I'm bi-sexual as a lot of you already know so I am interment with many married women. The group of 9 bi-sexual girls I grew up with are all married except for me. We all see and still make out with each other from time to time, but lets put that side of our lives aside for now, Each of us when growing up had boyfriends, some of us cheated on them all the time, others on occasions, but 5 of these girls remained 100'% faithful to their respective guy, till they changed their boyfriend. All of them have been now married for more than 5 years and every one of them regularly cheat on their husband with other guys. When they tell me of their extra material affairs its always about wanting excitement or missing being fucked by a well hung guy. They all say the same as I think, no one man can keep a horny women sexually satisfied for more than a few years. So to answer my own question, no she will always cheat on you from time to time. Whats your thoughts???
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