A few men have seen my wife naked. I think I even have a previous post about it in this thread. Well, that group is about to get a lot bigger. My wife had breast enhancement surgery about a week and a half ago. I had long maintained that if a woman is going to go through the pain, aggravation and expense of the procedure she’ll want to show them off! She definitely agrees with me and I told her (somewhat kiddingly) that she is forbidden to buy any new tops or dresses that don’t highlight her new boobs as appropriate in the situation. She kinda looked at me like “duh”.😁
She’s had only one hotwife experience but that was some time ago unfortunately. These days we hang out with a bunch of fun, but vanilla (as far as we know) couples. The wife of one of these couples was my wife’s inspiration for going through with the procedure. In fact my wife even used the same surgeon. She told me she was going to invite her over for lunch soon to compare notes (and of course boobs). I asked her if she was going to invite the husband as well. She just said, “sure, i don’t mind showing them to Mike too”. That makes me happy and optimistic that a lot more men will be seeing her naked boobs soon! As a bonus, I guess I get to see Mike’s wife’s boobs as well! And who knows, the increased exposure might even lead to another hotwife experience.
I always like to tease her with “rules” that she only follows if she wants to. Both the couple coming over and we have swimming pools. My new “rule” is that anytime it’s just the 4 of us, the girls have to swim topless🤣!