I have an idea - does anyone think this could work ? . We have mentioned between us about how dreams are made up - my idea is to ask her about him retiring or something ordinary - then later say I had a dream about them at his retirement and him asking my wife to get together and leave it at that - so hopefully the seed would be planted and she may ask if my dream came to reality what would I say about that . ? How does that sound - that way I’m leaving the next step up to her - will she mention it or not ??
I tend to think the ‘dream department’ is a bit weird. ‘Why were you dreaming about this guy…have you ever met him…where’d that come from … and you dreamed that?!’
More importantly— and more to the point — the dream gig isn’t necessary. In fact I wouldn’t even mention the sexual part.
She comments now and then that this guy is decent looking and is in great shape, She knows he hasn’t had any at home in decades, and that it is rumored that he gets it from her co-worker[s?].
She knows a good deal about him. Is this stuff you casually mention to your husband? Even if she isn’t fantasizing, he clearly made an Impression on her.
The rumors got your attention. Do you suppose it was the same with her?
The next time ‘rumors’ are mentioned, why not ask in a laid-back manner what this woman’s girlfriends are saying…
Women talk. When they do, we should listen. Very carefully.
Make it a working assumption that this guy attracts your wife. She’s intrigued by what she hears. She can well understand another woman responding to him. Very likely, she fantasizes about them having sex — meaning she likely sees herself in that role also, and wonders how it would be for her.
Snoop: in your place, my first objective would be to meet and begin building a friendship with him. Yes, I mean a real friendship. When sex comes up … share that your wife brings home stories … and you’ve reason to think she’s intrigued by what she hears you’re doing .,,
Be ready to tell him everything you’ve said here. If he wants to proceed [of course he does], offer to coach him!
If he does stuff and you find out from HIM, not her, you know she’s ‘hiding’ stuff and she is pushing her boundaries. You tell him that and just watch him up his game exponentially!
Give him quality, ongoing feedback on all their interactions [what works, what doesn’t], teach him about her arousal patterns—likes, turn-offs, where, how and when to do this or that—and feed every bit of info BACK to him and he gets an ENORMOUS advantage!
Once he gets the idea, sees you as fully on board, explain you hope to see her seething in lust and nearly beside herself with desire.
Another thing — imagine how tongues will wag when it comes out that he seduced yet another wife! Your wife!
Imagine other men approaching you with questions … you exploring their thoughts and the like! Where does it end? Who knows!