I think you might be right.It's interesting to us that without a doubt, the majority of you on this site are actually "cheating" and have the balls to tell us what it means to "be in the lifestyle", what the definitions are, how everybody else's relationship should conform to your beliefs, etc. And all of this is done while your wife has no idea you are on this site, that many of you call your wives sluts, etc behind their backs with other men on this forum, many of you either claim to be a female or a couple, post pictures of possibly your wife or yourself and she has no idea it's being done. Your spouses trusted you enough to let you take sexy pics of them or send you sexy pics of themselves which they assumed you would keep between you. That's way more cheating and deceitful than I ever was by cheating on my husband. I told him the day we were married that I wasn't going to be sexually faithful and I meant it. He may have thought it was just more of our "sex talk" and fantasy but I meant it. We love each other more than ever to this day. At least we were honest enough about this to get verified. That's more than most of you and the fact that you aren't even in the lifestyle but judging others is beyond the pall. Don't mean to get irritated here, but this really does bug me. There are all kinds of behavior which we find disgusting and gross within the lifestyle and on this site. We just figure it's not for us and let it go. There is no way we could judge everybody and every different type of behavior we experience in the LS. Oh by the way, I imagine many of you on this site have cheated on your spouse or would do so in a heartbeat if given the opportunity. Let's just have sexy discussions within the LS and let the stuff we find distasteful pass without comment. It's way sexier.
And this is where so many get into trouble by confusing the two.Sex is sex, love is love, right?
One man just can't fully satisfy a woman
Your last line is so trueMy wife does not cheat.
she fucks who she wants.
sometimes she tells me some times she lies about it.
She comes home to me always because she loves me.
sex has nothing to do with love.
Does KK have a diagnosed mental disorder? Bi-polar, OCD? , Addiction personality? Just curious.This is probably a topic that can’t be “painted with a broad brush stroke” - I expect answers to vary widely based on a number of factors.
In my experience, cheating / adultery is often disconnected from love.
KK has never been happily monogamous. In our relationship, KK’s cheated for lots of reasons; revenge, curiosity, boredom, loneliness, and just plain simple lust. Sometimes alcohol and ...... were involved.
We’re still together, and we love each other, despite the past infidelity on both sides of the relationship. If I’m honest with myself, I find KK’s infidelities hot - erotic, wildly stimulating, especially those where KK was engaging in the cheating to satisfy her sexual desires.
Did she ever explain to you what drives her to cheat? Just curious. I’m with you on her behavior being sexually arousing!! Very HOT!Here's my 10 cents worth. I have been married for 30 years and have been cuckolded on and off for the same period. Initially, I was the oblivious cuckold because my wife was cheating and I didn't know. When I found out I didn't like it but was also aroused. Gradually I came to accept my wife's infidelities and, as such, became the accepting cuckold. That led to me being happy to share her, and she is mostly open about what she does. I also often organise for her to meet certain guys. However, the cheating times remain the highpoint of cuckold arousal. Despite the infidelities, my wife says she loves me and we have been together for three decades.
The trifecta; a form of bipolar disorder, OCD, and ADHD...Does KK have a diagnosed mental disorder? Bi-polar, OCD? , Addiction personality? Just curious.
In my personal life its been an interesting phenomena that the women who were the most passionate, incredibly erotic lovers were also kinda crazy.The trifecta; a form of bipolar disorder, OCD, and ADHD...