How many wives in this lifestyle actually fuck.

Sorry for long response but wanted to get this out there.

We know that the concept of an open marriage like ours would sound strange to some people, and is not for everybody. Especially since a part of the foundation in a traditional marriage is, monogamy and having sex with other people a taboo. Typically, once you are married if you have sex with another person outside of the marriage it is cheating. That is one of the things about our marriage, which makes it so unique. The boundaries of our marriage are not traditional, and not like anyone else’s. Having sex with other people has only made us closer as a couple, and has enhanced our “sex life”. We have a marriage of trust, honesty, and most importantly openness. This openness is what has allowed us to pursue relationships with people outside of our marriage and freely communicate about our sexual desires. We have found that a lack of communication is the root of most problems in relationships. When it comes to sex in our marriage, we think outside the box. Having this open relationship has allowed us to talk about our thoughts, feelings, and boundaries when it comes to sex. It has been an important part of what has made our marriage so solid.

Like everyone else, our relationship is founded on our love for each other, but love is not the same as sex. We do not equate sex with others and our love for each other as the same. For us the two are mutually exclusive. Sex is centered on intimacy, but we believe intimacy can be either emotional or physical. For us, to be emotionally intimate we have to be in love with that person. This emotional intimacy is something we only share with each other. However, we think you can share a physical intimacy with anyone you choose.

So why do we have sex with other people? It is not about getting something we do not get from each other. In fact, it is the feeling of completeness we get from one another that allows us to think about sex with others. One of the differences in our marriage is that we have been able to take the sex to another level. That we both can have other sexual partners, and not feel threatened by it. We think if there was something missing, and we were seeking out other people to fill that void, then that would be a problem. We see having sex with another person as just another aspect of our overall sex life. However, we do not put any value on it beyond that. We have always said that sex with other people should be to add or enhance our sex life and it has.

When we have sex with other people, it is just us having fun. We feel the “adventures” we have had we others has been all about having “sexual fun”. We want to both please each other and see each other being pleased by others. We know what our love is, how strong it is, and how solid our marriage is, and this gives us the freedom we need to do this. We have complete faith and in trust in each other and never feel threatened by others. When we are with other people, the sex satisfies desires, fulfill a fantasy’s, and used to explore erotic ideas.

I have had sex with over 20 men since me and my husband have been together with a life time total of partners over 40. We have posted several pics on her of some of these adventures but understand where your coming from. There probably are wives, husbands, couples who are just talking the talk but not waking the walk. To a certain extent we do care what others think but this is what we do not what we are asking them to do. We are discrete when it comes to our lifestyle for many reasons one of which is we do not want to be judge. As we said our marriage has always been rock solid as is our love for one another. One thing we have found to be really special is the "reclaiming" of each other after having our fun with others. Again sorry for long response.
You are so right. We got into.the lifestyle about 3 years ag😵UR relationship has changed for the bettershe works out takes better care of her self..She plays i do not..She loves getting dressed up to.go.out to play.I suppoert her and encourage her. I but her clothes help her dress at times. Sometimes she leaves before i get home . I know that shes as i see the oroof Makeup.left on.the counter her jewelry box left open...Her boot box on the bed empty. She staryed dresing more extrne when she started extreme revealing outfits short skirt extrene high heels . Makeup jewelry and the day that she going out a different attitude . She acts and questions how do.i.look. Ill be late etc. Then i know she going to.get well.taken care off tonight especially when she says DONT WAIT UP.but i do knowing that when she comes home its my turn to.make LOVE TO.RECLAIM HER. we could never go back it brought our a different and rewarding side to.both of us . Please let me know what you think. Your coom are appreciated we will respond
I have never felt that sites like this were intended to be hook up sites. This is more for exchange of ideas, photos and stories about experiences in the lifestyle. If you happen to find a couple willing to meet you that would be great but I don't think it happens very much. Just my opinion
Your are right but it shows that people are interested in the lifestyle and what oothervpeople want and do Sometimes it gives us ideas to.bring our lifestyle to a higher level
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I’m sure sometimes people or couples get lucky on here and find others to play with.

But it’s been my experience that my wife and I have found more luck in places like lounges and bars.

Most sites have flakes and/or people who just want you to send pics and videos the whole time.
My wife goes to.high scale lounges hotels etc..There is alot of traveling business men and regular men.that go to.these places shes meet some of the guys she sees on a regular basis there