Why would a guy want his Wife/GF to fuck another man?

What is the main reason your Wife/GF fucks other men?

  • She wanted to fuck a particular guy.

    Votes: 35 18.9%
  • She is promiscuous and needs lots of different men

    Votes: 35 18.9%
  • She does it for me. I love watching her be my slut.

    Votes: 100 54.1%
  • She enjoys sex and having MFM is fun for us.

    Votes: 68 36.8%
  • We are both bi-sexual and we enjoy sex with everyone.

    Votes: 14 7.6%
  • We are swingers first and we both fuck others

    Votes: 9 4.9%
  • She is poly amorous and naturally fell in love with me and another man.

    Votes: 5 2.7%
  • Do to a injury or disease Im not able to sexually satisfy her.

    Votes: 13 7.0%
  • I have a humiliation fetish she satisfies by fucking others

    Votes: 36 19.5%
  • I was truly born with a micro penis and she fucks hung men to be sexually satisfied.

    Votes: 14 7.6%

  • Total voters
Interestingly, I have been saying this for over 50 years..... I used to sake the question back at school even.... how come a guy that fucks around is lauded and admired for being such a 'STUD', getting a free pass on any other character flaws, but girls that exercise their own personal choice to fuck who and when they want for THEIR OWN PLEASURE, how come they instantly get 'slut-shamed' and societally shunned.... what happened to good for the goose and gander, if we turn that around and say what's good for the gander is surely damn well just as good for the goose.... so hear hear James, very well said indeed!👏👏👏

Oh and btw, some advice I have occasionally offered in encouraging and supporting self -expressive women, is that insults and words are only as offensive as you take and allow them to be.... it's about time the term 'slut' was reclaimed, taken away from the insecure idiotic repressives and OWNED, proudly owned, by our 'girls' (as a broadly inclusive term for all women) - if women stood up and just OWNED the term, it takes away the weapon of insult, because if instead of being insulted the target thanks you for the compliment and straight out owns it as a proud slut... they have nothing! 🤷‍♂️
Totally agree. Lynn freely admits she’s a slut so I’m not calling her anything she wouldn’t call herself. I’m definitely in the camp of slut admirer rather than shamer.
While there is no denying that my wife finds more sexual pleasure from a man with a very big cock. she isn't solely driven by the lust of her pussy. Her cuckolding me is exciting for us because no one else would ever suspect it. It is a secret that only we share.
We enjoy satisfying each other. And at the moment our kinks happen to be perfectly in line. That is kind of the bottom line.
Similar to us. No one would ever suspect it and the very few people who know, are completely surprised.

For us, it all started with letting her live out some fantasies which included having a MFM. We invited one of her ex boyfriends in to live that out and one thing led to another after a while. She enjoys his big cock and I love knowing she’s getting the best pleasure.
Really appreciate reading your post.
“Even after all these years I can’t fully rationalise my particular kink and to be honest I no longer try too”
Love that! I just tell my wife Im cross-wired to enjoy her experiencing sexual pleasure as much as I do my own.

Compersion is the word used to describe this emotion.
Thanks for the comment. I have to admit, though, that it makes my motivation sound a little more altruistic than it really probably is. Of course I’d love it if every time Lynn got fucked, the sex for her was amazing. The truth is I get turned on almost as much just from the fact that she’s giving herself to other men and seeing their pleasure in having her. Lynn has fucked a lot of men so of course the sex hasn’t been fantastic for her every time but I’ll admit I still get aroused even when it hasn’t been that great for her. Just means I have to make sure she’s satisfied when it’s my turn.
Obvisiously it’s more exciting for all involved when the sex is amazing, when she’s having a blast and pulling out all the stops to be pleasured and to please. When Lynn gets it on with a random man obviously she’s hoping that the sex is going to be good and those are definitely the times that make memories. But for her it’s also about the fun of the chase, the flirting, the seducing or being seduced, or even the excitement of a quick and dirty impromptu fuck.. For me the arousal comes as much from the act of her giving herself to other men and the knowledge that they are enjoying having her as from the sex itself. If that sounds a bit weird, it probably is. Like I say, I no longer try to rationalise my kink. But the important thing is that we both get what we need from what we do.
Thanks for the comment. I have to admit, though, that it makes my motivation sound a little more altruistic than it really probably is. Of course I’d love it if every time Lynn got fucked, the sex for her was amazing. The truth is I get turned on almost as much just from the fact that she’s giving herself to other men and seeing their pleasure in having her. Lynn has fucked a lot of men so of course the sex hasn’t been fantastic for her every time but I’ll admit I still get aroused even when it hasn’t been that great for her. Just means I have to make sure she’s satisfied when it’s my turn.
Obvisiously it’s more exciting for all involved when the sex is amazing, when she’s having a blast and pulling out all the stops to be pleasured and to please. When Lynn gets it on with a random man obviously she’s hoping that the sex is going to be good and those are definitely the times that make memories. But for her it’s also about the fun of the chase, the flirting, the seducing or being seduced, or even the excitement of a quick and dirty impromptu fuck.. For me the arousal comes as much from the act of her giving herself to other men and the knowledge that they are enjoying having her as from the sex itself. If that sounds a bit weird, it probably is. Like I say, I no longer try to rationalise my kink. But the important thing is that we both get what we need from what we do.
Yes I’ll get more excited than my Hotwife when she has a date. I’ve had to learn to “curb my enthusiasm” and check myself.

I put her wants first and let her take the lead on dating. It was a serious learning curve for me.
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I think for me it’s the fact that just because we are married that shouldn’t and doesn’t stop her from having feelings for other people. Some are friends, some are friends with benefits, some are lovers. I’ve never been possessive, but I have always been insecure about myself and people cheating on me. But having an open relationship has made me so much more secure in myself and our relationships. She has the freedom to do whatever she wants to (and often does!) but there are never any lies. We have the most honest and trusting relationship I’ve ever had. We are very much in love with each other and we wouldn’t want to risk that relationship. I love that she has the best sex life that she’s ever had while being in a relationship, that’s because she can have a one night stand or a boyfriend and everything in between. Some times we go for ages when we don’t want anyone else in our relationship and we want to concentrate on each other and that’s fine to.
The one and only rule we have is total transparency and honesty, and if you have that you’re on the right track. X
Thanks for the comment. I have to admit, though, that it makes my motivation sound a little more altruistic than it really probably is. Of course I’d love it if every time Lynn got fucked, the sex for her was amazing. The truth is I get turned on almost as much just from the fact that she’s giving herself to other men and seeing their pleasure in having her. Lynn has fucked a lot of men so of course the sex hasn’t been fantastic for her every time but I’ll admit I still get aroused even when it hasn’t been that great for her. Just means I have to make sure she’s satisfied when it’s my turn.
Obvisiously it’s more exciting for all involved when the sex is amazing, when she’s having a blast and pulling out all the stops to be pleasured and to please. When Lynn gets it on with a random man obviously she’s hoping that the sex is going to be good and those are definitely the times that make memories. But for her it’s also about the fun of the chase, the flirting, the seducing or being seduced, or even the excitement of a quick and dirty impromptu fuck.. For me the arousal comes as much from the act of her giving herself to other men and the knowledge that they are enjoying having her as from the sex itself. If that sounds a bit weird, it probably is. Like I say, I no longer try to rationalise my kink. But the important thing is that we both get what we need from what we do.
I am totally at one with you on this. When we started it was to allow her to get what she wanted/needed.... more sex, more variety, more energy... I am 20 yrs older and simply don't perform as I did physically, and importantly I don't cum as much as when I was younger... sometimes not at all. And that's a real loss - she has always had a thing for my 'milk' as she puts it. So it started out for her. But it changed.

When we met she was a Filipina maid and part time ...... in Hong Kong. For a while she continued and I took to dropping her off at her next 'appointment' and picking her up afterwards. I began to get a thrill from it all, imagining what was happening in the hotel bedrooms. I'd ask her about it afterwards. Always very shy but she did start to leak the odd snippet. Often I'd watch her dressing up for them in her stockings and tight dresses, and I was actually turned on. That all changed when we got married.... until I suggested she find some lovers. And those memories awoke.

Now I admit that my sexual desires and gratification all revolve around her sharing her body and her time for the pleasure of other men. It's almost like I see her as an ...... again. Although I love her so much, it's a turn on to think of her being a slut and enjoying it
My wife was very promiscuous before we got together. In fact, many of my friends have been with her in the past which is sort of weird/hot. Knowing that we are committed to each other it frees me to enjoy watching her get/give pleasure with others. I love that she turns on other guys and leaves them wanting more. When she wears sexy clothes out and gets so much attention, when we get home we are both very turned on. Jealousy is just something neither of us really deal with which is great in so many ways.

Strangely, the one thing I don’t like is if another guy cums inside her, mouth or pussy. It takes away from the visual I love and feels too intimate. She knows this though, and will at times let it happen and stare at me while it happens, but she can be a bit aggressive that way. Overall we just share a lot of fun adventures that no one else knows about.


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I am totally at one with you on this. When we started it was to allow her to get what she wanted/needed.... more sex, more variety, more energy... I am 20 yrs older and simply don't perform as I did physically, and importantly I don't cum as much as when I was younger... sometimes not at all. And that's a real loss - she has always had a thing for my 'milk' as she puts it. So it started out for her. But it changed.

When we met she was a Filipina maid and part time ...... in Hong Kong. For a while she continued and I took to dropping her off at her next 'appointment' and picking her up afterwards. I began to get a thrill from it all, imagining what was happening in the hotel bedrooms. I'd ask her about it afterwards. Always very shy but she did start to leak the odd snippet. Often I'd watch her dressing up for them in her stockings and tight dresses, and I was actually turned on. That all changed when we got married.... until I suggested she find some lovers. And those memories awoke.

Now I admit that my sexual desires and gratification all revolve around her sharing her body and her time for the pleasure of other men. It's almost like I see her as an ...... again. Although I love her so much, it's a turn on to think of her being a slut and enjoying it
Being a slut and enjoying it - that’s it perfectly put. You just summed up my long post in half a sentence!
As written elsewhere we met when she was 16 and untouched. She was very pretty, very shy a fine wearer of skin tight jeans, a tomboy figure, 6ft slim, one who stood out from other girls at the time, tall girls were rare in the 1980s in northern England.

I immediately liked other men looking at her...she didnt.

With me she was quite, shy, sensible and reserved, however i knew that she went clubbing got very ...... she was a different animal.

I never realised she had such a kinky mind, nor that ...... she would be a flirt, sometimes enjoy snogging other men and being felt up. She cheated on me soon after she gave me her virginity choosing to go out with a man in his mid 30s, she confessed this immediately.

Shortly afterwards, stood in her bedroom with my 35mm camera i took her picture, she wasnt happy but then i asked if she would remove her top for me, she definately wasnt happy at this but did so after a pause.

Now i knew a man who would develop the film, what i didnt know was as the pictures came to life he gasped and named her, he knew her and her ....... That freaked me out. She had known, i would bring them to him for developing. He said he couldnt believe such a sweet young girl would do this sort of thing.

It wasnt long before she went into his shop with her ...... and stood infront of a man in his 50 or 60s as a nervously smiling teenage girl, a man that she knew had now seen her topless, It wasnt long before he saw her naked and still she went in with her ............

She did this for me, or did she do it for her own kink? Yes later she admitted it made her wet.

I took her to a works party of mine, she didnt want to go but went in a delightfully short skirt a rare event, plied with drink nobody danced to the disco until a modern 1980s hit came on, she went onto the dance floor and i watched as she did all the moves as the men present stood and watched and their wives and girlfriends scowled. It was like a private dance for us all and she stayed through several songs, god i liked that, it did turn me on and i wasnt alone as i soon found out.

Bt the time she was 17 she was at my request wearing her skin tight jeans with suspenders underneath, could you tell? definately i loved this too, the feel and the look and knew others admired her 33 inch legs encased in denim straps slightly visable. She was still my shy girlfriend but now had the confidence having a boyfriend to tease other men and i liked this.

She confessed she had been fucked when she was 17, she was genuinely upset, but instead of dumping her i make love to her, she later said this was when she realised she loved me and wanted me as her husband and knew strangely telling me how she had been fucked by another man turned me on.

We married when she was 18, it wasnt long before i started fantasising about her flirtiing with other men but time would show that she was 20 before she made me her cuck husband taking a lover: drink played no part in this. She would be about 24 before she showed me she need a lover and i accepted this. Both these men i knew, i just didnt know they were fucking my young wife occasionally.

This is why i have never minded other men fucking my wife, i suppose in a way it was a natural progress from liking men looking at her, I knew by this time she liked the touch and feel of another man and i enjoyed this too.

Our acceptance made us into a perfect couple in tune with each other open and honest, we have spent our lives being a ordinary mild class professional couple just one with a shared kink, she enjoying me watch her surrendering her body and mind to another man, whilst i her normally masculine, dominant husband watches this debauchery. I have watched her for years with her boyfriends or lovers or allow her to go to her lovers alone whilst i became a caged husband and then semi feminised husband.

She has also for years enjoyed us going out, but now me being the one wearing skin tight girlie jeans, the same style and cut she used to wear, sometimes with suspenders underneath.....
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Found this indepth post and thought Id place it here for discussion:
Here are ten rules for a Open Marriage.
What do you think?

1. First and foremost, if one or both partners in the outside relationship become emotionally involved (start to fall in love) with the other, that outside relationship will end.

If this happens the outside relationship becomes a threat to the primary relationship—not to mention create emotional entanglements that will hurt one or more of the people involved.

2. The primary relationship will always remain primary.

This means that one spouse will check with the other before meetings with an outside partner. If conflicts occur, they will be discussed with the marriage partner. If a compromise can't be reached, the decision will favor the needs of marriage partner.

3. The marriage partner has the option of disapproving a particular outside relationship with a specific person; or to turn it around, that partner may want to approve or even meet the other person.

4. Meeting with any one outside person can't take place on a daily basis. Regularly seeing just one outside person can easily result in a personal and emotional dependence on that relationship by one or both people involved. To help avoid this it may be advantageous to have more than one outside sexual relationship.

5. Assuming the agreed upon rules are followed, the outside relationship can't be used against a spouse at any time, as in a later claim of adultery.

6. If one spouse is meeting another person, the other spouse must know where he or she is at all times. Any change of plans will be made known. Although this is primarily a safety issue for wives, should the need arise the marriage partners need to know how to get in contact with each other. This is especially important if a spouse plans an overnight stay.

7. Although this should come under the heading of common civility, comparing attributes, attitudes, or sexual capabilities of a person outside of the marriage to those of a spouse is "off limits."

8. Given the attitude of general society to open relationships and the professional and personal harm that might ensue if generally known, it is often necessary to be discrete in meetings with the outside person or persons—out of sight, of friends, business associates, or family members. In small towns this may mean out-of-town meetings.

Where these concerns are not a factor, some couples find that the number of prospective partners increases if it is generally known that the couple has an open marriage.

9. There will be "full disclosure" at all times and there will be no secret conversations or meetings with the outside person—things that can easily lead to mistrust and jealously.

10. And finally, no outside relationship will endanger another person's monogamous marriage or relationship.
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I just LOVE Slutty women. Everything about them. The way the dress, the personality, attitude, the way they own there personal pleasure, lust for men. Everything 😍
I agree but with one proviso. You can’t always tell a slut by the way she’s dressed. The modern fashions that some young women wear esp when out at the weekend can be quite slutty but they aren’t all sluts. My wife is a slut but she doesn’t advertise the fact by dressing slutty in our local area - outside of our house and garden that is. But away from home, she’s happy to dress like a whore and loves the attention that gets her. So sometimes you can tell a book by its cover but not always.
I agree but with one proviso. You can’t always tell a slut by the way she’s dressed. The modern fashions that some young women wear esp when out at the weekend can be quite slutty but they aren’t all sluts. My wife is a slut but she doesn’t advertise the fact by dressing slutty in our local area - outside of our house and garden that is. But away from home, she’s happy to dress like a whore and loves the attention that gets her. So sometimes you can tell a book by its cover but not always.
Yes same here. I love taking her to swinger clubs and resorts and watching her dress in the slutty clothes and jewelry Ive given her. It really puts her in a fantastic fun loving mood to dress the part.
I don't mind my wife fucking other men, she's always had a high sex drive, I knew how she was before we got married and I accepted her that way, being in the army I knew that sex happens a lot especially while you're on deployment or out in the field training,

My wife and I talked about it before getting married and we both agreed that there might be times when we might fuck someone else, she's been with several other men before and after we got married,

We both get something different from the experience, for her it has nothing to do with size, I'm 7+ and she's been with guy smaller and larger than me, it's pure sex for her just like natural mating,

For me I get the excitement of knowing how she fucked someone else, how it came about, did she play hard to get or go up to him and tell him she wanted to fuck, it all depends on the mood she's in.

Here's 2 pictures of my wife riding my cock,

View attachment 2323281View attachment 2323283

Here's 2 pictures of my wife riding a guy she met at a club,

View attachment 2323286View attachment 2323287

Here's a picture of my wife relaxing after cumming several times.

View attachment 2323289
she is so sexy, I love your relationship.
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