My wife has begun the official journey to being bred

I guess I should not have been surprised but I came home from work on Friday to find that my wife was having round 8 with him. As I was driving up to my house I saw his car in my driveway. Being niave I was wondering why he was at my house. But coming through the front door I instantly knew as I heard the familiar squeaking of our bed. He was fucking my wife. I stood there paralyzed. Do I leave and come back later, just stay downstairs and let them finish or go up and witness the fucking? I had no idea how long they had been fucking but I knew my wife would have typically gotten home about a half hour before me. As I stood there, I could hear my wife gasping, the sounds she makes as she is cumming. I was hard, fuck was I hard. I quickly stripped off my pants and briefs, freeing my rock hard cock and sat on the steps. Watching them fuck over those 7 days I could imagine exactly what was happening in my marital bed. I masturbated while they fucked, trying to slow down my pace as I knew he could go a long time and somehow I wanted to cum when I knew he was cumming. I was so horny and it was hard to not just quickly beat off. My cock head was oozing precum. Fuck when was he going to shoot his load. There was my wife cumming again and I almost lost control. Finally I heard my wife tell him to cum, that she needed him to cum and he grunted, the squeaking intensifying (was he going to break the bed) and he clearly was cumming, as was I. Fuck what a mess I made on the steps. I quickly cleaned up my mess and carrying my pants and briefs up the stairs, naked from the waist down, I went into my bedroom, knowing I would see them both naked. What I saw was him still on top of my wife and they were passionately kissing. I just stood there, until he noticed me. He moved off my wife, pulling his cock out of her cunt.

Was there guilt, shame, I saw on my wife's face? I knew it was not from the fucking, fuck she has fucked so many guys I have lost count, most with me there, some without me, some planned, some I found out later. Was she having feelings for him? Yes he could be the father of a baby for her, I guess that can lead to some kind of special feelings. But that kiss was more than just a lust kiss. There was passion in it. For a moment I felt like I could not breath.

To break the moment, my wife jumped out of bed, kissed me on the lips and said she was getting a shower. I just looked at him, laying there naked, clearly no embarrassment or guilt on his part. Not that I would expect that from the fact he was there fucking my wife, but that kiss. Was I just imagining it, was it nothing more than post intercourse? I did not, still do not , think so.

But I had a choice to make, make a big deal out of it or ignore it. Maybe this is why I am a cuckold, because I chose to ignore it.
I have thought about that possibility, but he said he has not had a vasectomy. Hopefully not lying, but he has always seemed trustworthy. And he genuinely wants to put a baby in my wife. Time will tell
Funnier if he was also shooting blanks and his wife got knocked up by her lover he was unaware of.
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Round 4 done. He wanted me holding my wife from behind as he fucked her. I was naked, my cock hard pressed against my wife's lower back, as he entered her, fucked her and came in her. I came as well as I was so horny, rubbing against her. His fertile seed deep in her and mine a mess on her back. I guess mine went were it belonged. They fucked a second time in our marital a little later, and he had me stay down stairs for this fucking. Love to watch, but not being there actually made me more horny and I masturbated. Being a good cuckold, I did not try to spy but I could clearly hear the bed movements. Later they both came downstairs and I could tell they took a shower together, my wife's hair still wet. I wonder if he did it again in the shower, but I know in my head some type of sexual activity took place in that shower.
Used to do this with my first wife. She had a long term Black Lover that was a friend to both of us, not just some guy she fucked. Denny came by everynight to see her. Occasionally I wold join in, and "assist" with her having sex. She would lay on top of me, her back to my chest, and they would go through all the machinations of getting ready for sex and when they were ready for penetration my "job" was to spread her cunt lips open for him and guide his cock in to her!! She was off the pill by then, but using her diaphragm religiously when she knew she was fertile, so there was no real risk but she and I talked about her geting pregnant by him ALL the time, and the three of us had many discussions about that possibility also. THere is NOTHING more intensely sexual than holding your wife while she is in the arms of another man with his cock BURIED inside of her making her cum over and over while begging for his sperm and feeling her tremble when he unloads inside of her as she orgasms yet again with him!!!

Something I can add, from my experiences with this situation: Breeding sex is the most INTENSE and satisfying sex we (women) can ever have. It is virtually impossible to engage in this and not feel any emotional attraction to the Lover involved. There is a difference between getting pregnant "accidentally", mening unplanned, and actually TRYING to get pregnant with someone. HUGE difference!!

You definitely made the right decision to ignore this.......making an issue of it at this point in the relationship would only further push her to him and away from you. It will not end well if you suddenly reverse direction on them.

What you DO need to do, is recognize that they are engaging in the most intense, satisfying, and EXCITING sexual adventure we (women) ever participate in, the act of accepting her Lovers sperm in her body to create life!! The emotions and feelings during this time are INTENSE!! You would do well to offer them space, time together, alone, so they can experience this RUSH of feelings and emotions and enjoy it for as long as it lasts. It will, most likely, run its course unless you attempt to prevent it from happening.

She will not want the relationship to end once she is pregnant. If anything, she will want MORE of him initially. Especially the first month or two after she finds that they are pregnant. And likely right through the pregnancy. Remember, you are not a real "participant" in the pregnancy, you are a viewer. Be smart and give them that ability to be together, alone, and as frequently as they desire. She may want to cut you off entirely. At least not cumming in her or engaging in any form of intercourse. It can be very trying for you at this time. You will see your wife essentially in love with someone else. But denying them the space will only further make that desire grow. You won't prevent anything that is going to happen from can only become the enemy of it happening if you try to prevent this.

We (women) may initially go into a situation like this driven by lust and the excitement of fantasiziing about it in the bedroom together, but we don't go THGOUGH with it for those reasons.....we do that because we have developed feelings and a desire to procreate with our Lover and that doesn't end because we ******** on a stick. There will be an initial moment of SHOCK....OMG, we really DID it!!.....but once that is over, her emotional attraction to her Lover who gave her his baby is going to be a ROCKET!! You may want to consider letting her share telling him they are having a baby alone, in bed, so they can share their emotions about the pregenancy openly and without worrying about what you think or feel about their level of emotion. I would suggest extending this offer to her at the very least, as this cannot be done twice. Thsi is a VERY special moment for them.

Just suggestions, based on my own emotions over the years of pregnancy risk and at time actually trying to get pregnant with a Lover. My husband still says that the singlemost sexually INTENSE, and also weirdest, phone call he has ever received was the day I called him and COLLAPSED in tears on the phone because my period started that morning at work and I had been CERTAIN that I had become pregnant with my Boss/Lover during a hastily planned trip to Cancun together to celebrate our decision to become full time any time Lovers versus just sneaking around when we traveled for business. I was CRUSHED and my husbandd is trying to console me, over the phone, as I WEEPED about not being pregnant by my Lover!!! Not many people can say they have made or received a call like that, LOL.

Be patient, be encouraging, be supportive, remain EXCITED like you were when they were just "trying" (assuming they have been successful), allow them the space and time together they will need and WANT, That way when its all said and done, you are a HERO and not the ZERO that encouraged this and then backed out on her when it actually happened. Make good decisions now, and they will pay off in the end.

J (the actually been here wife)
Something I can add, from my experiences with this situation: Breeding sex is the most INTENSE and satisfying sex we (women) can ever have. It is virtually impossible to engage in this and not feel any emotional attraction to the Lover involved. There is a difference between getting pregnant "accidentally", mening unplanned, and actually TRYING to get pregnant with someone. HUGE difference!!

You definitely made the right decision to ignore this.......making an issue of it at this point in the relationship would only further push her to him and away from you. It will not end well if you suddenly reverse direction on them.

What you DO need to do, is recognize that they are engaging in the most intense, satisfying, and EXCITING sexual adventure we (women) ever participate in, the act of accepting her Lovers sperm in her body to create life!! The emotions and feelings during this time are INTENSE!! You would do well to offer them space, time together, alone, so they can experience this RUSH of feelings and emotions and enjoy it for as long as it lasts. It will, most likely, run its course unless you attempt to prevent it from happening.

She will not want the relationship to end once she is pregnant. If anything, she will want MORE of him initially. Especially the first month or two after she finds that they are pregnant. And likely right through the pregnancy. Remember, you are not a real "participant" in the pregnancy, you are a viewer. Be smart and give them that ability to be together, alone, and as frequently as they desire. She may want to cut you off entirely. At least not cumming in her or engaging in any form of intercourse. It can be very trying for you at this time. You will see your wife essentially in love with someone else. But denying them the space will only further make that desire grow. You won't prevent anything that is going to happen from can only become the enemy of it happening if you try to prevent this.

We (women) may initially go into a situation like this driven by lust and the excitement of fantasiziing about it in the bedroom together, but we don't go THGOUGH with it for those reasons.....we do that because we have developed feelings and a desire to procreate with our Lover and that doesn't end because we ******** on a stick. There will be an initial moment of SHOCK....OMG, we really DID it!!.....but once that is over, her emotional attraction to her Lover who gave her his baby is going to be a ROCKET!! You may want to consider letting her share telling him they are having a baby alone, in bed, so they can share their emotions about the pregenancy openly and without worrying about what you think or feel about their level of emotion. I would suggest extending this offer to her at the very least, as this cannot be done twice. Thsi is a VERY special moment for them.

Just suggestions, based on my own emotions over the years of pregnancy risk and at time actually trying to get pregnant with a Lover. My husband still says that the singlemost sexually INTENSE, and also weirdest, phone call he has ever received was the day I called him and COLLAPSED in tears on the phone because my period started that morning at work and I had been CERTAIN that I had become pregnant with my Boss/Lover during a hastily planned trip to Cancun together to celebrate our decision to become full time any time Lovers versus just sneaking around when we traveled for business. I was CRUSHED and my husbandd is trying to console me, over the phone, as I WEEPED about not being pregnant by my Lover!!! Not many people can say they have made or received a call like that, LOL.

Be patient, be encouraging, be supportive, remain EXCITED like you were when they were just "trying" (assuming they have been successful), allow them the space and time together they will need and WANT, That way when its all said and done, you are a HERO and not the ZERO that encouraged this and then backed out on her when it actually happened. Make good decisions now, and they will pay off in the end.

J (the actually been here wife)
Thank you for telling me your feelings about getting pregnant by your lover and for your advice. I will try to follow it when I can. I have always assumed that a woman getting pregnant by a man intensifies their connection. Sex leads to emotional connection no doubt, at least in the moment when it is a one time thing, but the act of intercourse for the purpose to impregnate has to be such a rush, which is what you described, both for the man and the woman. From my perspective, I have felt that when I tried. The sex was so intense, but alas my seed did not do the trick. I guess after so many failures my wife no longer felt those feelings when we supposedly continued to try. Expains why she would take chances with guys she was fucking and especially with this current guy who was there to knock up my wife.
So I purchased three pregnancy tests on Friday on the way home from work. It felt so odd but exciting looking for the tests in the store. I was also nervous, both from the perspective that I was picking up these tests to see if another guy impregnated my wife as well as being seen by others picking up pregnancy tests.

When I drove home I was again surprised to see his car in the driveway. Were they fucking again? But apparently he had arrived at my house only a few minutes before me. As it turned out my wife invited him over. My wife asked for the tests and I handed them to her. I could tell she was so excited. Earlier in the day she had called me at work to tell me she still did not have her period and that she had no symptoms that she was getting it. To remind me to pick up the tests.

She opened a box and pulled out the pregnancy stick. I did remind her that they recommended that she take the test in the morning, but she was determined to find out. As she headed to the bathroom he asked if he could watch her take the test, which I thought was weird and that my wife would say no, but she agreed.

I had never watched my wife actually peeing. Not being shy, she stripped off her shorts and panties, exposing herself, but it was not like he hadn't see her pussy before. With my wife sitting on the toilet, him at the door watching, I could hear my wife peeing.

She came out of the bathroom carrying the stick, no modesty or care that she was naked from the waist down. Then we waited.

I have to admit that it was the longest 5 minutes and it was hard to watch him holding my wife.

There was the test, the results would be known as I my wife went over to pick it up. When she started crying I rushed over to her thinking it was negative and that she was devastated. But soon I realized they were not sad tears but happy tears.

My wife was finally pregnant. I wanted to hug my wife, but like the fucking to impregnate, he had her in his arms and she was holding onto him tight. I could tell he was just as excited as my wife. Finally they parted and I took my wife in my arms and told her how happy I was and how she would be a beautiful ....... We kissed and just for a moment, it was like the news was our news, just the two of us.

Oh how I wanted to make love to my wife, but he was there, which I quickly remembered.

I asked my wife if she wanted to put back on her clothes but she said it was celebration time and she pulled her shirt over her head, exposing her breasts. Taking my hand and grabbing his, she lead us to our bedroom. It did not take long for him and me to strip naked. He is pretty aggressive as he was soon licking my wife's cunt, the cunt he fucked to make this baby, while I fondled and sucked on my wife's tits.

Yes he penetrated and fucked her first and when he came and pulled out, I took his place. At this point it did not matter if my seed was fertile or not, but I have to admit it was a great fuck. Not quite the lovemaking I would have preferred, but definitely a hot time.
On ...... s Day we invited a guy over to fuck and hopefully breed my wife. We have been married 14 years and my seed just does not seem to do the job. We both want kids and if I cannot produce them, might well let another guy do it for me.

Unfortunately my wife did not get pregnant. So we made arrangements for him to come back for a seven day fuck fest. He has two kids so we know he is fertile. Once and done did not work so a steady stream of fertile seed will hopefully do the trick. Day one of fucking has occurred. He told us he beat off everyday for about a week and then abstained for the 7 days leading up to last night's fucking. After my wife keep his fertile seed in her well fucked cunt for long time, I have to say it was quite the load that slide out.

He actually brought her flowers and gave her a big hug when he arrived. We had drinks together and then went to our bedroom. I stripped my wife naked for him and watched him strip naked. I have seen him naked several times over the years and know what he has between his legs. Once my wife was naked, I stripped off my clothes and sat on the chair in our bedroom. I was as hard as he was, just not big like him. I have to say he made passionate love to my wife. The previous time he fucked her to get her pregnant it was definitely one of those wham bam thank you ma'am events. Which was hot but watching him hold my wife, lay her gently on the bed, kiss her breasts, suck on her nipples, lay on top of her, slowly spread her legs apart with his muscular legs. He did not just shove it in, but slowly rub his hard cock against her pussy lips. I could see my wife was getting quite horny and I knew she wanted him inside of her. And the moment arrived, as my wife reacted to the penetration of her cunt by his big thick hard cock. Needless to say he fucked her, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, bringing her to orgasm twice, before he reached his own orgasm, grunting and pumping his fertile seed in my wife's cunt.

I helped my wife put a pillow under her hips to keep his seed in her after he withdrew his cock. Day 1 of fucking was complete.One day i came home early to find my hubby sitting at home watching bbc cuck porn in panties stroking his lil cock lol at 1st i freaked out but now all i do is tease his lil cock while i search for some real dick.

One day i came home early to find my hubby sitting at home watching bbc cuck porn in panties stroking his lil cock lol at 1st i freaked out but now all i do is tease his lil cock while i search for some real dick.