Wife leaving you for her bull?


Does anyone else have a fantasy of their partner leaving them for their bull?

My wife has only had one experience outside our marriage but she’s already a changed women and she talks about it all the time. The rational non horny version of me loves her and our relationship but the horny cuck in me feels there wouldn’t be a bigger turn on than my Asian wife cheating on me for a BWC bull and then leaving me for him.

Anyone else feel the same?
Does anyone else have a fantasy of their partner leaving them for their bull?

My wife has only had one experience outside our marriage but she’s already a changed women and she talks about it all the time. The rational non horny version of me loves her and our relationship but the horny cuck in me feels there wouldn’t be a bigger turn on than my Asian wife cheating on me for a BWC bull and then leaving me for him.

Anyone else feel the same?
In that same confusing way, fuck yeah. Some years ago Anna and I had a major rift and temporary separation - the possibility of her dating someone else during that time - then actually leaving me for him - is still hot to me.

I also love the fantasy that my wife gets a boyfriend, who becomes more and more serious, comes over more and more often... until I'm replaced, redundant. He sleeps in my bed, fucks my wife, takes her out so my friends and family see. She starts to feel like doing anything sexual or romantic with me is like cheating on her boyfriend.

I have no idea why I find such a horrible idea as the love of my life leaving me so erotic. It's way too extreme for me ever to bring up to Anna - she probably would divorce me if I did! - but it's like the most extreme version of my actual main fantasy/fetish, which is that she gets a romantic boyfriend as a secondary relationship.
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In that same confusing way, fuck yeah. Some years ago Anna and I had a major rift and temporary separation - the possibility of her dating someone else during that time - then actually leaving me for him - is still hot to me.

I also love the fantasy that my wife gets a boyfriend, who becomes more and more serious, comes over more and more often... until I'm replaced, redundant. He sleeps in my bed, fucks my wife, takes her out so my friends and family see. She starts to feel like doing anything sexual or romantic with me is like cheating on her boyfriend.

I have no idea why I find such a horrible idea as the love of my life leaving me so erotic. It's way too extreme for me ever to bring up to Anna - she probably would divorce me if I did! - but it's like the most extreme version of my actual main fantasy/fetish, which is that she gets a romantic boyfriend as a secondary relationship.
It is crazy how it works and so many stories I've seen that people say they feel hurt but also more turned on than they've ever been by this happening.
It's weird. I still don't know if Anna did date anyone at that time - at the time she told me she was dating (in order to hurt me, which it did, just that wasn't the only feeling I had!), and then after we got back together she denied it. Very convincingly.

If she did, I think I have an idea who. Someone who knows us both and lives in the same small town. A guy who for some reason I have never got along with. It would have killed me to lose her, and killed me again to lose her to him.

So why am I getting so hard even now when I think about it?!
Twice during our marriage, J has gotten involved with a Lover seriously enough that he considered ending our relationship for them. Our situation seems to be a bit different than most here, as she needs to be emptipnally attached to someone to have sex with them. We tried meaningless sex for the sake of sex, but she hated that and how she felt used by them afterwards. She needs her Lovers to actually LIKE her as a person to be involved sexually. That means there is probably a bigger risk for this happening in our case.

I have to admit that finding this out did have some "umphh" to it, knowing she was emotionally and sexually so involved with her Lover that she would give up our marriage to be with them exclusively. Oddly, the last one she was this involved with actually saved our marriage, LONG story.

Probably what helps prevent this, for us, is that when she gets THAT attached I am willing to comply with her desires to be "exclusive" to them sexually. We defined that, a long while ago, as her Lover the only one cumming inside of her so she feels exclusive, and I am relagated to condom only sex with her. We have been this way since November of 2012 when her then Boss/Lover asked her to only have sex with him. They were on a really fun sexy trip to DC together (work trip that was extended from a weekend to 10 days because it was SO MUCH fun!!) and he asked her if she would consider being exclusive to him only. She agreed then and there, and let me in on it when she got home!!!

But, to the question, YES there is some kind of strange weird sensation that makes this possibility a turn on as well as a major concern. Hard to explain, but I encourage her to get as emotionally attached as she wants to wiht her Lovers.

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