How many wives in this lifestyle actually fuck.

je suis un éjaculateur précoce et une bite de 14 cm et 11 cm de circonférence je pense qu'après 30 ans de vie commune elle n'a que rarement eu un orgasme et j'ai remarqué que depuis 3 ans environ elle se fait belle quand elle sort travailler et jamais pour moi est ce qu'elle n'aurait pas un mec qui la baise à ma place
cotre avis s'il vous plait
W: here. My husband and I played with his friends years ago. I thought we were just having fun. He found this site, over a year ago he and would randomly ask me to take pictures. I didn't know why or really care. He told me later it was for a site, which I was aware of... but did not know what that meant. I now know what the pics were for and sometimes encourage him to post. We've enjoyed the company of others more recently, but no one that we've met here.