I loved this post! Far too often words and actions are disregarded. Just like when people say, "It's just sex!", but it gives the impression it's something more. Words and actions will always conjure up reactions and responses differently in different people. I learned this from being a classroom teacher for 30 years. Whenever I left situations unaddressed where there were words exchanged between kids it always was worse ignored.Hey there, I been thinking a lot about your original post and the comments, As a wife of a great husband who shares me with others I have many mixed feelings about your post. I'll share a few, first you were sharing her with other men, so why would you not think he would not talk about her to others. That seems to be a fact of life, I know we wish they did not but it is life, I agree it was kind of cheap shot to Invite you both and not telling you the idea was for men to hit on her, I defiently don't like that, unless I know up front what the party is about, but she did not stop his advances so she was expressing an openness or agreement to his advances, I totally get that part, I would be the same way, and then you say it excited you to know they were talking about her like a slut but you are upset they are calling her a slut, I for one I do not like to be called a slut or whore or prostitute, or easy fuck, I used to think the term hot wife was nice until I learned it was a wife cheating and a cuckold husband, which we are not, I thought It meant I was a hot or sexy wife of my husbands, so I can accept the term hotwife, although not a cuckold couple as I like to think I am sexy and men desire me and my man is willing to share me with them for fun, I really prefer to be called a sexy lady or hot lady, but I know how men think or talk and accept that I guess, I for one, love to be hit on at functions, I love the attention, and my man loves it as well, I normally do not wear panties when we are out, so if a man's hand gets that far up my dress, he will know I am available, as far as a guy asking me to his place, I'd have to be sure he understood we are a package deal my husband and I, as for the men we play with I doubt they would talk about me as an easy fuck, as we play as a couple almost always, the only exception is a guy we have known for a while, I may go with him alone once in a while but it is rare. Just some thoughts, but if it happened as you say, it is not really nice of the host to think your wife is like that, I agree with that part, but she did allow the hand on her panties, what is a guy to think. If your hand is on my panties or pussy for me it means I am willing to go further with you, Just my thoughts. Thanks for the thought provoking post.
The actor John Barrymore has a quote, "Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble." As much as we may want to think we spend most of our lives fucking that's just not the case. We have to want to live with each other in all those other moments and take care of all the other things that afford the opportunity to expand a shared sex life. If it's so important to have good communication then it's understood that you need to be sensitive to what each other says and does, otherwise it's all talk.
I have read a bunch of your posts and it's easy to see that you two have got this figured out. You've gotten to experience so much more than most of us because you both have evolved to the point where you can do, "It's just sex!" and everyone is convinced that that is all it is. You didn't get there by mistake even if you made some (or a lot) along the way.