How many cocks did your wife sucked before you got married ......

Wow, so I showed this to Jennifer and we had to get out a pencil and paper. Here are her stats:

Number of cocks sucked before we met: Zero. Jennifer was a virgin when we met. Mine was the first cock she ever felt in her mouth, the first one suck into a full erection and it was my cum she first tasted.

The first time she sucked another man's cock was about five months later when I shared her for the first time.

In the 30+ years we have been sharing the total number men who have had the privilege and pleasure of putting their cock in her mouth is somewhere between 55-60.

The men who have had their cocks sucked the most (besides me) goes to Kevin and Robert. Kevin and Robert were co-workers of Jennifer's and they became regulars and somewhat exclusive for us -- we played anywhere from three to four time per week. This relationship lasted nearly four years. By best guess she sucked each of their cocks nearly 600 times over those four years.

Youngest cock sucked was a 19 year old waiter from the restaurant in Sedona AZ, where were celebrating Jennifer's 39th Birthday. He was also one of the biggest cocks she has ever sucked and fucked too.

Oldest cock she ever sucked was a 72 year old man we met at her alumni reunion. She was 26 at the time.

Number of times she just sucked a cock (without leading to her being fucked too) 8 times.

Numbers of times I have joined or helped her suck a cock 5 times
I know my wife has sucked and fuked over 30. Me and my wife are from the same town. So we know pretty much everything about each other . I love bringing up our past when I fuk her . I know it turns her on and it realy turns me on. She calls me her exes names when I fuk her too. Once at a house party when we were younger she was getting fuked in a room and we could all hear what was going on from the other side of the door I bring that up alot 😉
My wife was 26 when we got together. From a cock sucking angle, she started at 18 with her first older bf. Then she had 1 other long term bf and after that another 4 fuck buddies so that's only 6!
However, she did confess to a drunken one nighter with an older married guy in a bar she worked in - he was 35yrs older than her! Unfortunately this got her a reputation and she finally admitted on another drunken evening in the bar she ended up sucking off all the guys there - she thinks it was another 6 or 7!
Back in the late 70’s, my wife and I got married, and we agreed before our marriage that blow job weren’t cheating, and she had to tell me when it happened. The first time she told me was right after we got engaged. She gave a blow job to a coworker out of town meetings . After we got married, got close to a couple that lived in our neighborhood and one time I was at home he came over and sucked his cock. Was a New Year’s Eve party that she blew. A total stranger she just met.. then there was a night at the bar. She snuck off and sucked his cock in one of the stalls. I had two or three bodies that she told me stayed over after night of drinking. She went after I fell asleep and sucked their cock. I guess the wildest story she had when she went back for her 25th high school reunion. She told me she went back to a hotel party and ended up sucking three guys off that night from her high school.. she hasn’t done it in a while but I’m waiting
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