keep pushing?

Yes don't push her too hard or she might backtrack. Let her go out to a bar looking hot so she can flirt with guys hitting on her. That should boost her confidence and you never know maybe more.
Tbh with a couple of drinks inside me, I don't put up much resistance if a guy I like the look of starts chatting me up. Admittedly that's probably why I'm there anyway - it is by far the easiest way to find guys.
But even if she just enjoys an evening of flirting and nothing more, it is still moving in the right direction and giving her ego a boost too xx
I think i'm close to having my wife fuck another man but she still hesitant. Do I keep pushing or back off of the subject just for a little while?
maybe see if she would be up for a session of swinging first. that way both people are guilty of the same thing. if she liked it and would be willing to do it again, do it a few more times then slowly back out of the scene where it is just her doing it. she just needs to be comfortable with the idea and know there is no risk involved. I wouldn't be forsing anything on her though. some wives will absolutely not do it. the pushing can cause major problems. also be careful what you ask for, you may just get it. for many men it is a fantasy, but when it becomes reality they can't handle it as well as they thought they would.
Don't push. Because even if you try not to push, it will likely still feel like pushing to her. Just be patient and enjoy the journey. She likely needs to feel safe and that she has at least some measure of control over how things go. Nurture those feelings in her, and nature will take care of the rest. She already knows you want it. My guess is that if you lighten up on the "encouragement", in time, she will bring it up, asking you if you were really serious about that. It's a helluva lot more exciting when you know your wife is thinking considering it on her own, and knowing that when she finally does it, it's because she really wants to! But be patient. It takes time, maybe even a few years.
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Almost got it done the other night, she backout because of preg risk and std risk how can i get my wife over these fears? We had a guy go with us to our hotel room and they fooled around some then he went to put on a condom and she said what if it breaks.
Almost got it done the other night, she backout because of preg risk and std risk how can i get my wife over these fears? We had a guy go with us to our hotel room and they fooled around some then he went to put on a condom and she said what if it breaks.
Well they might be genuine concerns she has or they might be the reasons she's using to convince herself because she's nervous about this.
It's great that she got as far as fooling around with a guy. So why not find a guy who is willing just to have some soft play with her for the time being. Lots of kissing and exploring each other's bodies, bringing each other to orgasm through oral sex or mutual masturbation. That way she can get to know and trust a guy (this might work whether her concerns are genuine or just the excuses she's making to herself) and once she's feeling more confident about this and about him they can move on to penetrative sex. And who knows, if he's good at making her cum with his fingers and tongue, she may end up begging him to fuck the hell out of her.
Wish you luck xx
Send her on a date by herself. Let her get used to the romance and chemistry while going through the ritual of getting to know him. Believe me she will talk herself into it if she feels any attraction to him. Even if they don't have sex, it will settle her nerves not having you around and get her into it mre naturally.
if you have her naked in a room with another male --- both of you should have kept kissing her and sucking her tits and licking her pussy and make her cum. It is about pleasing her and making her cum not about a cock in her pussy.