Was never planned. First time we did this was with a guy we both knew. Alcohol...kissing then he did her over the back of the couch, whole deal was over in about 4 minutes. He left quickly. Wife cried and apologized over and over. She took a shower then we went to bed, laid there for quite a while in silence, she was crying off and on. She asked if I was OK. I was kinda passed about what had happened but it was all good. We ended up having sex twice, that hadn't happened in years. We talked about what we did any agreed it was a mistake.
About 6 months later, another bbq with friends at our place. Everyone had left except our friend. We all kinda knew it might happen again. Same deal, alcohol, kissing then they did it on the couch while I watched. Took maybe 20 min, he left. Wife looked at me like what happened?? She took a shower, we went to bed and had some great sex.
We did it two more times with him about 6 months between.
Covid...we're all not working, we had him over. Was very awkward but fun. They did it while I watched, he'd leave then we had sex after.
We got pretty comfy with it. The routine was they had sex while I watched. She walked him to the door, goodnight kiss, she comes back to bed, then we had sex. One night going as usual, he's leaving, they kiss at the door, she comes back but he was with her. She said he wanted one more befor he left.
It got to where they'd go twice then he'd leave. One night they did one round then she asked if I wanted in. So it became him, me, him then he'd leave.
Now we each do her twice then they do one more in the livingroom without me. There's been nights he does 4 times.
They kiss goodnight at the door, he fingers her puss while they kiss, he leaves. We have a nice slow fuck before we go to .......
She's horny as fuck for days after he's been with us.