Has your wife ever watched you suck a cock?

Not ever going going to happen with her lovers, as she has never allowed me to actually meet them. I personally knew 4 out of her 7 lovers, but only as friends. There was never a chance she was ever going to give me the opportunity to watch her "in action". Those were her conditions.

If I was given the opportunity to meet up with a guy for me to perform oral sex, it would someone new, not be one of her lovers, based upon her past history and her control over her relationships
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Not ever going going to happen with her lovers, as she has never allowed me to actually meet them. I personally knew 4 out of her 7 lovers, but only as friends. There was never a chance she was ever going to give me the opportunity to watch her "in action". Those were her conditions.

If I was given the opportunity to meet up with a guy for me to perform oral sex, it would someone new, not be one of her lovers, based upon her past history and her control over her relationships
Well you sound like the true definition of a cuckold. If it works for you that is all that matters. If you really want to suck some cock go find you a cock to suck they are out there.
Not ever going going to happen with her lovers, as she has never allowed me to actually meet them. I personally knew 4 out of her 7 lovers, but only as friends. There was never a chance she was ever going to give me the opportunity to watch her "in action". Those were her conditions.

If I was given the opportunity to meet up with a guy for me to perform oral sex, it would someone new, not be one of her lovers, based upon her past history and her control over her relationships
Well you sound like the true definition of a cuckold. If it works for you that is all that matters. If you really want to suck some cock go find you a cock to suck they are out there.
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My ex gf would make suck cock of her bulls while she push my head deeper and verbally abused me. I loved it. she would also take pics and then drip feed/send them to me for the following few weeks. However, in truth, I was so ashamed of myself in the cold light of day seeing my self dressed as a maid, wearing a maids headdress and sucking cock. It was additional pleasure for my ex gf to see me feel like this. It was her control.
Many of her bulls over the years have. Her current bull not so often as he usually brings a friend or two and he’s very sensitive about appearing gay or bi in front of his friends. When he comes alone he’s happy with me sucking him but it doesn’t happen that often.
If it’s a random hook up, I’m always up for sucking his cock but not if it makes him uncomfortable. It’s not a big deal if not - most just want to fuck Lynn and that’s fine.
I always look for an opportunity too. But only if the guy is into it. I've had a few say I sucked cock better than her.