My wife has begun the official journey to being bred

Round 7 - was this the end and did he succeed in knocking up my wife? I know my wife is hoping she is pregnant. As a guy who would like to be a Dad, to have kids, I hope my wife is pregnant. Yes the baby will not be my biological ......, but they will be my ....... At least the baby will be from my wife.

I could tell the mood for this last time was different. My wife was excited but I could sense she also was sad. I think she loves fucking him, that she finds him a hot satisfying lover. She would never admit that to me,, has never told me that she preferred other cocks over mine, but I know she does, which is why she fucks other guys. I can understand why she has feelings for this potential father of her baby. She has always enjoyed him sexually over the years, as he has been a somewhat regular. Not an official boyfriend, but definitely a lover, not just a cock to fuck her, but someone who arouses her and brings passion. I guess I have always know that but when it is a fuck here and there, it tends to just be a fuck, nothing more or nothing I paid any attention too. But these past 7 days of fucking, (honestly, love making with lust), I can see my wife's emotional attachment to him. And I can see it with him too, that he has feelings for my wife.

I guess that is why he agreed to father a baby with her. Some other guys have pumped loads in her cunt over the years, which could have resulted in a baby, but I know they were only thinking of the thrill of fucking her bare.

When he arrived I could see a difference in his mannerisms as well. He was more subdued, not the lust driving guy from yesterday. We had drinks, talked about the future of my wife having a baby and how that would be for my wife and me. Finally I suggested it was time to go the bedroom.

No matter what the mood was or anyone's thought process before, once their clothes were off, the fucking began. As I stripped naked, I watched my wife lay back in bed, spread her legs to expose her engorged pink pussy, her nipples already rock hard, and I could see she was already wet as it was glistening on the outside of her pussy. Of course, he was rock hard ( was he fucking bigger and thicker then normal?). He climbed on the bed, getting over top of my wife. His cock perfectly aimed for that wet entrance to her cunt as he positioned himself, lowering his body down slowly. Was he putting on a show for my benefit or just making it all last. I could see the tip of his cock touching her pussy lips, my wife's body tense and desiring his cock in her. Unlike the other times, he slowly penetrated her, holding himself up so it was easy to see his cock head disappear inside of her, then the shaft going inside slowly. How the fuck could he keep himself elevated like that and control his desire to put his cock deep in her? it was a slow and deliberate penetration and I swear his cock was no more than half way in her when she fucking came. He stopped and let her orgasm fully evolve and dissipate. Then he proceeded to slide it into her and fully laid completely on top of her as he cock was fully inserted in her. There was a pause and then he began the movements of fucking. Slow at first, which I could tell was driving my wife crazy, crazy in a good way. His fucking intensified and when he was at full throttle my wife came again, her body bucking under him, her hips lifting to devour his cock deep in her.

Meanwhile I was masturbating, wishing it was me fucking her, wishing I had his cock and most of all wishing I had the kind of fertile seed he produces.

The fucking went on for a few more minutes and then he stopped, looked at my wife and said he was going to cum. The thrusting resumed, hard, and soon his whole body tensed and he practically cried out that he was cumming, grunting and moaning, as he pumped what seemed like multiple loads of cum inside my wife.

I let myself cum as he was cumming. Was my load bigger than normal?

Clearly exhausted he rolled off my wife, I watched as his long cock was pulled out of her cunt, wet, still hard. My wife's cunt gapping wide open as she laid there, clearly sexually satisfied.

It was quite the scene, him naked laying on his back, his cock starting to deflate, his balls hanging low between his spread legs. My wife naked, looking like a beautiful fucked nymph, her breasts slightly leaning to each side. Me naked, my cum on my belly and some actually on my chest, sitting there looking at them.

Had he done the deed? Did he impregnate my wife over these seven days and if so which time did it happen.

Now we wait.
I just discovered this thread amd will catch up. You described a beautiful scene and I hope your beautiful bride is pregnant soon.
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Round 4 done. He wanted me holding my wife from behind as he fucked her. I was naked, my cock hard pressed against my wife's lower back, as he entered her, fucked her and came in her. I came as well as I was so horny, rubbing against her. His fertile seed deep in her and mine a mess on her back. I guess mine went were it belonged. They fucked a second time in our marital a little later, and he had me stay down stairs for this fucking. Love to watch, but not being there actually made me more horny and I masturbated. Being a good cuckold, I did not try to spy but I could clearly hear the bed movements. Later they both came downstairs and I could tell they took a shower together, my wife's hair still wet. I wonder if he did it again in the shower, but I know in my head some type of sexual activity took place in that shower.
I have learned with experience that not being in the room can be at least as hot as seeing my wife have sex or make love.
Something I can add, from my experiences with this situation: Breeding sex is the most INTENSE and satisfying sex we (women) can ever have. It is virtually impossible to engage in this and not feel any emotional attraction to the Lover involved. There is a difference between getting pregnant "accidentally", mening unplanned, and actually TRYING to get pregnant with someone. HUGE difference!!

You definitely made the right decision to ignore this.......making an issue of it at this point in the relationship would only further push her to him and away from you. It will not end well if you suddenly reverse direction on them.

What you DO need to do, is recognize that they are engaging in the most intense, satisfying, and EXCITING sexual adventure we (women) ever participate in, the act of accepting her Lovers sperm in her body to create life!! The emotions and feelings during this time are INTENSE!! You would do well to offer them space, time together, alone, so they can experience this RUSH of feelings and emotions and enjoy it for as long as it lasts. It will, most likely, run its course unless you attempt to prevent it from happening.

She will not want the relationship to end once she is pregnant. If anything, she will want MORE of him initially. Especially the first month or two after she finds that they are pregnant. And likely right through the pregnancy. Remember, you are not a real "participant" in the pregnancy, you are a viewer. Be smart and give them that ability to be together, alone, and as frequently as they desire. She may want to cut you off entirely. At least not cumming in her or engaging in any form of intercourse. It can be very trying for you at this time. You will see your wife essentially in love with someone else. But denying them the space will only further make that desire grow. You won't prevent anything that is going to happen from can only become the enemy of it happening if you try to prevent this.

We (women) may initially go into a situation like this driven by lust and the excitement of fantasiziing about it in the bedroom together, but we don't go THGOUGH with it for those reasons.....we do that because we have developed feelings and a desire to procreate with our Lover and that doesn't end because we ******** on a stick. There will be an initial moment of SHOCK....OMG, we really DID it!!.....but once that is over, her emotional attraction to her Lover who gave her his baby is going to be a ROCKET!! You may want to consider letting her share telling him they are having a baby alone, in bed, so they can share their emotions about the pregenancy openly and without worrying about what you think or feel about their level of emotion. I would suggest extending this offer to her at the very least, as this cannot be done twice. Thsi is a VERY special moment for them.

Just suggestions, based on my own emotions over the years of pregnancy risk and at time actually trying to get pregnant with a Lover. My husband still says that the singlemost sexually INTENSE, and also weirdest, phone call he has ever received was the day I called him and COLLAPSED in tears on the phone because my period started that morning at work and I had been CERTAIN that I had become pregnant with my Boss/Lover during a hastily planned trip to Cancun together to celebrate our decision to become full time any time Lovers versus just sneaking around when we traveled for business. I was CRUSHED and my husbandd is trying to console me, over the phone, as I WEEPED about not being pregnant by my Lover!!! Not many people can say they have made or received a call like that, LOL.

Be patient, be encouraging, be supportive, remain EXCITED like you were when they were just "trying" (assuming they have been successful), allow them the space and time together they will need and WANT, That way when its all said and done, you are a HERO and not the ZERO that encouraged this and then backed out on her when it actually happened. Make good decisions now, and they will pay off in the end.

J (the actually been here wife)
Very thoughtful advice J. Is your story about you and your boss becoming full time lovers posted here or anyplace we could read?
Very thoughtful advice J. Is your story about you and your boss becoming full time lovers posted here or anyplace we could read?
I know I have posted aboout it during our relationship numerous times, and how and why we ended the relationship.........but I don't remember ever posting the "how it started" story. It took a LONG time for it to happen, depsite our mutual interest, and isn't really very sexciting either to most people. Basic finally got ...... enough together to wake up in bed the next morning stuff........its the progression of the affair over the years that is more exciting and posted numerous times in various stages of our affair. J (the wife)
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