Little progress


She’s been against it. But in past flirted a lot. We’ve talked about 2 young guys she has flirted with and 1time when she was ...... said she woulda taken them both in the woods and fucked them crazy. But then she shut down the conversation and won’t talk about it.

This past weekend we went away and I said I’d drop her at the door and she could get a drink while I park and check in and bring the luggage upstairs. Normally she always says NO! I don’t want to wak in and have every guy stare and sit by myself. This time she had no issue and was dressed very sexy! A few guys came over but their wife pulled them away. Lol

On way there, there was a truck which had a sticker on the passenger side that said for milfs only, I pointed it out and she giggled and said catch up I want to see him and tease him! So I did and she smiled and waved. Unlike her in recent years. She used to be very wild and outgoing so it’s nice to see again!

We had talked a few times over the last year about her becoming a part time bartender when she retires. She’s great at it and still draws attention from guys in their 20s when we are out. She always shot it down saying she’d get into trouble as she’s bound to connect with some guys and with drinking and time she’d probably fuck him. I had said well as long as you tell me amd tell me all about I have no issues. It’s not cheating. She had said no. Not going ti do it.

On way to hotel after the guy with truck she tells me she is thinking after she retired of tending bar a night or 2 a week. Amd want to take a course just to make sure she’s ready to bar tend. 😍

I told her of course and I’ll come and sit at the end of the bar and pretend not to know you so I can watch you flirt! She said of course!

So that’s progress at least after many years!
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Let’s talk about submarine warfare!

Submarines are equipped with hydrophones that can detect sound such as ship engines, propellers, etc. Sensors are used to listen for sounds in the environment without emitting any noise. This is called ‘passive listening.’ It allows them to remain stealthy while they gather information on the identify, type, size, and distance of other vessels.

The effectiveness of passive listening is influenced by oceanographic conditions, as temperature, salinity, and depth. These affect how sound travels underwater. Naval officers must understand these dynamics to optimize their listening capabilities.

Passive listening allows submarines to stay undetected while gathering intelligence. This provides strategic advantages, such as identifying enemy positions and movements before engaging.

Passive listening has limitations. In noisy situations, it can be challenging to isolate the sounds you want. You must choose appropriate and optimal times and locations for listening.

Active listening involves sonar pulses which can provide detailed information about the size, shape and distance of other vessels, which allows for precise targeting. However going active also raises and waves a 🚩. This is a whistle and shout, ‘HEY — we’re over here! 👈

Situational awareness involves the discrete use of both, recognizing that stealth and information are a trade-off. If you don’t get this, you don’t get command — period.

Now let’s talk cuckoldry!

‘…then she shut down the conversation and won’t talk about it.’

Wouldn’t go there.

‘Normally she always says NO! I don’t want to wak in and have every guy stare and sit by myself.’

Wouldn’t ask. But if she wants to, that’s fine.

‘…as long as you tell me … all about I have no issues. It’s not cheating. She had said no. Not going ti do it.’

Wouldn’t go there.

‘…she giggled and said catch up I want to see him and tease him! So I did and she smiled and waved.’

Mental note: maybe, she likes safe and spontaneous.

‘She used to be very wild and outgoing so it’s nice to see again!’

Mental note: maybe help her feel young and outgoing.

‘She always shot it down saying she’d get into trouble as she’s bound to connect with some guys …’

Mental note: Bound. Why? To whom does she gravitate? Connect. In what way? When? What circumstances?

In noisy situations, it can be challenging to isolate the sounds you want. You must choose appropriate and optimal times and locations for listening.

And for the love of all things cuckold-ish … DON’T go active and give yourself away!
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