I let her know my fantasy months ago. Not sure how to proceed. (28M/23F)

Wish me luck
You know better than anyone what may open or close conversation. Here is a possible approach. Use it or not. As I say — you know her best.

As a strategy, you want to invite her into a conversation about growing your experiences together.

So you raise the matter of exploring this, and she replies saying she just couldn’t.

Maybe she says that she can’t enjoy sex without a strong bond with that person.

Now the question is, “what emotions does your wife need to create that emotional bond she needs to enjoy sex.

Have her write out these, or do it yourself. Suppose she says …

Whatever …

Get that list. Then have her rank these in order of importance.

This is where you invite her into that conversation:

Is it possible that …

… if we invited a stud for a cuckolding scenario, you could feel safe?

… you could feel attraction to someone beside me [say a celebrity crush]?

… etc.

Draw her into dialogue. Listen very carefully. Report back here.

Many women struggle to imagine that sex with others means missing that emotional bond with her husband, when it really opens a way to an insanely euphoric emotional tsunami with him.

Another suggestion: consider listening to the Venus Cuckoldress podcast with her. That can open eyes and minds to new things. After each episode, you can continue by discussing what was said. Venus gives a woman’s take on cuckoldry and raises in one or another episode most any point she can make.
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