Well, it’s official, my wife has been blacked!

I left for work this morning and she had him waiting right down the street.

He waited until I left, then went straight in my bedroom and fucked her.

She wasn’t even out of her pajamas yet and was still in bed just waiting for him.

I’m so proud of her! She really did it! My gorgeous wife gave herself to a black man!

She said he used her for almost 2 hours and she gave him literally everything he wanted. Blowjob, pussy, anal, and he came inside of her!

She said sex with a black man was so freaking intense! It wasn’t like making love, it was very very visceral sex. She’s never had anything like it. He obviously choked her a lot and he for sure slapped her across the face and ass a lot because she was still red and marked when I got home. She said it was the most intense experience she had ever had, and wants it to happen again.

She described the sex as “Brutal”, and said the most insane part was when he forced his dick down her throat until she almost blacked out, and kept slapping her in the face really hard while he did it. She said she didn’t even know where she was at after a while and he just kept forsing it in more and slapping her harder until she was seeing stars and gagging. She said he had her by the back of the head shoving it in, then he’d grab her hair, pull her head back and start slapping her in the face as hard as he could until she begged to have it back in her mouth. She said the pain of him slapping her and the way he was fingering and ripping at her pussy extremely roughly, literally getting his whole hand in there and pulling & stretching her pussy lips out until they started to tear, while she sucked him all combined was pure euphoria like she’s never felt before. She said it made her feel ways she never imagined, and she wants a lot more!
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Congratulations and welcome to the Dark Side!! LOL It is AMAZING watching our previously vanilla sexual white wives become literal whores for Black Lovers, and doing ANYTHING they ask of them. ANYTHING!! It will be a fun ride watching this develop over the next year or so. Support her in everything she does with and for him, you don't want to risk pushing her to him and away from you. Just go with it, enjoy the ride, no matter how unbelievable it may be. He won't be the only one either, he will let friends and family use her too!! And she will LOVE it. Keep us updated on how it goes. CW and J (the wife)
Congratulations and welcome to the Dark Side!! LOL It is AMAZING watching our previously vanilla sexual white wives become literal whores for Black Lovers, and doing ANYTHING they ask of them. ANYTHING!! It will be a fun ride watching this develop over the next year or so. Support her in everything she does with and for him, you don't want to risk pushing her to him and away from you. Just go with it, enjoy the ride, no matter how unbelievable it may be. He won't be the only one either, he will let friends and family use her too!! And she will LOVE it. Keep us updated on how it goes. CW and J (the wife)
Thank you!

It really is crazy to me that she has actually went through with this and started completely giving herself over to this black man like she has.

I mean, we are talking about a very much typical conservative southern soccer mom here (...... of 2), married for over 10 years, that is too prudish to even watch porn because she says it’s so embarrassing and taboo. She is very much just shy and by the numbers when it comes to sex, and you would never in a million years picture her letting a black man ...... her while he takes her anally while she begs him or any of the other crazy stuff like they have been doing. She honestly turned into a completely submissive slave for him, it was a transformation that was fucking shocking to see to say the least. I mean I have never seen her like that.

But she really lit up when the opportunity to have sex with a black man was really offered up. She admitted she has secretly always had a fantasy of being fucked by a black man and said she has even had very much explicit dreams about giving herself over to a few of them and fantasized about what it would be like to have the opportunity to finally get a black cock inside of her. She was super nervous, but really anxious to get started with him.

He has been fucking my wife for about two weeks now. I can’t really call what they are doing just “sex” because he fucking abuses her any way he wants when he gets ahold of her. She literally takes anything from him. He literally slaps her around and chokes her while he flat out shoves his cock down her throat and up her ass. And she just keeps begging him for it and tells him she wants it all harder!

Trust me, I have no intentions of stopping it or getting between them. It has all been incredibly cathartic for her and I am incredibly proud of her for everything she is giving him and letting him do to her, because it’s so amazing to see her open up that way and really go after what she really wants.

I love her even more for what they are doing and have never been more proud of her or thought she was more beautiful than I do when he finishes with her!
Well, he went by my house and fucked my wife again before she met me at church tonight. He said she had to “give up that ass” before he went home. She was already half dressed to leave for church lol.

She said she sucked him off until he came once in her mouth and then let him make some videos and take some pictures of her begging for him to send to his friends before she bent over for him and let him fuck her anally until he came inside of her.

Not sure how to feel about him getting full on videos and pictures of her being a whore like that. Especially knowing he’s sending her out like that to other people. She said she’s ok with it, and told him it was ok for him to send them all to other people, so I guess it’s all ok. She said it was just a few of her on her knees looking up while sucking him and begging him while bent over for him. And it was just a few pictures and videos while he was fucking her and while she posed for him this time.

She said he stretched her asshole out pretty good and she was a little sore sitting at church tonight lol.

And yes, I never get to do her anal like that, so you know it had to be a tight fit for him for sure! That lucky bastard!

At least she got him to get a few videos on her phone for me to see though!

I am so proud of her!
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Wow wonderful to read this. I have difficulty sustaining consistent and hard fucking. I cannot sustain it for long and cum too soon. I cum when my wife needs me to continue the fucking. I loved how the Bull could give that to your wife. I would love to see my wife enjoy that from a Black man. She thinks a Black man would be very difficult for her to handle.

Anyways wonderful to see your wife enjoy it. Please share more videos and pictures of her encounter.
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My wife had another short video on her phone that I thought you guys might enjoy from when he stopped by our house and fucked her Wednesday afternoon while she was getting ready for church.

She said this was when she was bent over for him and she was letting him take a lot of pictures of her from all around and he was getting videos of her looking back at him and begging him to fuck her in the ass.

She said she was already super wet from sucking him, and all the posing and letting him video her got her dripping wet. She said he faced timed some guy in the middle of it and she talked to him for a minute while showing herself off for him too.

She said he was wiping his black dick all over her pussy to get it slippery so that he could fuck her anally. And it obviously worked as a great lube because he went straight to it and fucked her asshole pretty hard!

Enjoy the short clip! Hopefully they’ll get me more soon!
Well this morning was an interesting morning!

My wife and I were in bed and we hadn’t been awake for very long at all and my wife got a text from the black guy that has been using her.

He was going to be near our house this morning on his way to work and he said, and I quote, “Bitch I’m coming to fuck your white ass this morning”.

He also told her to have makeup on and be looking good because she was going to be on video sucking his dick this morning.

My wife immediately texted him to “Please come!” and sent me to Starbucks, because she wanted it anyway and just told me to wait there and not order until she texted me that he was through with her and leaving so that it wouldn’t be all cold when I was able to come back home.

She hopped right out of bed and started doing her makeup and told me I needed to go ahead and go because he was only about 15 minutes away and I needed to not be around when he got here. And that I needed to take the kids with me because they didn’t need to hear them. I quickly got them dressed and left.

I went to Starbucks and waited for what seemed like forever, and I finally got a message from her saying he was through with her and I could come back home. It had been over an hour and a half since I left. I quickly ordered us our coffee and headed back home.

When I got home she was fully dressed and in the kitchen ready to enjoy her coffee with me.

She apologized that I had to stay gone so long and told me the reason it took them a while was because he made a lot of videos of her sucking his dick and also made her hold his balls in her mouth for a long time while he jacked off filming her. He also bent over and had her lick his ass on camera as well, which is absolutely insane to me. I never thought she would do something like that!

She said after all of that, and cumming in her mouth, he fucked her pussy and in the ass. He started to cum in her ass but she told him she wanted it in her pussy instead, so he gave it to her. She said it was all amazing and she said I was the greatest husband ever for letting her give herself to a black man and finish it off by bringing her her favorite coffee! She said she is the luckiest woman on earth.

As usual she made sure to get a few videos for me on her phone.

She said the first one is him fucking her pussy, and the second is when he switched and started fucking her asshole.

The kids were up and she said she already had a lot of great sex and was already fully dressed for the day and didn’t really want to have to get all undressed again and wasn’t really in the mood for sex with me right then anyway, so I didn’t get to do anything with her right afterwards, but I will be tonight!
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I left for work this morning and she had him waiting right down the street.

He waited until I left, then went straight in my bedroom and fucked her.

She wasn’t even out of her pajamas yet and was still in bed just waiting for him.

I’m so proud of her! She really did it! My gorgeous wife gave herself to a black man!

She said he used her for almost 2 hours and she gave him literally everything he wanted. Blowjob, pussy, anal, and he came inside of her!

She said sex with a black man was so freaking intense! It wasn’t like making love, it was very very visceral sex. She’s never had anything like it. He obviously choked her a lot and he for sure slapped her across the face and ass a lot because she was still red and marked when I got home. She said it was the most intense experience she had ever had, and wants it to happen again.

She described the sex as “Brutal”, and said the most insane part was when he forced his dick down her throat until she almost blacked out, and kept slapping her in the face really hard while he did it. She said she didn’t even know where she was at after a while and he just kept forsing it in more and slapping her harder until she was seeing stars and gagging. She said he had her by the back of the head shoving it in, then he’d grab her hair, pull her head back and start slapping her in the face as hard as he could until she begged to have it back in her mouth. She said the pain of him slapping her and the way he was fingering and ripping at her pussy extremely roughly, literally getting his whole hand in there and pulling & stretching her pussy lips out until they started to tear, while she sucked him all combined was pure euphoria like she’s never felt before. She said it made her feel ways she never imagined, and she wants a lot more!
It only took him 2 hours to make YOUR wife HIS fuckslut. She is going to go back for more, more, and more.
My wife had another short video on her phone that I thought you guys might enjoy from when he stopped by our house and fucked her Wednesday afternoon while she was getting ready for church.

She said this was when she was bent over for him and she was letting him take a lot of pictures of her from all around and he was getting videos of her looking back at him and begging him to fuck her in the ass.

She said she was already super wet from sucking him, and all the posing and letting him video her got her dripping wet. She said he faced timed some guy in the middle of it and she talked to him for a minute while showing herself off for him too.

She said he was wiping his black dick all over her pussy to get it slippery so that he could fuck her anally. And it obviously worked as a great lube because he went straight to it and fucked her asshole pretty hard!

Enjoy the short clip! Hopefully they’ll get me more soon!
Hmm I don't see a clip, is it in your media here?
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We know exactly where she is with this, J has been there before with several Black Lovers. Curious, is she on birth control? With the level of desire she has for him, and the level of use he is exhibiting, it can't be long before the subject of him breeding her comes up (if it hasn't already).
Has he started talking about sharing her with his friends and family? He's sending them video to show off his ownership of her, it can't be long before he has her servicing them also.

CW and J