I've been reading about how many loads some ladies have swallowed in one session, and I am both awed, dumbstruck and incredulous. I really need to know...how did you do it? I have swallowed three at once and I was full. Probably could have swallowed a couple more, but there is no way I could swallow 10-20 loads, that seems impossible. I couldn't drink a quart of water at once, how can someone swallow that much semen? I'm fascinated by it. Did you really swallow, or just cum in mouth and let it slide out (my preference). Weren't you full? Did it get to be a real labor after a certain number? Did you get a stomach ache? I would love to try swallowing more (if hubby would let me), but I just don't think I could physically do it. It sounds erotic, but I'm afraid I'd get sick. Ladies, please tell me how you did it and what it felt like (no guys please, I want to hear it from the horses mouth, there's a difference between watching it and doing it).