Do women who cheat actually love their husbands?

I'm a Hot Wife and yes, I love my husband and he loves me. Do I ...... with other men, yes. Does he know and support me, yes. Have I ever slept with someone without my husband knowing about it, no. In our definition of a relationship once we start to do things behind each other's back, we are cheating. If you can't tell your partner you are doing it then you probably shouldn't be. We have never lied to one another or made the other feel guilty when a veto is tabled.

Open and honest communication is key. If there is agreement all round the term cheating should never come into the equation. If it does, you're not ready for this lifestyle.

Just my 2 cents
^^^^ I think it's pretty cool when a wife can be a hotwife, go out & have fun with other guys, be romantically /sexually fulfilled & satisfied by those guys ................ and come home to a husband who loves her without any reservations. Most such husbands DO NOT want to see other women either, so the wife has a faithful husband at home who loves her, and is happy (also turned on) for her to enjoy hot, lusty sex with guys of her choice. How could any wife - or long-term girlfriend - have a better arrangement?? Security, stability & love at home ........................ fun, excitement, and hot lusty lovemaking with her playdate guy(s).

What do any hotwives ( or lady lurkers ) have to say about this?? Why wouldn't any wife or LTGF love her husband / LTBF with such an agreement??
If we guys could administer truth serum to our ladies - I'll bet we'd be in for some shocks as to what they'd love to do!! They're human too after all, so we ought not be angry or hateful toward our ladies for having hot, lusty thoughts & wishes.

Or am I way off base??
If we guys could administer truth serum to our ladies - I'll bet we'd be in for some shocks as to what they'd love to do!! They're human too after all, so we ought not be angry or hateful toward our ladies for having hot, lusty thoughts & wishes.

Or am I way off base??
Not off-base because i recall Briffaults Law and for many women relationships are based on receiving continued benefits while, determining longevity of the relationship atleast until a better option is available. Sadly, too many males are too SCARED to face the reality that marriage/relationships/dating are a business transaction and women want to benefit financially, sexually and emotionally based desired partners while, expectation of long-term loyalty is more of a male quality that is often imposed on women. Communication and trust are critical for any success.
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Not off-base because i recall Briffaults Law and for many women relationships are based on receiving continued benefits while, determining longevity of the relationship atleast until a better option is available. Sadly, too many males are too SCARED to face the reality that marriage/relationships/dating are a business transaction and women want to benefit financially, sexually and emotionally based desired partners while, expectation of long-term loyalty is more of a male quality that is often imposed on women. Communication and trust are critical for any success.
I see this all the time - in my own life and in others who've been together for some years. If the guy is faithful, decent, honest, good provider, romantic, thoughtful - it does NOT matter. The women get tired of us anyway and the "shine" has worn off of us guys. There is no effort to be romantic, sexy/sexual, and even caring at all sometimes by the women. I've seen really good, decent married men get ...... on by their wives - and I've wondered, what happened to those two?? I've talked to marriage counselors who say many married couples just become "room mates" - the dreaded term used by counselors to describe the pitiful state of many marriages today.

But I believe that women are just wired to love "new." I don't think it's a conscious effort to be mean & nasty. If a new guy comes along .......... they get all perky, happy, flirtatious & giddy - because he's a new, fresh, change-of-pace romantic interest. They're "new & shiny."

Happily ever after ........................... damn rare anymore.
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I see this all the time - in my own life and in others who've been together for some years. If the guy is faithful, decent, honest, good provider, romantic, thoughtful - it does NOT matter. The women get tired of us anyway and the "shine" has worn off of us guys. There is no effort to be romantic, sexy/sexual, and even caring at all sometimes by the women. I've seen really good, decent married men get ...... on by their wives - and I've wondered, what happened to those two?? I've talked to marriage counselors who say many married couples just become "room mates" - the dreaded term used by counselors to describe the pitiful state of many marriages today.

But I believe that women are just wired to love "new." I don't think it's a conscious effort to be mean & nasty. If a new guy comes along .......... they get all perky, happy, flirtatious & giddy - because he's a new, fresh, change-of-pace romantic interest. They're "new & shiny."

Happily ever after ........................... damn rare anymore.

Economic Mercenarys...their loyalty is to the highest bidder but, hypergamy is the more diplomatic term.
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Economic Mercenarys...their loyalty is to the highest bidder but, hypergamy is the more diplomatic term.
Think Anna Nicole Smith?? How many young, vibrant, beautiful, sexy ladies are with older, rich men ...................... and you KNOW it's not for the sexual attraction?? I'm quite sure the old rich guys arrange a deal where the young beauty gets him off orally or with handjobs every so often, and appears with him as "arm candy" at social events - but she can have discreet young guys to satisfy HER needs as well. A business transaction as you said. Gold-diggers have been around for centuries at all different levels of monetary security.
This is probably a topic that can’t be “painted with a broad brush stroke” - I expect answers to vary widely based on a number of factors.

In my experience, cheating / adultery is often disconnected from love.

KK has never been happily monogamous. In our relationship, KK’s cheated for lots of reasons; revenge, curiosity, boredom, loneliness, and just plain simple lust. Sometimes alcohol and ...... were involved.

We’re still together, and we love each other, despite the past infidelity on both sides of the relationship. If I’m honest with myself, I find KK’s infidelities hot - erotic, wildly stimulating, especially those where KK was engaging in the cheating to satisfy her sexual desires.
Sex is sex, love is love, right?
One man just can't fully satisfy a woman
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My wife is a cheater.

I’ve seen many of their messages and she has many times referred to me as her soul mate, and her true love, to her affair partner. I know my wife loves me. I know I am her soul mate.

Yet she has been cheating on me for 2 years with her boss.

She has many flaws and her affair may be one of them, but I have many flaws too (in different ways), it doesn’t mean I don’t love her.

I don’t think the love has faded, but I think for both of us the lust is not as strong as at the start, almost 20 years ago. There are many reasons that could be the ‘cause’ for different people, including addictions, lowered inhibitions, rash decisions, etc.

I agree I don’t think there is a broad brush for all, some people cheat because they are not in love, others cheat for other reasons.

In my wife’s case she wasn’t upgrading (I was massively shocked that she had an affair, I was even more shocked when I found out with who), it was for many other complex reasons, and not all of which I understand fully yet.

I’m hoping she can progress from cheating to cuckolding/hotwifeshare where she doesn’t need to do it behind my back, but hey given the choice of her not ...... with anyone else, I would rather she cheated and got what she needed to fulfil her desires, than not do it all. I don’t want her to have any regrets in her life, and I want her to be as happy as she can be, hopefully I remain central to that.
My wife is a cheater.

I’ve seen many of their messages and she has many times referred to me as her soul mate, and her true love, to her affair partner. I know my wife loves me. I know I am her soul mate.

Yet she has been cheating on me for 2 years with her boss.

She has many flaws and her affair may be one of them, but I have many flaws too (in different ways), it doesn’t mean I don’t love her.

I don’t think the love has faded, but I think for both of us the lust is not as strong as at the start, almost 20 years ago. There are many reasons that could be the ‘cause’ for different people, including addictions, lowered inhibitions, rash decisions, etc.

I agree I don’t think there is a broad brush for all, some people cheat because they are not in love, others cheat for other reasons.

In my wife’s case she wasn’t upgrading (I was massively shocked that she had an affair, I was even more shocked when I found out with who), it was for many other complex reasons, and not all of which I understand fully yet.

I’m hoping she can progress from cheating to cuckolding/hotwifeshare where she doesn’t need to do it behind my back, but hey given the choice of her not ...... with anyone else, I would rather she cheated and got what she needed to fulfil her desires, than not do it all. I don’t want her to have any regrets in her life, and I want her to be as happy as she can be, hopefully I remain central to that.
The foundation of Cuckoldry in the Lifestyle involves honesty, trust, respect and self-confidence within a marriage for this kind of play to be successfull. it's great you want to sacrifice to make your wife happy but, being St. George is too extreme; however, it's your decision.

Couples who are successful in the Lifestyle don't cheat (well, not anymore) and keep it honest because it's essential to their mutual success and happiness......time to sit down with wifey and do the hard-work if, both of you want to be happy....
The foundation of Cuckoldry in the Lifestyle involves honesty, trust, respect and self-confidence within a marriage for this kind of play to be successfull. it's great you want to sacrifice to make your wife happy but, being St. George is too extreme; however, it's your decision.

Couples who are successful in the Lifestyle don't cheat (well, not anymore) and keep it honest because it's essential to their mutual success and happiness......time to sit down with wifey and do the hard-work if, both of you want to be happy....
I think you have misunderstood both the topic of this thread, and the sentiment of my post.

The topic is whether cheating wives love their husbands. Not whether cheating is cuckolding, which is an entirely different question.

I answered the question of this thread, and gave my views why I believe wives can both love and cheat simultaneously.

Let me ask you another question, if you play cards or tennis with your wife and she cheats, does that mean she doesn’t love you? There are many reasons why people cheat. Many people also don’t cheat when they are not in love.

I also didn’t say I wanted to sacrifice to make my wife happy. I said I’m hoping she can progress from cheating to cuckolding/hotwifing where she doesn’t need to do it behind my back. I’m working on that.

If she can’t get over that obstacle of being open about it (this takes courage which for some may be trivial and others not so trivial, not everyone is the built the same),
then I’d rather she did it than felt unfulfilled or resentment towards me based on society norms and pressure.

I’d also still get excitement and rock hard knowing she was doing it the same as if I had given her permission, so it wouldn’t necessarily be a sacrifice as I want her to do it anyway, but for me, given the choice, I’d prefer her to be open as my preference, because there is less risk she would leave me.

To answer your comments about cuckolding (which like I said is not really relevant to my post or this thread topic); I’m not so precious in the ownership of the term cuckold as to whether it requires cheating can include cheating or shouldn’t include cheating. It can mean different things to different people. For reference, the definition of a cuckold in the Cambridge dictionary is:

‘a man whose wife deceives him by having a sexual relationship with another man’.

Like I said, I’m not precious on what a cuckold is or isn’t. If you started a thread on that it would be an interesting debate, but at the end of it I don’t think there would be a clear answer for everyone. And still not relevant to my post.