A bit of a twist on our cruise.
As written previously, Lani was fucking one of the husbands we were travelling with.
On sea days he'd tell his wife he was playing mahjong with Lani. He thinks I went to trivia and elsewhere. So they had about an hour to fuck.
If Lani left the group early in the evening and I was still with the group, he'd say goodnight and go for a quick blow job on his way to his stateroom.
What he doesn't know is, with Lani's evil encouragment, without boring anyone with the details, I managed to fuck his wife.
So when this guy was fucking Lani, I was fucking his wife at the same time and neither one knows about the other.
Lani thinks it's that so erotic.
On the last night after Lani excused herself I leaned over and quietly said to him,"last chance to get your cock sucked". His jaw hit the ground and he didn't say a thing.
I whispered "it's all good mate, go for it and thanks for fucking her, she loved it"
They will never know their partners were naughty.
Yes, your Lani and my Jess are very much alike insomuch as they both have an insatiable appetite, not only for extra marital sex, but wanting us to have our share also. In the early days when Jess was fucking her boss and also Mark, a black work colleague, she arranged for me to fuck a friend of hers, Pauline was her name, but not the Pauline I had a long affair with. Pauline was a divorcee and was one of the very few people who knew that Jess was fucking Mark. When she split with her husband they sold their house and Pauline bought a small apartment. Their was an interim period of around three weeks before she could move into her new home so Jess invited her to stay with us.
Because I was on shift work there were times when Pauline and I were alone together whilst Jess was at work. It wasn't long before I made a move on her, however she rejected me. She said, no, I couldn't do that to Jess. Later that evening I told Jess all about it and how disappointed I was, Jess's reply was ,leave it to me and I'll have a word with her.
True to her word, a couple of days later Jess said to me, I've had a word with Pauline and cleared the air. She said Pauline was a little shocked when I told her I was ok with it, but she's ready for you so go for it. I fucked Pauline several times over the next few weeks and that's when she told me that Jess had confided in her that she was fucking Callum and Mark.
That must have been exciting for you on your cruise, getting to fuck your friends wife whilst he was fucking Lani, So while you were fucking her did you imagine Lani sucking your friends dick and opening her legs for him?. One night whilst Pauline and I were alone together because Jess was at Marks house. I took her to bed and fucked her, the sex was so good, because, all the time I was fucking her I was picturing Jess in bed with Mark, It was if I was using Pauline's Pussy to masturbate.
Like you say our wives have satisfied a lot of cocks. We never kept a record, but, several years ago Jess tried to remember them all, but it wasn't possible, we know it is more than fifty, but we'll never know the exact number. Like you, I just wanted her to go out and fuck almost whoever she wanted, the more the better, I loved it when she found someone new and Jess was happy to oblige.
There was an occasion when Jess as also getting fucked on a cruise. She fucked one guy I think it was the second night, then she fucked his buddy the next night. She had the hots for the second guy so she fucked him a few more time during the cruise. Unlike you, I never let on that I knew. I was embarrassed to tell people that I knew and approved what Jess was doing. How times have changed, if I could do it all over again I would certainly do things differently. We had a lot of fun but looking back we could have had a lot more fun.
Do you have any regrets that maybe you would do differently if you had your time over? do you know how many men Lani has fucked?