How often do you have sex with your wife ?

Damn near daily. When I get home from work she's either laying on her back on our bed, with her legs spreading finger fucking herself waiting on me. Or I come into the bedroom and she is bent over the end of the bed with her jeans available panties pulled down to her knees, waiting for me to use her pussy as I see fit.
Omfg lucky you
Sadly not as much as I would like, due to the nature of my work I travel a lot and often spend months away from home. When home family time takes preference and we are almost always surrounded by kids or family. For every once I get to fuck her, she probably has 10 times or more sex with her bulls or playmates. I get to see het have more sex than I get to have with her.
Lucky bulls
All married women should have several boyfriends
I have been so happy to have other men fucking my wife
My wife doesn't have other boyfriends, per se, but has a small circle of 3-4 guy friends that she went to school and grew up with. She is comfortable to be with them alone w/o me there. They all live out of town but come to town every so often to visit their parents/family. So when one does, he'll randomly stop by my house while I'm at work to see if he can fuck my wife. She hasn't turned them down, yet. Usually she'll have them take pics with her phone of her used cum filled pussy and text them to me while I'm at work and just say so and so stopped by.
I'm getting less and less turned on by her to be honest. Thinking of other guys having her gets me going but just being with her doesn't get me going as much as it used to.
These days I'm leaving it up to her to initiate sex so it doesn't happen very often.