i found these clips and they show exactly what those migrant car washers should have done to my wifes naughty pampered arse and pussy for flaunting herself in front of them
they should have taken her to the staff room to have her pants and panties taken down and made her present her bare arse for a spanking across each of their knees and after be made to kneel on a chair and display her pussy to be fucked and have her red freshly spanked arse slapped and strapped as shes fucked by migrant cock
the slapping and strapping would not be for the pain
but to teach her humility and reinforce their dominance over her
until she knows how to behave around men from their community
and her sore red bottom would remind her that even as a pampered white spoiled married woman she and her bare bottom are not out of the reach or control of the men she offends with her flaunting and teasing
what say you lol
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my wife after previously detailing her teasing of the migrant workers at our local car wash and her masturbatory fantasies afterwards in a previous post in this thread
i coaxed her into exploring the theme of being dealt with by strict men from a different culture and she surprised me with this fantasy of being at a disadvantage of a couple of brown guys and having no choice but to surrender her bottom and pussy to them for chastisement and their pleasure
i call it
spoiled pampered wife gets her cum upance lol
i loved her thoughts and story and have tried to illustrate it with some video clips i found on line and my wife loved watching them and imagining herself in their position and receiving their treatment
its made her pussy wet many times and been a great one for her wank bank
anyway it goes like this my wife was at the local convenience store and hit the owner mr patel's car
thinking in her arrogance that it was a old car and it didn't matter and no one had seen her do it she just went in to get her cigarettes
unknowing that mr patels assistant who was our local skinny large cocked negro was loitering outside the store and had seen all
he entered the store and asked if mr patel needed someone to take his car to be fixed
which revealed the truth about my wifes collision and her non reporting of it
she denied it accusing our negro friend of lying and making up the story as she claimed he'd catcalled her asking for money and sex and shed told him to fuck off
but when mr patel checked the security cameras it was there plain to see
confronted with the truth my pampered spoiled wife arrogantly said his car was a wreck before and no worse now and he should write it off and buy a new one with the insurance money
she was told that was illegal and she was a rude stuck up dishonest pompous woman who needed putting in her place and teaching some humility and manners
and if she didn't agree to him dealing with her he would call the cops and she would be in serious trouble with criminal prosecution being a possibility
being from a different culture mr patel had a somewhat different view on how a woman should behave and how they should be treated and kept in line
so after much arguing and threats back and forth my wife has no choice other than to surrender herself to mr patels suggestion that she was dealt with without the police's involvement and she would have to do as mr patel told her to without complaint and pay for the damage
mr patel said as our negro friend was the good fellow who brought this to light and was insulted and rudely slandered by my wife ,he could and should be the one to administer and assist with her correction
first she was mortified at being made to strip naked in the filthy back room of the shop and in front of these two brown men and be aware of their obvious satisfaction and lust at having a spoilt married now naked white woman who had abused them both verbally under their control and they intended to expose and humiliate her as they taught her a lesson and she instinctively knew that he titties bare bottom and vagina would soon have to be surrendered and presented to these two men who due to her rudeness and prejudice she would normally consider her social inferiors
it made her wet to think that they would have total control of her and she would have no option but to do as they told her to and surrender to their wishes and obey them without question
she was taken to and laid out on a grubby bed while she was strapped across her bare arse by our skinny brown friend as mr patel instructed him and recorded it on his phone ,as it progressed our skinny negro friend couldn't resist and was soon slapping her pampered married bottom and groping her by now wet vagina with obvious delight
at his touch and her knowing these two brown men had her completely exposed and vulnerable her submissive side came over her and she would be lifting her arse and pussy to give them a better view of her charms in the hope the strapping would stop and something more adult and intimate than a humiliating spanked bare bottom would be substituted for her punishment
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that didnt turn out quite as she hoped as she would be made to go across skinny negros knee for a childish spanking of which the humiliation of would break her will and her married pussy would be so wet by the humiliating circumstances she found her self in bare arse across this scruffy skinny guys knee getting her red stinging bottom spanked it is unavoidable that skinny black man will see her arousal and will take advantage of it and bend her over and fuck her doggie style with his big smelly cock and the humiliating view of her well spanked red married arse and wet pussy receiving his cock will be recorded by mr patel for everyone to see as she is made to bounce her pussy against his big smelly cock filling her pussy up
follow the link below
skinny black mans cock would be working its magic on her wet pussy and he would be reveling in the power he had over this stuck up white woman
with her arse stuck up
and his cock stuck up her pussy
she would be stuck up in more ways than one lol
and she would be powerless to stop him and if truth be known she would be un consiously responding to his instructions to move her arse and getting lost in the feeling of sexual sub to a socially incompatible bully who she under normal circumstances would touch with a barge pole but here she was with her red spanked arse in the air and her wet married cunt on the end of his brown cock as he made her watch the live recording patel was making of her punishment and fucking ,while he fucked and spanked her which increased her embarrassment and increased her pleasure as her orgasm built inside her
her final humiliation would be when this skinny negro made her call him daddy and cum on his cock
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and all this time mr patel would be watching and recording then when she had composed herself after cumming while taking the skinny black guys dick and load
mr patel would be ready for her final sub as he sat there and beckoned her over to him while playing with his unwashed cock while she crawled across the floor on all fours with her well spanked arse in the air and her white married titties swinging and freshly fucked and wet c*nt throbbing for more attention , mr patel was relishing the thought that this haughty married white woman was his to degrade as he wished
and soon her tight pink arsehole would be impaled on his stinky brown cock
she would know her place and how to behave around brown men after that
the recording of her punishment and sub would be duplicated and sold or rented to the men of his community and seeing her response to firm strict brown men tanning her bare arse and the resulting sexual sub from her she would be marked for similar treatment by them all given the slightest provocation they would all bare her white spoiled married bottom and spank it rosy red and enjoy her white titties and wet married c*nt lol
this is a often used fantasy of hers to masturbate to and over and she'd love to hear any thoughts comments or continuations on this theme any may have on the subject
my wifes pampered bare bottom titties and pussy and how they would look presented and surrendered to the shopkeeper and his assistant for them to deal with and teach her humility and obedience take her down a peg or two and show her whos boss and her masturbating with this scenario in mind
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