How many men has your wife fucked?

The key word in the question is "men." I was a pretty promiscuous teen, liked the attention I got from the boys in middle and high school and didn't make them work to hard to get in my knickers ... did a lot of crazy stuff too. But they were just boys and I don't count them any more. My husband was the first man I had sex with, not because of his age (he's actually a bit younger than me) but our first time together completely rejiggered what I thought I knew about sex. For most of our 35 years together I played the upright, faithful wife and hid my dirty little secret past. Since we went down the hotwife/wife sharing path a few years ago though it's been six other men. Husband has been there and participated at various levels for all of them. Unfortunately the universe seems to be conspiring against us and that may be the final total :-(

My wife was very promiscuous as a teen too... her claim to fame is 13 including me, but I'm not sure if she's telling the truth on it, but if it was more I would be fine with that. Trying to increase that number...
I'm curious how many cucks know how many other men have had your wife? Mine won't tell me exactly but I have a hunch. I'm wondering where she is in relation to others out there!

My Hotwife is a couple of days shy of completing 3 months as a GFE ...... . She provides service to well heeled Tourists and Expats that visit our city.

As of last night she has serviced her 18th client
, she has had cock from US, UK, Germany, Holland, Spain, Australia etc

Post Update

The wife had an engagement last night. It was to be her most frequent client, this meeting would be the 5th session in a little over 3 weeks.

She was excited as she usually is for an engagement. I did notice that she made extra effort and was very giddy about this session.

This guy was from Barcelona and seemed to be perfect, he was successful, good looking, and was very generous and caring to the wife.

As is our routine for a night engagement, she got back from work and started getting ready, while I dropped the kids off for a sleepover.

I got back and got ready to leave . As I come downstairs, I see my wife in a hot pink baby T and a black ultra mini skirt. I was surprised as this was underdressed for her. She usually really dresses up for clients.
She did have her large bag with her and I thought nothing of it.

I drove her to his hotel, and thought I would just wait around as usual, it was to be a 2 hour session from 9pm - 11pm. As we pull up she asks me for the smartphone that we use exclusively for the business.

It's always me that handles the device and all texts for scheduling , marketing etc.

I asked her why, and that we would just stick to routine. She said she didn't want to hang around the lobby waiting, for me to forward texts to her personal phone. I kinda thought it made sense too. So she picks the phone up and kisses my cheek and makes her way into the lobby.

I usually wait for her text with the all clear before leaving the hotel. But as I saw her make her way straight to the elevators and head up, I decided to leave. The hotel is a 15min drive from home, the plan was to go home and ...... an hour.

Less than 5 minutes after I drop her off , I get a text that since Kristof was so regular and she was comfortable just taking a Uber back after the session. I wasn't too happy,but don't normally bother her when she's with a client, so I replied with an OK.

Back home and I don't hear a peep from her and it's already 11.45. I hadn't texted or called her. When I finally tried the texts weren't going through. I tried calling both her and the business numbers,but both were out of service.

I made the quick drive to the hotel, and as I was contemplating my best course of action . The bellhop , who has become familiar over the past couple of weeks, waved and smiled at me and said ' sir and madam as are not back yet'.
Now this guy thinks that I am my wife's driver, that's my cover.

I ask him where, and he said he didn't know for sure but that they left around 10pm, and were both dressed up for a night out.

Gave him my number and told him to text me the moment they got in,

I head home to wait as there was nothing else to do. It's almost 1am when I get home. Shortly after I get a text from my wife's number saying " all ok. Batt low. See you at home".

I replied with a " wtf.,it's more than 2 hours you overshot the session...

Wife : yeah...I slept off..leaving soon...see you at home

Me : what about the extra hours? Collected extra?

Wife : to you later ok

And so I let it go, and wait. I doze off on the couch downstairs, and when I get started out of my nap, I see my wife letting herself in.

She's dressed the same as when she left home only her outfit looked crumpled.

I ask her what happened, how was the session, and she said she was really tired and needed to crash. This is when I realize that it's almost 5am. I figured she would probably call in sick for work, and I let it go.

When I asked her about the fee, she just murmured something and went into the bedroom and shut the door.

I could hear her speak very faintly on the phone, and was that a giggle,.
By the time I get upstairs and in the room, she seems fast asleep.

I spoon her and as I bury my head in her neck I can smell the funk of sex all over her.

I knocked out quickly, and was woken by texts from my sister telling me she had already sent the boys to school.

The bed is empty and as I look for my wife I realize she's not at home,

It's almost 10.15 and as I swipe my phone to text her, I see unread messages from her....

This is what she sent me, probably while otw in to work.



I was blown away.... actually Kristof was...this was the first I had seen pics of her in action,....and I was going through the most amazing washes of emotions. I actually came just looking at the pictures

I tried calling her ,and this is what she sent me


Thats it, haven't spoken to her since,it's lunch time now, I decide to head home during lunch. I get back and as I sort out her dressing room I find her bag from last night, I look inside and I find a brand new branded cocktail dress, a Karen Millen watch, an empty jewelry case??,her condom kit with the condoms I packed last night intact! Her used panties stained with what can only be cum...

It's 3.27pm, she still hasn't called and is not back to the office yet..

I am dying to hear from her, it's just too hot for me.

Update later
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My wife has been a hotwife for about 25 years, but her numbers aren't that impressive, because she prefers long term relationships. We married young, and were high school sweethearts that ended up giving our virginity to eachother! After being together for about ten years, we were discussing our lack of sexual experience, and my wife shyly admitted that she wondered what she may have missed out on by holding on to her virginity so strongly. After discussing it for a few week or so, I suggested we should find out, and she admitted she had been thinking the same thing.

We started out with her seducing a recently divorced friend of ours, that went very well, and I ended up letting a coworker seduce me, and that was also a good experience. Then we tried swapping with two couples that were in our circle of friends, that we had found out had both swapped together in the past. We swapped with each couple separately on several occasions, but found that swinging really wasn't for us. I found I was too distracted wondering what my wife was doing with the other husband, to really enjoy my time with the other wife, and while my wife had similar issues, she also found she was jealous of what I may be doing with the other wife, which seriously affected her enjoyment with the other husbands. We both quickly realized we were both far more excited at the prospect of her having an open marriage, while I returned to being her faithful and supportive husband.

That's the way it been ever since, and during that time, she has had 7 lovers. Of those, 6 of them were long term relationships that lasted at least a year, while others lasted far longer! Two of them are still ongoing sexual relationships, but they are occasional because both men live out of town, so she only sees them when they come to our city for a visit, or we go to visit one of them. Of those 7 lovers, 5 of them are close friends of mine. In each case she seduced them, and turned our friendship with them into a "friends with benefits" relationship. She's not a one night stand type, and finds she really can't have sex with a man she hasn't developed some affection for.

The pics are of 4 of the men she has had long term sexual relationships with.

i agree, i prefer mine to be in a relationship rather than random guys, least i can keep her safe and clean
LMAO,really.ok ok pml.its no secret I'm 56we have been married for 34 so if we just go from there ,subtract the women,probably around omg.that's a lot of dick,um lets say 500.but the number is closer to double or better of that,and some are repete y'all help me 4 or 5 guys a month maybe 3 some months.and have been doing this for 34 years .in going to stop now .xoxo Lynn
OH MY I've only been married for 10 years and I just hit 100 different cocks..Yes Hubby counted Before marriage..3 well 4 counting hubby