How many men has your wife fucked?

me and the wife have been married for 5 years now, during that time she's had sex with two guys. she's had three more opportunities but those fell through because of the other guys not being able to meet up. she's currently looking for two to three boyfriend types to have on the side so she won't have to hookup with a bunch of multiple strangers.
You are a lucky guy
I yern for that
Please give me sum tips on how to get her to do it,. We talk about it lots, she's kinda not feeling it though, but gets horny when we talk about it
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I wouldn't bother to find out since she shows that she is a slut to me when it comes to her sex activity saying that she wouldn't mind if I want to arrange myself and a couple more guys fuck her the same time if we have a chance to be out of town so she can experience it but who know probably she already done that before so she wouldn't mind to do it again.
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I'm curious how many cucks know how many other men have had your wife? Mine won't tell me exactly but I have a hunch. I'm wondering where she is in relation to others out there!


We are a mature couple and have just found this site and we thought this might be the ideal thread to put our first post on. We have been out of the scene for several years now but still enjoy remembering our past experiences.

Before we met my wife Becky had been with just one man (her ex), however during the years we were on the scene she had many encounters including dogging meets, gangbangs as well as planned meetings, picking up guys in bars and one or two other more dubious experiences. I was fortunate and watched or photographed her with most of the men who fucked her although there were a few occasions when I was not present and she just came home to tell me about it. During these years I estimate that Becky has been with well over 150 other men and although with most we insisted on condoms there were a few who fucked her bareback.

The attached photograph shows her just about to go out to a bar at a hotel we were staying at.


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