Do women who cheat actually love their husbands?

If we assume the word "cheat" in this instance means a wife who has sex with another guy other than her husband - whether that sex is known or unknown by her husband - can the wife have sex with another guy and still love her husband??

I think yes - she can still love her husband.

From all I've read on several hotwife/cuckold forums, it seems many hotwives love their husbands even MORE because they support their wives having the freedom to enjoy other guys. And in an agreed-to hotwife arrangement, it seems easier to maintain and even increase the love between husband and wife. Contrast this agreed-to hotwife arrangement with a behind-the-back betrayal unknown to the husband ....................... the betrayal type of cheating usually brings hurt feelings, anger, and divorce. Plane crash / train wreck.

If a husband can't perform physically, or his wife has a huge sex drive, or she just needs some variety in her men - the husband and wife can talk and discuss ways to keep them both happy. If the husband agrees to her being able to date & enjoy other guys "on-the-side" and supports her wishes, and he's happy to just be with her sexually, why couldn't they both be happy and loving toward each other?? Many published articles & forum posts say wives actually love their husbands even more for supporting their wants /needs /desires /fantasies. If the wife has a loving, supportive husband at home who only wants her - while she can go on romantic dates / weekends away with an attractive BF/FB - what more could any woman want?? Why wouldn't she love her husband for his love and support of her having this kind of freedom?? She gets the love & sex life most women can only dream of, while having a loving, faithful husband at home.
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Men and women cheat and it does not mean they do not love their spouse. Cheating means you are doing against your spouse’s knowledge and will.
I‘ve cheated on my wife many times but always loved her. Now that I’m sharing her I probably love her even more. But me sharing her doesn’t mean she is cheating. She has my blessing to fuck all the men she wants.
I still cheat but mostly with men and still love my wife just as much as I ever did.
My 2 conclusions are this : One that women who cheat don't love their husbands... I'm beginning to think women are incapable of truly loving men but that's a different topic.

Secondly, that cucks self flaggelate to an extreme so I guess I shouldn't feel bad for humiliating them.

In response to User @Cathy I'd point out that you say Men want control over women in a relationship but the flipside is also true. I find it interesting that you did not respond to the question concerning your husband being able to play as well but if he accepted that position I guess it just goes back to what i said earlier. Cucks are very self flaggelatory.

The one person who said their lives love "changed?" Sounds like it disappeared. 😂

So far as power in a relationship goes I guess it depends on the level of free loading involved. If one person carries another person's weight and that person demands total freedom that makes person A more of a slave than anything else. If they set out a few reasonable rules as compensation for said freeloading and person b proudly breaks them then that makes them less of a loving partner and more of a cancer cell deserving of excision. If person b proceeds to whine and cry then that makes them the scum of the earth.

This applies to women and men yet it absolutely boggles my mind that females are incapable of acknowledging that would apply to them as well. Not that they deny it but that they can't seem to understand it.

In any case, some men are self flaggelatory and women seem to enjoy hurting men.

I no longer feel conflicted over the ethics involving the happy participation in the ruination of someone's marriage. The hilarity of the reaction only makes it that much more enjoyable. And if you can't defeat something (toxic female entitlement) may as well join it to the extent that you agree to (in this case being a bull)

I learned a lot in this thread.

On one hand we have a extreme libertarian like faction in the mentality and on the other hand there's a extreme sadist/sado masochist vein in the thinking.
From another story on here by a married couple fucking a married guy "We ended with me agreeing that she controls who she fucks ..." So yeah, the flipside is also true. If a guy wants to fuck someone else, and keep that knowledge to himself, he should do so. Sometimes the fuckee does not want the wife/husband of the fuckor, or anyone else, to know his or her business.

Men and women do love the spouse who is having sex with others, including those who made the decision about their bodies on their own. This is not an equation, a business deal, or some sort of arrangement where one spouse provides for another in exchange for control over partners or sex lives. Its sex. That's all. If and when he or she chooses to tell the story, enjoy it.
Hotwifelexi -

You "liked" my post #62 above. (#62 is in upper right-hand corner of post)

What are you thoughts on Hotwives loving their husbands - as well as their extra FUN on the side??
Most cheaters do love their partners but they also want the thrill of that thing....purely for themselves. So while it is a selfish act and also a potentially destructive act, I really believe very few are looking to hurt the other person, and certainly not end the relationship. They don't want the partner to know. In truth you could say they cheat to preserve the relationship.

But consensual cuckolding isn't cheating.
Most cheaters do love their partners but they also want the thrill of that thing....purely for themselves. So while it is a selfish act and also a potentially destructive act, I really believe very few are looking to hurt the other person, and certainly not end the relationship. They don't want the partner to know. In truth you could say they cheat to preserve the relationship.

But consensual cuckolding isn't cheating.
If while taking a exam another person allows you to see their answers (consenual) are you still cheating?
Not an apt analogy.
I agree. The problem is the use of the word “cheat”. It is a pejorative term and loaded with judgment. Since everyone is entitled to make their own independent decisions about how and with whom they use their genitals , people should just abandon the term.
I agree. The problem is the use of the word “cheat”. It is a pejorative term and loaded with judgment. Since everyone is entitled to make their own independent decisions about how and with whom they use their genitals , people should just abandon the term.
Re making independent decisions, I wldnt go that far. Cheating surely has a negative connotation, and is used in the pejorative for perfectly good reason. When it comes to sex, the typical implication is that someone who cheats betrays an accepted recognized trust, usually represented as a pledge of sexual monogamy. It tends to be done in a sneaking, surreptitious way. An attempt to hide the act and evade detection is almost always part and parcel of it.

A couple certainly can establish what is and isn’t okay in their relationship.
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Re making independent decisions, I wldnt go that far. Cheating surely has a negative connotation, and is used in the pejorative for perfectly good reason. When it comes to sex, the typical implication is that someone who cheats betrays an accepted recognized trust, usually represented as a pledge of sexual monogamy. It tends to be done in a sneaking, surreptitious way. An attempt to hide the act and evade detection is almost always part and parcel of it.

A couple certainly can establish what is and isn’t okay in their relationship.
I disagree. No one gives up rights over their body in any relationship, whether boy friend/ girlfriend, or husband/wife. In a relationship One can no more claim a right to make a decision about who the other person has sex with than a wife could order a husband to get a vasectomy. And it is the same thing. It’s a decision about how the partner uses his genitals. It’s her body. No one else gets to make rules. So stop using the word cheating. Use something else like “free range “.
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My 2 cents.
Pejorative or not there are definitions, and we all use definitions just using the word pejorative shows the need for definitions:

What Is Considered Cheating (From a Man's and a Woman's Point of View)
Broadly, cheating can be defined as being emotionally or sexually unfaithful to your partner who you are in a closed relationship with. Having intimate physical or emotional contact with another person is typically considered cheating.

What Is Cheating?
Broadly, cheating can be defined as being emotionally or sexually unfaithful to your partner who you are in a closed relationship with. Having intimate physical or emotional contact with another person is typically considered cheating.

Physical Cheating
Physical cheating is defined by one person in the relationship becoming sexually involved with someone else. Typically, physical cheating also covers simple physical acts of intimacy such as holding hands and kissing.

When my wife has sex with another guy:
I she cheating, YES, by most all definitions, though to be honest some definitions use as the criteria "secretly".

Though I don't remember the exact words used in our marriage vows I am certain is contained something to effect of "faithful unto others". That is a contract we made to each other in front of witnesses and co-signed via our marriage license/contract. Yes we can modify that verbally, but there is no such thing a verbal modification of a written contract. If we divorce and remarried with a new and different marriage contract with words we swear to like "not be faithful unto others" then it would not be cheating.
My 2 cents.
Pejorative or not there are definitions, and we all use definitions just using the word pejorative shows the need for definitions:

What Is Considered Cheating (From a Man's and a Woman's Point of View)
Broadly, cheating can be defined as being emotionally or sexually unfaithful to your partner who you are in a closed relationship with. Having intimate physical or emotional contact with another person is typically considered cheating.

What Is Cheating?
Broadly, cheating can be defined as being emotionally or sexually unfaithful to your partner who you are in a closed relationship with. Having intimate physical or emotional contact with another person is typically considered cheating.

Physical Cheating
Physical cheating is defined by one person in the relationship becoming sexually involved with someone else. Typically, physical cheating also covers simple physical acts of intimacy such as holding hands and kissing.

When my wife has sex with another guy:
I she cheating, YES, by most all definitions, though to be honest some definitions use as the criteria "secretly".

Though I don't remember the exact words used in our marriage vows I am certain is contained something to effect of "faithful unto others". That is a contract we made to each other in front of witnesses and co-signed via our marriage license/contract. Yes we can modify that verbally, but there is no such thing a verbal modification of a written contract. If we divorce and remarried with a new and different marriage contract with words we swear to like "not be faithful unto others" then it would not be cheating.
The words “forsaking all others “ and “...honor and obey” were dumped last century. The people on this site have expansive and liberal views of sex, in and out of marriage, that most people would find perverse. So stop hanging onto thinking and language that clings to outdated thinking.
I disagree. No one gives up rights over their body in any relationship, whether boy friend/ girlfriend, or husband/wife. In a relationship One can no more claim a right to make a decision about who the other person has sex with than a wife could order a husband to get a vasectomy. And it is the same thing. It’s a decision about how the partner uses his genitals. It’s her body. No one else gets to make rules. So stop using the word cheating. Use something else like “free range “.

In marriage they do. Marriage was specifically brought about for the cultivation of bloodlines.

So that people would know who they were related too, so that estates could be passed down... Etc.

Dating is a predecessor to marriage.

In relationships you do forfeit rights to other partners.
If you agree a guy with bigger cock to fuck your wife and make her cum, then that's not cheating. People can live each other in various ways, but cheating is opposite of love. I've heard before something as "I cheated because I loved him" - and that's some nasty shite! Total BS. Having your wife pleased by a stronger bigger and healthier man is very different than her cheating behind your back, which can and usually does happen with someone under your level. That's disrespect and a blow to a person's dignity. I've been a sperm donor to women because I don't drink or smoke, genetically healthy and fit, but I've been cheated by an ex girlfriend because just, well: because. No reason. She did because she could, and to rectify the situation and get me back, she just said: "If it's of any consolation, your cock is much bigger and you fuck much better and longer" - that my friend was hurtful even, far from sexy and hot. Total disrespect to my loyalty and attention. But that's how it is, sometimes for cheating there's just no reason. It's just like driving ......, you enter in a car lying to yourself that you're good, untill you hit and ...... someone. And why did you do it, when you could take a cab? Well, because you can I guess 🙂
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The words “forsaking all others “ and “...honor and obey” were dumped last century. The people on this site have expansive and liberal views of sex, in and out of marriage, that most people would find perverse. So stop hanging onto thinking and language that clings to outdated thinking.
It is not my thinking, it is conventional thinking. Actually, those and similar words are still part of most all marriage contracts. This unconventional lifestyle is an infinitesimal small percentage of the population. That in and of itself confirms that it was and still is the norm, backed up by your own words "most people would find perverse ". When your definitions become authoritative I will then quote yours, until then you're entitled to your own opinion right or wrong, Cambridge, Miriam- Webster and others still rule the day.
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Can / do wives who are hotwives or cuckoldresses still love their husbands??

(I'm not using the word "cheating" because that implies behind-the-back and unknown to the husband). I'm also sure that numerous women who've "cheated" - by the classical definition - can & do still love their husbands. Not all cheaters hate their spouses.