How many times has lover been with her?


I read posts asking how many men a wife has been with. Answers are all over the place.
For us it's 3.
How many times ? One guy once, different guy 3 times.
The guy we see now is the guy we did it our first time. 6 times in 3 years then we got into it pretty good. For about 2 years it's been one, two and sometimes three times a month.
Twice a month times 24 months, that's 48 visits with him. Probably a little more.
When I think about it that's a bunch.
Wife's 1st bull met with us about 3-4 times a month, he had my wife every month for the better part of the year before he had to move out of state for work.

It gave us both great joy to have him bed my wife and that he would take the time to spend nights with her. I got to watch and my wife had me take pics and video of their love making.

Wife's 1st bull met with us about 3-4 times a month, he had my wife every month for the better part of the year before he had to move out of state for work.

It gave us both great joy to have him bed my wife and that he would take the time to spend nights with her. I got to watch and my wife had me take pics and video of their love making.

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GOD you guys ate HOT!! I ahte condoms too, would rather risk a pregnancy than use them. And I LOVE feeling my Lovers cum DEEP inside of me!! J (the wife)
As I mentioned before my wife started fucking when she was 17 and in the army, we didn't meet til she was 30 and got married 6 months later, my wife told me that most of the guys she's been with before and after we got married were one time each and very few that she fucked more than once, after we retired from the army I started sharing her with my best friend and that's been going now for years now.
As I mentioned before my wife started fucking when she was 17 and in the army, we didn't meet til she was 30 and got married 6 months later, my wife told me that most of the guys she's been with before and after we got married were one time each and very few that she fucked more than once, after we retired from the army I started sharing her with my best friend and that's been going now for years now.
Dm me would love to chat with you about her
I've been in, what I would consider, 3 long term relationships with cuck couples. One particular couple for about 5 years. We were exclusive to each other. I was in my mid 20's, they were mid 50's. She was that dynamic, gym going, business owning, fun loving woman we've all admired at some point. He was a tall, slim, brilliantly funny, intelligent and totally devoted to her.

I'd see them every month to begin with, which ended up sometimes being twice a week. Mr counted up once that we'd met over 200 times

The 3 of us grew really close and I was lucky enough to take the lovely wife on holiday with me a few times, short 3-4 days away just the 2 of us with lots of updates going back home vis phone and laptop ... during the evenings.

They both retired in their early 60's and moved to their dream home in Scotland so things had to end.
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I've had a several of long term bulls (6 months+).I was having far more sex with them than hubby. Used to do ...... overs and even took a holiday with one of them. Other guy I've met maybe six or seven times over a couple of months and a few it might be long term but only meet once or twice a year when they are in town.