of the fact that she was married but their Lover and willing to fuck anyone they wanted her to fuck. Actually, she went along with ANYTHING they wanted her to do.......she got VERY caught up in the lifestyle, to the point it almost broke us up.

Her (white, older) Boss/Lover also "shared" her a few times with some potential Clients, but it did not go well afterwards....he was always mad about something (usually how much she enjoyed it). Worth noting, ALL of the potential Clients became Clients!! LOL But the fight they had after she "entertained" wasn't worth it.

Looks like your wife's boss doesn't quite have the sharing temperament that you have. His loss.
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My wife still sees one of my buddy's (Michael) from when I was in the military. He was one of my classmates when I was in Air forse pilot training.

He lives in a different city, now, so I will buy my wife a plane ticket for her to go visit with him for a long weekend or a week. The longest she has ever spent with him was an entire summer. A little over 3 months. That was several years ago.

While there, they basically play husband and wife. Other than the two of them having lots of "catch-up" sex, they go to dinner, skiing, shopping, everything a husband and wife will do. He will even take her to gatherings with his buds and their wives. They all know she is an open marriage. According to Michael and my wife, all of his buds thinks it's a great set-up. Some of their wives aren't very accepting of it, but some are very curious and intrigued, lol.

I love it when she sends me photos of the two of them, out on dates, skiing together, holding hands and yes......having sex.

My wife does not like hiding her lifestyle. She doesn't display it, but all of her female friends know. If someone is not accepting of her lifestyle, she simply ignores them. She has lost friends, in the past, because they found out about her lifestyle, but that doesn't bother her. To her, people not accepting her lifestyle is no different than people not accepting the gay lifestyle or any other non-traditional lifestyle.