Do women who cheat actually love their husbands?

As I've already said, it all depends on what you mean by cheating. I've often gone out and got fucked without hubby knowing but I've usually told him afterwards. Some would consider that cheating. Others wouldn't as it's an accepted part of our relationship that I can fuck who I like.
But what about a couple who don't have that agreement and one partner knows that the other is cheating and does nothing about it. Is that inaction a sign of tacit consent or not? Some people get turned on by their partner cheating others are hurt by it. Some feel both jealousy and excitement.
So it's complicated. Marriage is a contract by mutual consent and if one party is not accepting of the behaviour of the other then they have two choices - learning to deal with it or getting out. And then of course it gets even more complicated if there are children involved.
I'm neither advocating or condemning cheating just pointing out that as with most things in life there is no simple right or wrong that applies to everyone xx
You are just wrong. I can tell from your dicta that you are not law trained. Marriage is a legal status. Spouses do not sue for breach of contract - absent a prenup. They sue for dissolution. But let’s talk about the real issue. Control. The assumption - and that is what is is, an assumption - on the part of many is that marriage automatically carries with it claims to financial and sexual control. Not so. Has not been so for years. The old paradigm that a spouse owns the earnings or sexual existence of the other is no longer the rule - even if some would like it to remain so. The guy who thinks that his wife needs permission to work, talk to others , have a social life outside the marriage, or consent or not consent to sex with him or some other according to his rules is delusional (and probably Neolithic). Yeah yeah yeah - trust and honor and love is all important. But it is not governing. That is the assumption. When you marry someone they do not consent to be owned, or only act according to rules a spouse makes up. I recall an ad for divorce work by a law office. Pretty catchy and also brought down ire by guys who think like you . “Divorce - When til death do you part is too long to wait.” Vows mean nothing.
That's why marriage is a scam nowadays, no one wants the government to get in your private life anymore...
Most of women who cheat REGULARLY don't. The husband is just a way of financial stability, the lovers are the one that get to have sex. The proof is the woman wouldn't agree if the husband wants a monogamous relationship, thus placing her own personal satisfaction above his.
This is probably a topic that can’t be “painted with a broad brush stroke” - I expect answers to vary widely based on a number of factors.

In my experience, cheating / adultery is often disconnected from love.

KK has never been happily monogamous. In our relationship, KK’s cheated for lots of reasons; revenge, curiosity, boredom, loneliness, and just plain simple lust. Sometimes alcohol and ...... were involved.

We’re still together, and we love each other, despite the past infidelity on both sides of the relationship. If I’m honest with myself, I find KK’s infidelities hot - erotic, wildly stimulating, especially those where KK was engaging in the cheating to satisfy her sexual desires.
This was no cheating.
Most of women who cheat REGULARLY don't. The husband is just a way of financial stability, the lovers are the one that get to have sex. The proof is the woman wouldn't agree if the husband wants a monogamous relationship, thus placing her own personal satisfaction above his.
Men and women cheat for very simple reasons. Something in the marriage or relationship is missing.
But don’t confuse cheating with swinging or cuckolding. Sexual exploration and adventures is not cheating if both parties are aware and agree.
Men and women cheat for very simple reasons. Something in the marriage or relationship is missing.
But don’t confuse cheating with swinging or cuckolding. Sexual exploration and adventures is not cheating if both parties are aware and agree.
Completely agree. However, if a woman chests, it's worst. Majority of men have sex and that's it, no feeling involved. Women generally need to be emotionally connected first. It's not just a chemical reaction, something deeper is needs
Completely agree. However, if a woman chests, it's worst. Majority of men have sex and that's it, no feeling involved. Women generally need to be emotionally connected first. It's not just a chemical reaction, something deeper is needs
I agree with the part that women are more emotional but don’t kid yourself there are plenty of women who just want the sex. Either way cheating is cheating and that’s a no no in my book
They love them by their own distorted definition but, clearly don't RESPECT them nor children in the marriage/relationship. Sadly, society especially Family Court/media makes excuses for female infidelity continues to be minimized to flourish. Too many men don't have the courage to acknowledge marriage is a business relationship with women ready to "divorce" if, they can attain a better option with a bigger wallet
I have just gone thru this situation. It wasn't for a bigger wallet or Johnson. She cheats for the excitement and after the "Honeymoon" time of the relationship is over she looks for the next one so she can keep that "Honeymoon" feeling.
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Completely agree. However, if a woman chests, it's worst. Majority of men have sex and that's it, no feeling involved. Women generally need to be emotionally connected first. It's not just a chemical reaction, something deeper is needs
Then it’s the emotional or mental connection she is missing. Cheating is cheating. I’m not sure one reason is better or worse than the other. Both mean the cheater is looking for something that is missing.
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