You do have a choice, everyone does, including your wife. Don't pressure, you can "lean" but not pressure. i have been in this situation although not in your shoes, i was the person having the affair. nine months. so your wife is relatively new the "honeymoon" stage. She needs to know what she will lose, who she will lose and also how to respect you again as her HUSBAND. My wife did this to me and we are still together. i literally sat at the door with a suitcase after all she had thrown at me and cursed me and god knows what, i asked he "do YOU want me to stay" and she said "YES". but she still hated me for a while as you will with her, Now she will dress in new clothes and ask, "do i look as good as your girlfriend?" and laugh. She made me realise what id lose and she was right!. you need to make your wife realise what she will lose with you, not just letting go.. good luck sir dont just give up if you love her x