Married but feel guilt around trying cock

I am not sure most women see it as "unfaithful" as much as feeling deceived because they didn't know.

When my wife and I were dating she told me she had heard I gave blowjobs and asked if it was true. I lied. Years later when I admitted the truth she was upset because she had not known all along.
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I can definitely understand the perceived guilt or feeling doing it may be some sort of unfaithfulness on the husband's part. In my first marriage my ex would have seen it as cheating but she was very closed minded. With my wife now since we have done many MFM adventures it was kind of inevitable. Admittedly my apprehension and hang ups was what prevented it. In my opinion you would want the wife on board with your desire to experiment. Like others have mentioned find a clean like-minded married guy who is in same boat as you. That's what I did. My advice, be cautious, selective, and of course discrete.