How many men has your wife fucked?

LMAO,really.ok ok pml.its no secret I'm 56we have been married for 34 so if we just go from there ,subtract the women,probably around omg.that's a lot of dick,um lets say 500.but the number is closer to double or better of that,and some are repete y'all help me 4 or 5 guys a month maybe 3 some months.and have been doing this for 34 years .in going to stop now .xoxo Lynn
LMAO,really.ok ok pml.its no secret I'm 56we have been married for 34 so if we just go from there ,subtract the women,probably around omg.that's a lot of dick,um lets say 500.but the number is closer to double or better of that,and some are repete y'all help me 4 or 5 guys a month maybe 3 some months.and have been doing this for 34 years .in going to stop now .xoxo Lynn
Thanks Lynn...being conservative lets say 3 a month for 34 years....😱😱😱 ...that's OMG 😕😕😕
  • Like
Reactions: ntcuck
  1. Openandready (Lynn)....1,200+ estimated
  2. 2wheel............................500 estimated
  3. hotslutwife (Lina)............250+
  4. Frank Bardstown............224
  5. txrock (Phyliss)...............200+
  6. nstymf............................150+
  7. xxxcouplexxx (Becky)....150+ approximately
  8. DebandI (Deborah)........100+
  9. stonemtncouple...............52
  10. mikewatchesjoann...........50+
  11. Mr K...................................50 approximately
  12. wetwild..............................50 approximately
  13. tinydick49..........................43 approximately
  14. Bo Day...............................37
  15. Cuckmeplease..................37
  16. Shellbeyourslut................30 estimated
  17. amarraj.............................21
  18. mywifeforyou...................21 approximately
  19. General Lee......................20+
  20. Markindy...........................20 approximately
  21. Nathaniel..........................20 approximately
  22. John Cheese....................19
  23. Oklacpl.............................18
  24. Joe4fun............................16
  25. Abbyandcraig (Abby)......15 estimated
  26. subhub.............................12 estimated
  27. Jammy..............................12
  28. ctbuer...............................12 approximately
  29. ontariocpl12.....................11
  30. desertsub.........................11
  31. Pounderful.......................11
  32. Chazie................................9
  33. Nyyoungcpl32...................8
  34. Takeoff...............................7
  35. Bob243..............................7
  36. STLcouple..........................7
  37. numnuts56........................6
  38. carlosxm...........................5
  39. Italianboy..........................4
  40. Curvylover........................3
  41. Michael F Jox....................2
  42. FWwifeshare....................1
  43. Uk_ex................................1
Apologies if I have missed anyone or got your number wrong 🙁 let me know and I'll try to correct it

Fuck me...where are all you ladies or should I say sluts 😉 when I need you. The top, you certainly are hotwives
LMAO,really.ok ok pml.its no secret I'm 56we have been married for 34 so if we just go from there ,subtract the women,probably around omg.that's a lot of dick,um lets say 500.but the number is closer to double or better of that,and some are repete y'all help me 4 or 5 guys a month maybe 3 some months.and have been doing this for 34 years .in going to stop now .xoxo Lynn
I like this idea myself whilst I don't want to be specific(although I could be very exact as I have kept details of every one) as my wifes nos are very high and could be viewed by some as a figment on my imagination
but this estimating is fun!!!!
my wife first started playing 28 yrs ago so it wasn't
yr 1 to yr 5 average 3/4 times week
yrs 5 to 8 slightly lower 2.5 times per week
yrs 8to 10 great jump to 4/5 week
yrs 10 to 11 2 a week
yrs 11 to 13 3 a week
yrs 13 to date 5 a week
be interesting to see who gets the closest
any other detail I will only give by pm
Hi sorry for my English, since we start my Sexy wife has fucked:
1.- gas station boy
2.- a boy in his office
3.- the same boy next to his cousin
4.- a single boy
5.- a mature man
6.-a Spanish guy from Barcelona
7.- a German oral sex
8.- a hotel receptionist
9.- a worker
10.- a musician
11.- a doctor
12.- an engineer
13. - a master oral sex
Don't apologise your English is far better than a lot of people's 🙂 I will add you to the list.
I'm curious how many cucks know how many other men have had your wife? Mine won't tell me exactly but I have a hunch. I'm wondering where she is in relation to others out there!
My wife told me she had 17 before her first marriage,after she got divorced another 9,then we got married,and since we've been into the cuck lifestyle about another 11-12.
Probably a few more ,that I don't know about,lol.
They use an equation - multiply total she gives you by 5,then divide by 3, its quite accurate they say.
So she's probably had around 50 so far.
  • Like
Reactions: Mdcouple17
  1. Openandready (Lynn)....1,200+ estimated
  2. 2wheel............................500 estimated
  3. hotslutwife (Lina)............250+
  4. Frank Bardstown............224
  5. txrock (Phyliss)...............200+
  6. nstymf............................150+
  7. xxxcouplexxx (Becky)....150+ approximately
  8. DebandI (Deborah)........100+
  9. stonemtncouple...............52
  10. mikewatchesjoann...........50+
  11. Mr K...................................50 approximately
  12. wetwild..............................50 approximately
  13. tinydick49..........................43 approximately
  14. Bo Day...............................37
  15. Cuckmeplease..................37
  16. Shellbeyourslut................30 estimated
  17. amarraj.............................21
  18. mywifeforyou...................21 approximately
  19. General Lee......................20+
  20. Markindy...........................20 approximately
  21. Nathaniel..........................20 approximately
  22. John Cheese....................19
  23. Oklacpl.............................18
  24. Joe4fun............................16
  25. Abbyandcraig (Abby)......15 estimated
  26. exhibicpl89.......................13
  27. subhub.............................12 estimated
  28. Jammy..............................12
  29. ctbuer...............................12 approximately
  30. ontariocpl12.....................11
  31. desertsub.........................11
  32. Pounderful.......................11
  33. Chazie................................9
  34. Nyyoungcpl32...................8
  35. Takeoff...............................7
  36. Bob243..............................7
  37. STLcouple..........................7
  38. numnuts56........................6
  39. carlosxm...........................5
  40. Italianboy..........................4
  41. Curvylover........................3
  42. Michael F Jox....................2
  43. FWwifeshare....................1
  44. Uk_ex................................1
Apologies if I have missed anyone or got your number wrong 🙁 let me know and I'll try to correct it
I suppose after all this time I should weigh in with my numbers. Before being married to Mr. Ntcuck I believe the number was 16 and since we have been married and entered the lifestyle the number is still at 4 and counting. We tend to go for the long term poly relationship but thanks to Lynn giving us the courage to try a gangbang we will see if 18 or more can be possible. Regardless that number of 20 will grow and hopefully soon