A Catholic Wife's Decay

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You (the husband) said that the "unplanned roleplay" isn't really your thing but went along with it for your reasons. I get that you had figured it would fun to see and it would be nice for your wife to enjoy it. Clearly this guy pushed the submissive scenario if he asked you to beg. It makes me wonder what the "power" dynamic is between you and your wife? Is she like some hot wives here that wield ultimate and complete authority or is it more of a shared and discussed kind of arrangement?
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Recently, just a few weeks past, I (husband) got really excited when I accompanied my wife with one of the fresh new guys she met this year.

They already had prior sex together a couple of times and my wife's testimonies about those encounters quite intrigued me. She said the man was a fucking machine, but he wasn't the type that talks too much and didn't commited to take any pictures. This bothered me, since sending me pictures is kind of a condition for me to enjoy and allow this lifestyle.

So the three of us agreed that next time I would watch their sex. When we finally met I thought the experience would turn out to be a bad one, because the guy seemed somewhat shy or embarassed. But after we entered the room and he started sucking and squeezing my wife like a hungry horny dog, things changed in a sec.

The look on his face, the tone of his voice. He told me not to take my dick out even if it got a raging and hurtful erection, and told me to stand against the wall. He started to thrust deep into my wife's pussy, making her tremble and moan like I've rarely seen before. I could testify she was loving it, then the guy played dare and suddenly stopped thrusting her, just to told my wife to ask me to get on my knees and beg him to keep fucking her like that and keeping make her cum.

I'm not really into this kind of unplanned roleplay, but I confess that I had a massive hard-on and just wanted my wife to really enjoy that fuck, so I did as asked. The guy keep thrusting and thrust, making her shake and wet a big part of the bed. Then he put inside her ass spurting it big all around her butt cracks. That's when I finally took this photo (below).

We spent some time talking and chilling, until their arousal was restored and he pounded her to cum a second time, then inside her pussy.

My wife and I often reminisce about that night with pleasure as we reconstruct the events and feelings. She met him again, but this guy is not a regular. Let's see if he became one.

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All of that and he still hadn't even fully removed her panties? Must have been quite the evening before it was all over with? Hope you made sure to lick up every creampie and or explosion if it landed somewhere else that he created
You (the husband) said that the "unplanned roleplay" isn't really your thing but went along with it for your reasons. I get that you had figured it would fun to see and it would be nice for your wife to enjoy it. Clearly this guy pushed the submissive scenario if he asked you to beg. It makes me wonder what the "power" dynamic is between you and your wife? Is she like some hot wives here that wield ultimate and complete authority or is it more of a shared and discussed kind of arrangement?

It is some kind of shared and pre-discussed space for our initiatives, likes and arrangements.

Wife isn't dominant neither a "queen". That isn't her personality. She prefers to be tamed by men (including me).

I am for all matters the more proactive one in daily life. But when it comes to sex our relation is very specific. Wife loves to experiment and seeks to have pleasure with other men, she also loves to explore different kinds of pleasures with them. Well, she could add to this if she might too. For another hand, I discovered myself to be very voyeuristic about anything related to sex, including sharing my own wife. So, we matched.

We appreciate these roleplays by the pleasure itself. We don't enjoy the restrictions or the sub/dom game like many couples we know.
All of that and he still hadn't even fully removed her panties? Must have been quite the evening before it was all over with? Hope you made sure to lick up every creampie and or explosion if it landed somewhere else that he created

Have you ever been so turned on by a woman that you simply pulled her panties aside and stuck your dick in?


Well, wife's panties have frequently this kind of effect:

Have you ever been so turned on by a woman that you simply pulled her panties aside and stuck your dick in?


Well, wife's panties have frequently this kind of effect:

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Can honestly say I have not but in a lot of scenarios where people have done the panties pulled to the side I was the one collecting the panties as a trophy before we even got around to getting my cock wet with pussy juice
Recently, just a few weeks past, I (husband) got really excited when I accompanied my wife with one of the fresh new guys she met this year.

They already had prior sex together a couple of times and my wife's testimonies about those encounters quite intrigued me. She said the man was a fucking machine, but he wasn't the type that talks too much and didn't commited to take any pictures. This bothered me, since sending me pictures is kind of a condition for me to enjoy and allow this lifestyle.

So the three of us agreed that next time I would watch their sex. When we finally met I thought the experience would turn out to be a bad one, because the guy seemed somewhat shy or embarassed. But after we entered the room and he started sucking and squeezing my wife like a hungry horny dog, things changed in a sec.

The look on his face, the tone of his voice. He told me not to take my dick out even if it got a raging and hurtful erection, and told me to stand against the wall. He started to thrust deep into my wife's pussy, making her tremble and moan like I've rarely seen before. I could testify she was loving it, then the guy played dare and suddenly stopped thrusting her, just to told my wife to ask me to get on my knees and beg him to keep fucking her like that and keeping make her cum.

I'm not really into this kind of unplanned roleplay, but I confess that I had a massive hard-on and just wanted my wife to really enjoy that fuck, so I did as asked. The guy keep thrusting and thrust, making her shake and wet a big part of the bed. Then he put inside her ass spurting it big all around her butt cracks. That's when I finally took this photo (below).

We spent some time talking and chilling, until their arousal was restored and he pounded her to cum a second time, then inside her pussy.

My wife and I often reminisce about that night with pleasure as we reconstruct the events and feelings. She met him again, but this guy is not a regular. Let's see if he became one.

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Very erotic photo
It’s so nice and big too 🤩💎💎💎
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One friend from here (WWTP) asked us about the steps should a man or a couple which wants to have our lifestyle might pay attention to or need to be concerned about at first. We are happy to answer (although we aren't any kind of expert) but we decided to do it here through an open post. And in the absence of a specific thread about this, then it goes hereby:

1. You must already know that you will face and take risks.
2. The transition is much easier if your wife is a bit of a slut.
3. Have you ever exposed yourselves in any way? Have you tried exhibitionism?
4. Don't start playing during a crisis.
5. Take the Movie Theater/Cinema Test.

1. You must know that no matter how stable and enjoyable your marriage or union may be, by slamming the doors to a lifestyle of open, casual sex or cuckold roleplay, you run the risk of drastically (and even irreversibly) changing the dynamics of your relationship. The man might face regret feelings beyond repair. She might fall in love for other men or simple get tired from having the husband nearby whenever she will be in intimacy with another fellow.

Risks are calculated, yes. But you can't control every bit of a thing.

So, if you both just can't stand or handle risks like these, jump out of the fucking other people ideas.

2. Yes. If your wife is a woman who has tasted a good variety of penises over the time, and already has enjoyed some naughty kinks regardless of the married sex life you enjoy, then it will be MUCH EASIER to talk about the idea of having sex with other people. And MUCH MORE LIKELY that you will come to an agreement and she will try new things.

This doesn´t mean a woman who is less experienced in terms of partner's quantity or even a bit prudish can't loosen up through interaction with her husband and other naughty men. However, in addition to being less likely to occur, the process of transformation and acceptance is usually more painful, time-consuming and risky. We know personally more traditional-like couples who only started to "open up" when they were nearing 50 years old. Precisely because this process takes time.

3. You recognize those porn scenes where the husband had a revealing conversation with his wife one night, and the next one she's in a gangbang with 3 black guys, 2 blonde dudes and an extra asian man in a big pool, well it is...literally and just porn. Couples don't just dive into their deepest, riskiest fantasies overnight, and without a test bed.

Therefore you might offer the partner with some most practical test beds available today. Practical and hot. Take and share photos (show them you can blur their faces or wear masks if you want), chatting with other couples and singles about fetishes. Who knows, maybe take a vacation and shot some naughty photos outdoors? Try and see. It usually has greater effects than talking repeatedly.

4. Don't do what we did, and don't decide to show off and open up the relationship right after a cheating crisis. No, do it differently, please. We got lucky. We're sure that luck has helped us then.

Because after a relationship crisis feelings are all mixed and distorted. We usually think about the several possibilities and extreme scenarios (like divorce or having sex with other people), and there are too many variables for us to process and make the best decision. Good decisions almost are never made during a hard time. Let the worst go and breathe for a while. Then rebuild your desires and fantasies together.

5. If you have moved on to a phase of starting to meet other people (in many cases, meeting another man in person), don't plan on meeting a guy which is eager to fill your beautiful woman's ass with cum. Calm down, small steps.

Look for a patient nice talk guy who is willing to play it slowly, without high expectations to be naked asap. If you find him, I suggest to give a try over the "Movie Theater game" that my wife and I have played with several guys, especially in the beginning.

Pick a movie theater that offers many rooms-screens and buy tickets for a movie with almost no audience at the time. Chat a bit, have a coffee, and then the three of you (you, wife and friend) go inside the movie theater. Sit on either side of your wife and gradually start touching, squeezing her hands, touching her thighs, touching her breasts. Well, if she wants, she can grab your dicks or even kiss each other. Do it discreetly because nowadays the bastards have cams aiming the seats.

If the game goes smoothly and your wife doesn't feel scared or embarrassed, and you don't feel overwhelmed with jealousy or regret, then that's a good sign. You might proceed with your friend to a hotel or arrange another meeting for some good sexy time.

However if the game played at the movies gets just weird, especially if it gets to the point where she (or you) frozes in fear, or if there's a lot of jealousy around, then the best thing to do is to give up on it and keep the sexual game just between the two of you!


Following a photo...

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extremely instructive advice for beginners and remember women and husbands you and your spouse MAKE love together but a woman with a Taurus only COUPLES that's a big difference
Man fuck!! Otherwise had her didn't prove herself to be a lady before then I would call her a trailer park whore. Just fuck!!

Will she logs now? Could you nudge her to?

I have a questionnaire for her (wife). Simple yes or no but comments are welcome.
1: Is your husband in Top 5 best fucks you had?
2: Is your husband at least in Top 10 best fucks you had?
3: Is your husband in Top 10 bigger dicks you know?
4: Is your husband in Top 10 hotter men you have laid?
5: You mean you had boyfriends for real. Is your husband the most handsome of them? The most hung?
6: Do you prefer to fuck your husband than your friends?
7: Would you call your husband a cuck?
8: Would he see himself as a cuck?
9: Do you and your friends call your husband a cuck while getting messy away from him?
10: Does husband cums while you talk or jerking him off with cuck or humiliation stuff?

Please do answer 😎
So here is my answer as a married woman who is the same or similar to my husband in this way of sexual play with other guys. For me, my husband is the greatest love in everything, he is the best, even in lovemaking. I gave him my body, my innocence. Remember, I have the most beautiful and tender love with him, but I never make love with a bull. I mate with a bull, and making love and mating are not the same. Here is my answer to all your questions.Maybe you will be able to understand this easily and maybe you won't because you probably haven't had this situation. You see in the Catholic husband and wife they tell you THEY LOVE EACH OTHER AND THEY CAN'T DO ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER BUT HER SEX WITH OTHER GUYS DOESN'T THREATEN THE MARRIAGE BECAUSE THEY DON'T MAKE LOVE SHE ONLY COUPLES WITH THE BULLS AND RETURNS FRESH FOR HER BELOVED HUSBAND
So here is my answer as a married woman who is the same or similar to my husband in this way of sexual play with other guys. For me, my husband is the greatest love in everything, he is the best, even in lovemaking. I gave him my body, my innocence. Remember, I have the most beautiful and tender love with him, but I never make love with a bull. I mate with a bull, and making love and mating are not the same. Here is my answer to all your questions.Maybe you will be able to understand this easily and maybe you won't because you probably haven't had this situation. You see in the Catholic husband and wife they tell you THEY LOVE EACH OTHER AND THEY CAN'T DO ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER BUT HER SEX WITH OTHER GUYS DOESN'T THREATEN THE MARRIAGE BECAUSE THEY DON'T MAKE LOVE SHE ONLY COUPLES WITH THE BULLS AND RETURNS FRESH FOR HER BELOVED HUSBAND

We feel much alike how you described it, @erzika34!

Although we enjoy so much a little verbal play and comparisons between husband and wife's lover's.

Ok, we also understand and respect the couples involved in more extreme dynamics, like caging the husband etc. But that isn't the case for many husband and wives which plays in hotwife lifestyle.
We feel much alike how you described it, @erzika34!

Although we enjoy so much a little verbal play and comparisons between husband and wife's lover's.

Ok, we also understand and respect the couples involved in more extreme dynamics, like caging the husband etc. But that isn't the case for many husband and wives which plays in hotwife lifestyle.
I would never humiliate my husband, I would never lock him in a cage. How can I humiliate someone I love and who allowed me to mate with someone else without him getting angry about it? I don't understand some women who say I love my husband, but I humiliate him by keeping him in a cage and not letting him touch or fuck me. GOD, is that possible? My husband and I have a fetish. I love wearing pantyhose and being fondled over them, so I convinced my husband, who is neither bi nor gay, to wear pantyhose every day and sometimes he doesn't even take off my panties.It's not even tits, we just enjoy being teased and petted like this, much better than some cages. Nowadays, even dogs aren't kept in cages, not even a husband's dick.and then they say I LOVE MY HUSBAND AHA I BELIEVE
So here is my answer as a married woman who is the same or similar to my husband in this way of sexual play with other guys. For me, my husband is the greatest love in everything, he is the best, even in lovemaking. I gave him my body, my innocence. Remember, I have the most beautiful and tender love with him, but I never make love with a bull. I mate with a bull, and making love and mating are not the same. Here is my answer to all your questions.Maybe you will be able to understand this easily and maybe you won't because you probably haven't had this situation. You see in the Catholic husband and wife they tell you THEY LOVE EACH OTHER AND THEY CAN'T DO ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER BUT HER SEX WITH OTHER GUYS DOESN'T THREATEN THE MARRIAGE BECAUSE THEY DON'T MAKE LOVE SHE ONLY COUPLES WITH THE BULLS AND RETURNS FRESH FOR HER BELOVED HUSBAND

I see your point. Sorry if anything I posted sounded too hard for you or other people.

I got excited provoking couples to tell me their sex secrets deviancies and desires and the cw couple here showed to have some fun answering these questions!!

Peace and fucking 😛❤️❤️‍🔥 Please Mrs CW tell us about your best recent sex in your pov
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What is the happiest your wife has been after coming back from a night with another man?

For me (husband) seems the times wife were going out with the 'bald guy', or 'calvo' his nickname.

Man was a real gentleman but also a master of dirty talking. He perhaps was the first of her lovers after our marriage that managed to extract some more of her hidden desires and made her loosen up. Wife loves to face some risks like fucking in public or semi-public spaces and I wasn't exactly a good provider of this sort of thrills.

But the bald one was. The night he dragged my wife to a bus station and fucked her in some loomy corridor there inside is remembered dearly for her until now. She came back giggling, jumpy and smiling like you know, a daugh... after getting a x-mas gift.
I would never humiliate my husband, I would never lock him in a cage. How can I humiliate someone I love and who allowed me to mate with someone else without him getting angry about it? I don't understand some women who say I love my husband, but I humiliate him by keeping him in a cage and not letting him touch or fuck me. GOD, is that possible? My husband and I have a fetish. I love wearing pantyhose and being fondled over them, so I convinced my husband, who is neither bi nor gay, to wear pantyhose every day and sometimes he doesn't even take off my panties.It's not even tits, we just enjoy being teased and petted like this, much better than some cages. Nowadays, even dogs aren't kept in cages, not even a husband's dick.and then they say I LOVE MY HUSBAND AHA I BELIEVE
That’s lovely to hear. Personally I’ve never understood why some men get off on being humiliated by their wives or bulls and I certainly can’t see the pleasure of being denied sex with my own wife! Not judging anyone else, I just don’t get it myself.
That’s lovely to hear. Personally I’ve never understood why some men get off on being humiliated by their wives or bulls and I certainly can’t see the pleasure of being denied sex with my own wife! Not judging anyone else, I just don’t get it myself.
That's not clear to us either. My husband says yes, in his presence I enjoy mating with another bull and then out of gratitude I will humiliate him, the bull and I, and I will not give him my body. If there was a logic of love for her husband, then why does she live with him? I don't understand those husbands either.
I see your point. Sorry if anything I posted sounded too hard for you or other people.

I got excited provoking couples to tell me their sex secrets deviancies and desires and the cw couple here showed to have some fun answering these questions!!

Peace and fucking 😛❤️❤️‍🔥 Please Mrs CW tell us about your best recent sex in your pov
every sex or mating with a bull is always the best because it brings something new with it I am a mature married woman and my husband was my first and besides him during my marriage I was with only 4 white bulls and for the last two years we have had a BBC bull My husband is present every time he is not c uc cold watching and recording ours we have a threesome or he and I make love after I have mated with the bull. and that is the best lovemaking for both of us
I see your point. Sorry if anything I posted sounded too hard for you or other people.

I got excited provoking couples to tell me their sex secrets deviancies and desires and the cw couple here showed to have some fun answering these questions!!

Peace and fucking 😛❤️❤️‍🔥 Please Mrs CW tell us about your best recent sex in your pov

hello. You say recent means not far from memory. I interpret this year or near months then. i am fortunate to have good encounters and met great men recently but I had a splendid time with my frequent friend that really satisfied me.

It happened maybe july or august so much happened once. I got a cold, husband had to spend more time working away and this friend also had their own problemas to solve. Consequence for me was being many more days without sex and warmth of a male. a bit depressing.

when we found a time to see each other again me and him were not expecting a special time. honest we were more expecting an encounter to grease things up. But he surprised me because he showed really horny and wanting me very much. he could not stop saying how much he was desiring to be inside me again and touching me for hours.

I felt so desired and filled by him. i tried to taste his cock in my mouth but he was so horny and stayed inside me for a long time penetrate me without stop. we felt plesaure many times this way. I felt happy and alive feeling and all was good again.

hello. You say recent means not far from memory. I interpret this year or near months then. i am fortunate to have good encounters and met great men recently but I had a splendid time with my frequent friend that really satisfied me.

It happened maybe july or august so much happened once. I got a cold, husband had to spend more time working away and this friend also had their own problemas to solve. Consequence for me was being many more days without sex and warmth of a male. a bit depressing.

when we found a time to see each other again me and him were not expecting a special time. honest we were more expecting an encounter to grease things up. But he surprised me because he showed really horny and wanting me very much. he could not stop saying how much he was desiring to be inside me again and touching me for hours.

I felt so desired and filled by him. i tried to taste his cock in my mouth but he was so horny and stayed inside me for a long time penetrate me without stop. we felt plesaure many times this way. I felt happy and alive feeling and all was good again.

I would love to show you how much I desire your sexy body! To feed you and fill you….