Wife painted my toenails, any advice?

I came out as pansexual to my wife about 1.5 years ago and asked her to start dominating me 6-7 months ago. She knows I cross dress as well. I’ve asked her to cage me, she hasn’t yet and is open to it.

In the last week or so, she’s painted my toenails, gave me advice shaving my legs, I’ve started to wear panties exclusively, and going out together while I wear articles of women’s clothes. She also mentioned how fun it is for me to be her girlfriend.

We’ve gone from sex 3-4x a month to not having had PIV in three months. She has only allowed me to go down on her twice during that time.

I’m loving our journey so far! Curious from experienced folks on what to expect and how I can keep things moving.
This sounds incredible! I know it’s a process, but I feel like this is where we are heading. She even wants to redecorate our bedroom to be completely feminine and she just bought a bell to use when she wants something 🙂
That’s great ( the bell) we have done that before and no kidding it was my idea to redecorate our bedroom pink with Lacey bits all over
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So your wife has embraced you coming out as pansexual, correct me if i am wrong is this simular to bisexual?

My wife/cuckoldress commenced painting my toe nails many, many years since, pink, red and other girlie colours and has continued to this day doing so. This was the start of my semi feminisation at her hand, a permanent cage, allocated only female underwear daily and much more.

If im wearing one item of clothing at anytime of my life its a female piece and she likes it this way. She buys me them or we share female clothes.

She has asked me if i am bisexual, no i am not but could be curious in the right circumstances however the more she enjoys her lovers the more she feminized me and our physical sex life between us long since became non existant as yours appears to be heading.

My cuckoldress has said she now views me more as a brother or sister, thus killing any sexual desires towards me. She has said she dresses me as she knows i like it. Yet it was completely her idea and whilst suggesting i shouldnt wear skin tight jeans outside, then bought me another pair.

So she changed me into what she wanted me to be as she had lovers to scratch that itch but in reality doesnt find what she created for her kink, sexually desirable any more.

I have never shaved any part of my body as she has said, she married an alpha, masculine dominant man and wants me to remain one, completely at odd with what she has made me into. To those we know thats just what i am as nobody knows what she dresses me in and if seeing friends etc i am allocated not as tight female jeans that could pass as tightish drain pipe type mens jeans.

I have realised overtime that part of the reason she did this was to keep me loyal to her, no women would want to have an affair with a man with painted toe nails, wearing nicer knickers that she and then find he is locked in a cage,

Buying and allocating me rather skin tight female jeans makes me more attractive to men than women who could fairly assume i was gay, but either way locked permanently restricts my actice physical sexuality to basicially nothing.

I count myself lucky in one respect that i have a wife that has no issues in her husband openly wearing suspenders around the house but do think that had i not really enjoyed being feminized as much i would have enjoyed a more active sex life too so 50/50 might have been a better option for me.


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