Most taboo fantasy?

Well, to new comers like us that's "kinky". We aren't used to realism of fantasy. For someone in the LS for decades, I'm sure it's nothing.
It's not "nothing" but it's good fun and certainly not shocking. With all the horrible things that go on in our World, this is a welcome relaxation and harmless fun when it's consensual.
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My taboo fantasy would be my wife seducing the neighbor boys, teaching them.
Then I get to taste teen cum out of her
o yes that,s so naughty!did you ask your wife?I asked my wife last year,a bit nervous to ask,if she would dress a bit more sexy&slutty in front of ......&his friends and when family came over(got many nephews)and first she said i was a pervert but why not she softly whispered,and now it,s her fav to put miniskirt&thigh highs etc with her high heel open sandals with anclestraps to flirt and tease a bit


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My taboo fantasy would be my wife seducing the neighbor boys, teaching them.
Then I get to taste teen cum out of her
My ex told me that she had fantasies of teaching young boys in a classroom setting how to please a woman. One by one they would come to the front of the classroom and she would instruct them. She emphasized that it was only a fantasy but I have my suspicions that it was more than that.
Also, my ex's sister in law contacted my ex. She and her hubby (my wife's brother) were swingers and wanted for the four of us to get together. Hmmmm. My wife turned it down but I have to wonder. As I've said, I suspect there was more going on in that family than I knew about. I alsi suspect my ex cucked me with her grandson and her stepson.

I also fantasized about being forced to be the family sex slave and more. Perhaps being ...... and set up with one of the teen girls and ...... pictures taken to ensure my cooperation and silence.
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I dated a girl for over a year that growing up she was raised by her uncle her dad and two older brothers I had always thought they were very close I had no idea how much so she always was against having children and from what I understood had been on birth control since she started her first period Because of regulation issues well her family come in to visit her brother's and her dad stayed with us while they were in town no big deal first few days were difficult then I started noticing the change in her mood the way she would dress the attitude I brought it up and she shrugged it off as being surrounded by a bunch of men and that she had always dressed however she wanted it was our house anyway she said well over that weekend we decided that we would all have a few drinks a few turned into a lot and Saturday night I drink too much too fast and was sick and had laid down to try to rest and after I started to feel okay I realized how late it had gotten in my life still had not come to bed so I want to check and as I made my way down the stairs I heard playful giggles and gasps and quiet moans not sure what it was I quietly made my way towards the noise and found her dancing completely nude in front of them all three rubbing up and down her body as she danced and they watched and rubbed their cocks I was froze didn't know what to even say and couldn't seem to want to take my eyes away as she dance and run her hands over her body they told her how much they had missed her and it seemed to encourage her to get more into her music and her hand made its way down between her thighs as she put one leg on the coffee table view of them all made herself buckle to the ground as she exploded I couldn't believe my eyes and then her father told her that it had been too long for them all and started directing her to move to the couch with her brothers and without hesitation she set between them and they went to rubbing biting kissing feeling her fool of there fingers to eating her out while the other was in her mouth until she drained them both and when they had both finished without a word she kneeled in front of her father pulled out his cock and put it in her mouth slowly enjoying trying to fit every inch down her throat then raised off the ground and sit down on top of it on his lap until he was completely inside her then she leaned back and started playing with her p**** until she exploded again then rode him like he was a psychotic bull in a rodeo begging him to cum telling him that she wanted it that both of them never gave her enough only he could obviously not being the first time she had done this by far I set hid on the steps and watched once he had finished he rose her up just enough to where it was dripping out of her onto his cock then he did something that she had never even let me do he slit his cock into her ass and had her sit back down facing away from him then her brothers f***** her in her p**** while her dad's cock was in her ass under her in his lap and she never hesitated in fact I had never seen her so excited and submissive after that about a week had gone by when they had left we were drinking and I mentioned how close they all were and how most of the outfits she had worn while they were there you could see her p**** in every pair of shorts her shirts were so tight you could see her nipple rings or she would be in one of my t-shirts and nothing else and wouldn't hesitate to bend over she said well I just don't pay them attention like I do most men they have seen me before it's no big deal I asked if they had over made a comment or anything I could see her face turn red and she said well yeah any man would and yes she was right 135 lb 5'6 nice beautiful perky body and all the right places any man would look I asked her if she wanted them to look maybe and she looked at me almost excited and ashamed so before she could say anything I told her that that was perfectly okay there was nothing wrong with wanting the attention as long as she didn't shame herself into feeling guilty that it wouldn't be good for her mental health a few minutes went by and she calmed down and asked why I brought it up so I told her that I had noticed the difference in her attitude and that she was always soaking wet anytime I touched her she instantly started turning red again and I assured her that it wasn't as uncommon as most think and that I didn't judge her for it she was at ease for the most part and I thought well maybe I should lighten the mood so I put my hand at her ...... shirt to find her soaked so I started saying see maybe you did want them to see you maybe you wanted them to admire your body she quickly cim so hard she screamed so I kept on talking more about that she had problem done it before that they had probably seen her beautiful tight curves plenty over the years because she would dress so they could or accidentally leave doors cracked when showering or changing I asked if she ever knew that they were watching and she admitted that she had played with herself knowing that one of them were watching before that she always come harder when it was like that and I agreed I said yeah you definitely cum harder she looked at me like how do you know and ask did I mean right then because of what I was saying and I told her not exactly and I could see her tensing up so I went ahead and told her that I was meaning how hard she had the other night while dancing downstairs she started getting red and stammering and asked what did I see so I told her that I made it to the bottom of the steps to her dancing nude and watched until it was over