****UPDATE**** So, I missed a golden opportunity to talk about the cuckold thing with my wife. Here's what happened. We were talking about my Niece and her husband, my Niece is bi and brings home girls that her and her husband mess around with. My wife jokingly ask, "would you care if I had a girlfriend"? I said, "no". She looked surprised. She then said, "well that wouldn't happen, because you know I'm not into girls"(she isn't). But... I swear it was like I could see the gears spinning in her mind. I felt like she wanted to say, would you care if I had a boyfriend? But, I'm sure she didn't say that. because of the living hell that we both went through when she cheated. However, oddly then she asked, "do you even care about me"? I said, "of course". She then replied, "well, it seems like if you cared for me that you would want me all to yourself". I said that "I care about and love her". This was the end of the discussion. This whole thing was out of the blue, and I wasn't prepared at all. I am almost certain she will bring this conversation up again within a few days, because of how she reacted. I want to be totally prepared next time. I'll bet she will bring it up jokingly, and say something like, "I still can't believe that you said you wouldn't care if I have a girlfriend." I fell like I should respond by saying that I love her, and because of my inability to perform that I feel like it's unfair to her. And, as long as she would include me, that it would make me happy to know that she's happy. Keep in mind that if we have this conversation, me and her both would know she's not really talking about a 'girlfriend', because 'she's not into girls'. But, I don't think that I should mention a guy... do you? If I can convince her that this is about her and me not being selfish and wanting her to be happy then maybe... she will bring up the 'boyfriend' thing. PLEASE TELL ME HOW I SHOULD APPROACH THIS CONVERSATION, IF IT HAPPENS?