My 2 conclusions are this : One that women who cheat don't love their husbands... I'm beginning to think women are incapable of truly loving men but that's a different topic.
Secondly, that cucks self flaggelate to an extreme so I guess I shouldn't feel bad for humiliating them.
In response to User
@Cathy I'd point out that you say Men want control over women in a relationship but the flipside is also true. I find it interesting that you did not respond to the question concerning your husband being able to play as well but if he accepted that position I guess it just goes back to what i said earlier. Cucks are very self flaggelatory.
The one person who said their lives love "changed?" Sounds like it disappeared. 😂
So far as power in a relationship goes I guess it depends on the level of free loading involved. If one person carries another person's weight and that person demands total freedom that makes person A more of a slave than anything else. If they set out a few reasonable rules as compensation for said freeloading and person b proudly breaks them then that makes them less of a loving partner and more of a cancer cell deserving of excision. If person b proceeds to whine and cry then that makes them the scum of the earth.
This applies to women and men yet it absolutely boggles my mind that females are incapable of acknowledging that would apply to them as well. Not that they deny it but that they can't seem to understand it.
In any case, some men are self flaggelatory and women seem to enjoy hurting men.
I no longer feel conflicted over the ethics involving the happy participation in the ruination of someone's marriage. The hilarity of the reaction only makes it that much more enjoyable. And if you can't defeat something (toxic female entitlement) may as well join it to the extent that you agree to (in this case being a bull)
I learned a lot in this thread.
On one hand we have a extreme libertarian like faction in the mentality and on the other hand there's a extreme sadist/sado masochist vein in the thinking.