Who gets turned on watching your wife get dressed for a bull

We don't have a bull, we have a friend we invite over for sex fun. It's always on a Friday after work around 5:30 - 6.
Wife wears a blouse and skirt or slacks and modest heels to work.
On a Friday when we know he'll be visiting we get home, wash up, brush teeth. If she's wearing a skirt she'll ask me, underpants on or off.
When he arrives he's always fresh showered, he's in khaki pants, nice shirt. I'm pretty much same in my work clothes.
Usually goes like this. Exchange hellos, how's everything, she asked aboit his ki.ds, he's divorced. Chit chat. We sip a little Whiskey or tequila in the kitchen while we visit. Wife kinda shyly unbuttons her blouse till one button or none is left. We just chat and visit. She'll take her bra off then put blouse back on. It's so relaxed and it's very sexy. Soon they kiss, turns into a nice makout session. She moves and does same with me. Back and forth a few times. We kiss and suck her tits, she get turned on like crazy. Then it's up to the bedroom.
So I can't say my wife has outfits for him but she makes it work.
Sounds like it. Did your guest stay for the weekend or leave that night?
Her and were going to have a day prior to all this. Get her hair and nails done etc then go get her some clothes. All day talking and working her up for the BIG show at night!
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