Sono venuto molto, spruzzando dappertutto sulle mani di mia moglie, mentre le chiedevo di descrivere nel dettaglio quali erano state le sensazioni di quella notte di sesso, quella raccontata in questa foto.

Vedete la lingerie bianca? È la stessa che ha indossato il giorno del nostro matrimonio e delle nozze. Sì, un capo di qualità eccezionale che è stato utilizzato per diversi anni ormai, e sta benissimo a coprirle le tette.

Quindi, la sua "amica" di città natale aveva chiesto insistentemente a mia moglie di indossare questo reggiseno durante la sua ultima visita. E come riportato nella foto, lei ha fatto come le era stato chiesto.

Il sorriso leggero ma molto malizioso sul volto di mia moglie mi ha fatto impazzire. Ho chiesto se questa reazione fosse una risposta al gradimento di un altro uomo o al fatto che avrei visto la foto giorni dopo.

Ci mise un po' a rispondere, esitò, ma poi ammise che aveva sorriso in quel modo soprattutto perché immaginava quale sarebbe stata la mia reazione.

View attachment 2152338
Do come è bella.
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It is wife talking.

I and husband access in this account. I always follow his postings and your responses and I am very happy with your hot compliments and requests. Here is a great place of lust for us two because we like to expose what we do in our privacy with a few friends.

We select photos and what to tell almost always together. But husband is the one to access often and post. But I do follow frequently, too. I just would not have the initiative to create the profile myself and do everything myself. I think you get the point.

About your questions

I would be very happy and horny to comment what happened in some photo or why we shared some photo with all of you. What one do you like to ask me?

My hometown and about it. It is a small or not so much small town. 60, 70 thousand people maybe? But is near other cities larger. I go there frequently with and without my husband. My family is there and I help them with family business chores and family care chores.

I think we talked to you and told that husband travels frequently to work distant from me. Because of this I often enjoy the company of my family members and the company of other men.

From the beginning I had fear to flirt and have encounters with men of my hometown there. See I am jolly wife and do not want to change husband for other men and I do not want to have men from hometown stalking me. But with time passing I risked myself a bit more and started to see men from my hometown.

Since hotwife (I find this term funny and strange. I prefer just to be called a horny wife) I encountered three men in hometown. Yes I saw them more than one time and I plan to see them again not every time that I travel there but when I see it is fit and would be fun to do.

Ask more if you want.

Sorry if not good elaborated. I do not post frequently in english. kisses**

It is wife talking.

I and husband access in this account. I always follow his postings and your responses and I am very happy with your hot compliments and requests. Here is a great place of lust for us two because we like to expose what we do in our privacy with a few friends.

We select photos and what to tell almost always together. But husband is the one to access often and post. But I do follow frequently, too. I just would not have the initiative to create the profile myself and do everything myself. I think you get the point.

About your questions

I would be very happy and horny to comment what happened in some photo or why we shared some photo with all of you. What one do you like to ask me?

My hometown and about it. It is a small or not so much small town. 60, 70 thousand people maybe? But is near other cities larger. I go there frequently with and without my husband. My family is there and I help them with family business chores and family care chores.

I think we talked to you and told that husband travels frequently to work distant from me. Because of this I often enjoy the company of my family members and the company of other men.

From the beginning I had fear to flirt and have encounters with men of my hometown there. See I am jolly wife and do not want to change husband for other men and I do not want to have men from hometown stalking me. But with time passing I risked myself a bit more and started to see men from my hometown.

Since hotwife (I find this term funny and strange. I prefer just to be called a horny wife) I encountered three men in hometown. Yes I saw them more than one time and I plan to see them again not every time that I travel there but when I see it is fit and would be fun to do.

Ask more if you want.

Sorry if not good elaborated. I do not post frequently in english. kisses**
Cannot help asking with your comment about not posting in English frequently what is your native language and what country are you in? I realize you may not answer these as it might give away too much of your location
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Cannot help asking with your comment about not posting in English frequently what is your native language and what country are you in? I realize you may not answer these as it might give away too much of your location


No problem to ask the place.

My country is Argentina and we talk spanish. I know english but do not practice.

Friends Teddy and Coroner asked about the exchange of words and feelings with my husband when I travel or he travels. We have some rules or trait. I am more of a habit or routine person than my husband and we use to repeat some steps that we enjoy.

I let husband know confirming that I will see another man that day or night. And I text him again the moment I am really going.

I too ask if my husband wants me to do or not to do something sexual with the other man and if my husband wants to receive before or after the photos or video.

I and husband love dirty talk then we chat about things I pretend to do with other man or things that other man are anxious to do with my body. Sometimes we masturbate before or after the meet.

But what we really like is after when we reunite again. Husband makes of asking and inciting me about sexual things I did on trips or in his absence. And we go on tease each other like this.

It is interesting to know how my husband mind think of the things I do with other men. He says many things when we have sex or when he writes and posts here.

What excites him most is not always what excites me more on most times. But I find very sexy to discover this things and I want more.

You could ask more for us.

Hola bonita! Escribo espanol mejor que hablar jaja. Tengo preguntas, mi amor. Now back to English.

Q: Have you ever called your husband and let him listen to an entire 'date' while you are with another man? (so erotic!!)

Q: The first time you were with another man, and your current. Do you still get that exciting rush just like the first time??

Thanks for answering, can't wait to read your responses! I am loving your husband's stories so much, so exciting.
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Hola bonita! Escribo espanol mejor que hablar jaja. Tengo preguntas, mi amor. Now back to English.

Q: Have you ever called your husband and let him listen to an entire 'date' while you are with another man? (so erotic!!)

Q: The first time you were with another man, and your current. Do you still get that exciting rush just like the first time??

Thanks for answering, can't wait to read your responses! I am loving your husband's stories so much, so exciting.


Gracias nene.

About one question. Yes we did. With time I started to meet other men more frequently and alone. And this more when the husband travels for work. Because of that we connect Google or Facetime too when we can. Sometimes the husband active participates and ask things and other times he just watches me and other men.

The other question. I feel the same good feeling and sexual desire now too. But it depends of the quality of meet. What excite me is the situation. And if the man shows strong desire for me and have think of something horny and creative situation I get very excited or excited like the first time.

I like the feel of be a woman desired and to do horny things. I like to be led to a little risk too.



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