Thank you for a wonderful post. I get the impression that many are very cavalier with the respect they pay to their partner / marriage. It's nice to know I'm not some freak for feeling the way I do.
It's healthy in any aspect of life to be able to talk through things with ones support network. This lifestyle is very hard in that respect because I can't just talk about it to the people I would like to. That's what I'm struggling with right now, whether to come out at all, who to come out to, or just to use a forum like this to do it anonymously.
I mean our first experience was wild, unexpected and totally blew us away to the point we are now very active participants. I would love to share the story with my girlfriends and vicariously re-live the moment and see how they feel but it's such a risk. I'll get there, and if I'm lucky they will surprise me and be supportive.
I just feel like there are two versions of me and to be honest I'm liking the one that is so comfortable in herself and her relationship that expressing desires and acting on them is not taboo. But, and there's always a but, I love the life I had before too, I just need to find how to merge them.