Absolute beginner when it comes to notion of chastity but interested in trying a cage for some of our roleplay. wld so appreciate advice on something inexpensive under $50ish, but decent quality. also wondering how confining it ought to be. I can be quite small when flaccid, but am not always. is it desirable to have it fit snug on the absolute smallest state a penis can achieve?
Some of the ones I see in pics -- like hotwifelexi's man -- look really small. I could probably fit that too at my absolute smallest, but it would definitely be packed in. should there be any space to accomodate some level of arousal? I know I see pics where it looks like guys are quite swollen in their cages, at least semi-aroused. is it dangerous to allow/not allow for that with fit? seems like it might almost be better to wear something that shuts it down absolutely. and can damage be done to the organ? we're thinking just short term wear, perhaps the duration of a sex session.