Do I give up?


Trying to keep this post short. Wife and I just got back from our first get away without our ...... in over 5 years.
Its been close to 10 years since she has fucked another guy, prior to that she let me watch her with over 15 guys. I asked if she has any regrets, which she answered no but continuted with "but i have no intrest in doing that anymore, it was fun at the time, but since we already did that MMF route, that time has passed and prefer to keep it there"
I knew she had lost intrest in doing 3 ways and figured she was just being nice about it everytime she said "maybe next time..."

I still get off on fucking my wife, licking her clit, kissing her feet and giving her rim jobs on a regular basis but I miss watching her getting fucked by other guys.

Question is should i just drop the 3 way requests?
it is such a frustrating situation when a wife did used to slut around, goes off it and then refuses to go back. We feel so cheated, but if she doesnt want to there is fuck all u can do about it
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Trying to keep this post short. Wife and I just got back from our first get away without our ...... in over 5 years.
Its been close to 10 years since she has fucked another guy, prior to that she let me watch her with over 15 guys. I asked if she has any regrets, which she answered no but continuted with "but i have no intrest in doing that anymore, it was fun at the time, but since we already did that MMF route, that time has passed and prefer to keep it there"
I knew she had lost intrest in doing 3 ways and figured she was just being nice about it everytime she said "maybe next time..."

I still get off on fucking my wife, licking her clit, kissing her feet and giving her rim jobs on a regular basis but I miss watching her getting fucked by other guys.

Question is should i just drop the 3 way requests?

My tip would be to never give up. It only takes one time to say "yes." Try being honest and tell her how much you miss it, maybe that you're craving it, and that you want to suck a dick WITH her. You may never actually do it and it may be an uncomfortable conversation, but at least it's honest and she knows you true feelings. I am guessing you have not ventured out on your own as some guys do who become dick suckers. Again, the two of you may never act on it again. This is all about communication.
Never Ever Give Up. I see so many replies about how it has to be her idea, respect her wishes, don't push her. Ignore it. If you do not ask, and keep the conversation going, it will not happen. It is just as much her responsibility to respect your desires for a sex life. Right now your wife controls the sexual agenda and has veto power over what and with whom things happen. That is fundamentally wrong. Once an activity has been established and repetitive , it is ok to insist that it continue. Unless she has a good reason for denying you the sex life you need and want, and she can articulate those reasons rationally, then it is within your rights to tell her what you need and why. "I do not feel like it" is not a reason - that's a veto. You will get a lot of "..its all about communication..." replies. And they are right. But it is also about sexual activity in a marriage being a two way street - and you are entitled to insist on it.
Trying to keep this post short. Wife and I just got back from our first get away without our ...... in over 5 years.
Its been close to 10 years since she has fucked another guy, prior to that she let me watch her with over 15 guys. I asked if she has any regrets, which she answered no but continuted with "but i have no intrest in doing that anymore, it was fun at the time, but since we already did that MMF route, that time has passed and prefer to keep it there"
I knew she had lost intrest in doing 3 ways and figured she was just being nice about it everytime she said "maybe next time..."

I still get off on fucking my wife, licking her clit, kissing her feet and giving her rim jobs on a regular basis but I miss watching her getting fucked by other guys.

Question is should i just drop the 3 way requests?
Let her have her time. I think she’s not there anymore. Wait for the signs if she gets horny again