From you personal experiences, what's the percentage of women do you know have ventured outside their marriage for sex at least once??? ?

Every other woman I know has ventured outside their marriage for sex. A very small percentage have done so as part of an adult lifestyle with their husbands consent. Most are cheating sluts. Few actually cheat on girls night out since the chances of their friends ratting them out are high. Many cheat when they or their husband are out of town on business and the chances of getting caught are slim. I've heard probably every excuse in the book for cheating and most are surprisingly petty. For all the men on here that fantasize about their wife ...... around if you've been married at least 5 years you can rest assured someone else has already fucked her.
I totally agree with you
Also, the incidence of cheating by either a married man or married woman is significantly lower (from looking at actual data) than the estimates guessed at here. The actual estimates based on studies vary widely from as little as 14% of married women to a maximum of 60% of married men. Regardless, the rate of cheating men is much higher than cheating women, and is much lower among the U.S. population than the numbers posted here, again, based on actual studies of the issue versus random guessing or quoting anecdotal data (my friends, people I know, etc…). Of course, I would not be surprised to find a higher rate among the women in this lifestyle, especially in true cuckhold couples, where the female half is afforded greater degrees of sexual freedom than their male counterparts. But, I am not aware of any study within this population subgroup that addresses this question.
As posed, the OP's question isn't straightforward to answer. In part, it doesn't consider bias, or quantify what "know" means, in terms of casual acquaintance, colleague, friend, close friend or confidant, etc.

In my case, I can't readily, honestly assess how many female colleagues or casual acquaintances have engaged in extramarital sex. A few of them I suspect have that tendency, but I've no real certain knowledge of it.

In the domain of women beyond that first group, friends, close friends, and confidants, it is likely something greater than 90%. However that percentage is influenced by built-in bias, largely due to the circles I run in, including the alternative lifestyle/fetish community, my own wife's long-term infidelity, and the women with whom I've engaged in affairs with. The majority of those women have been married women.

The available statistics are all over the map, varying by country and source. For women, the estimates range from around 20% to as high as almost 70%. The median is something like 48% over European and U.S. married women - based on at least one cheating experience. The breakdown gets even more muddied, factoring in multiple episodes of infidelity, separation, and divorce.

I have lots of personal experience in this realm, as the partner of a cheating spouse, and as a cheating spouse. I tend to believe the median is close to accurate, based on de-biased personal experience.
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Great question. I would guesstimate that about 80% of women have wanted to discover sex outside of their marriage, and that there are still a ton of women who secretly would love to have an open marriage yet don't bring it up to their husbands or significant others. The last hotwife I was with told me that she had wanted to scratch that itch for over a decade, yet it wasn't until her husband noticed they were barely having sex that the idea was brought to the forefront. I was the first guy she had slept with aside from her husband since they had first gotten together, and I definitely witnessed the orgasmic experience she had when being pounded out by me. She was a hot Asian woman, 46, perfect boobs and ass, sexy legs and feet, and someone who just wanted to feel desired. We definitely have a couple of future arrangements lined up after that first time.
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From my own personal experiences, I would say 85-90%. And yes, I’ve been on the receiving end of many of those! Now if you include guys girlfriends, that is easily 95-100%, and if you include all my girlfriends friends, it’s 100%!!
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From my own personal experiences, I would say 85-90%. And yes, I’ve been on the receiving end of many of those! Now if you include guys girlfriends, that is easily 95-100%, and if you include all my girlfriends friends, it’s 100%!!
in your case you believe its 100%, so if your right the % is probably much as most women that take a lover fuck them more often then they fuck there husbands