How did you convinced you reluctant husband to be your cuckold?

Hi ladies,
I am very interested in reading your real stories about how you convinced (or forced) your husband to be your cuckold.
And how it went on, and what is your situation now and how far you have proceeded so far?
I am curious about your stories about turning your normal husbands to cuckolds.

Kiss you all...
Im not really a cuckold, but love sharing her. We had talked about 3somes and sharing her many times. I thought she was all talk to turn me on. Until we had a sitter one night and got a hotel room, shortly after we arrived there was a knock at the door. It was her ex boyfriend (who she always talked about during our sessions). I thought she was BS ing about the size of his dick, because I told her I wanted to see her fucked by a big dick. I found out she wasn't kidding, lol. There is no humiliation in our 3somes and I watch a little, but always join in. We have been in the lifestyle for 20 years, and have 1 rule. We both must be present, no single hookups or cheating
Im not really a cuckold, but love sharing her. We had talked about 3somes and sharing her many times. I thought she was all talk to turn me on. Until we had a sitter one night and got a hotel room, shortly after we arrived there was a knock at the door. It was her ex boyfriend (who she always talked about during our sessions). I thought she was BS ing about the size of his dick, because I told her I wanted to see her fucked by a big dick. I found out she wasn't kidding, lol. There is no humiliation in our 3somes and I watch a little, but always join in. We have been in the lifestyle for 20 years, and have 1 rule. We both must be present, no single hookups or cheating
Oh... That is hot... 🔥
Initiatives was from her side or yours?
Was it your fantasy in first place or it started by her talking to you about 3some fantasy...?
The cuckolding fantasy in general seems to be a male fantasy. So in this topic I am mainly seeking for comments from hotwifes that the idea of opening relation or cuckolding was from their side and NOT from their husbands so they needed to convince their husbands, trick them or put some seeds in their mind untill the get what they want.
Hola damas,
Estoy muy interesado en leer tus historias reales sobre cómo convenciste (o obligaste) a tu marido a ser tu cornudo.
¿Y cómo fue, cuál es su situación ahora y hasta dónde ha llegado hasta ahora?
Tengo curiosidad por tus historias sobre cómo convertir a tus maridos normales en cornudos.

Besos a todos...
hola a todas las.amigas por aca podia dejar de responder en un hilo como este.porque
Primero de una pareja swinguer bixesuales los dos
Mi marido tiene 52 años pero es negro.
con una pieza de.24.5 de largo por 6.2 de gordo tiene 22 años mas que yo y.estamos.juntos.ya por.11 años
despues de la.presentacion la.respuesta es que mi caso fue que dijo que queria verme cojiendo con otros y.por 11 años me ha compartido con muchas personas.y yo tambien le busco otras novias para jugar juntos
Im not really a cuckold, but love sharing her. We had talked about 3somes and sharing her many times. I thought she was all talk to turn me on. Until we had a sitter one night and got a hotel room, shortly after we arrived there was a knock at the door. It was her ex boyfriend (who she always talked about during our sessions). I thought she was BS ing about the size of his dick, because I told her I wanted to see her fucked by a big dick. I found out she wasn't kidding, lol. There is no humiliation in our 3somes and I watch a little, but always join in. We have been in the lifestyle for 20 years, and have 1 rule. We both must be present, no single hookups or cheating
Of course you're a cuckold.
Im not really a cuckold, but love sharing her. We had talked about 3somes and sharing her many times. I thought she was all talk to turn me on. Until we had a sitter one night and got a hotel room, shortly after we arrived there was a knock at the door. It was her ex boyfriend (who she always talked about during our sessions). I thought she was BS ing about the size of his dick, because I told her I wanted to see her fucked by a big dick. I found out she wasn't kidding, lol. There is no humiliation in our 3somes and I watch a little, but always join in. We have been in the lifestyle for 20 years, and have 1 rule. We both must be present, no single hookups or cheating
good for her.
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Realmente no soy un cornudo, pero me encanta compartirla. Habíamos hablado de tríos y de compartirla muchas veces. Pensé que ella era toda charla para excitarme. Hasta que una noche tuvimos una niñera y conseguimos una habitación de hotel, poco después de llegar llamaron a la puerta. Era su ex novio (de quien siempre hablaba durante nuestras sesiones). Pensé que estaba bromeando sobre el tamaño de su polla, porque le dije que quería verla follada por una gran polla. Descubrí que no estaba bromeando, jajaja. No hay humillación en nuestros tríos y yo observo un poco, pero siempre me uno. Llevamos 20 años en este estilo de vida y tenemos una regla. Ambos debemos estar presentes, sin encuentros individuales ni trampas.
ACabas de describir nuestra relacion como pareja
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Hi ladies,
I am very interested in reading your real stories about how you convinced (or forced) your husband to be your cuckold.
And how it went on, and what is your situation now and how far you have proceeded so far?
I am curious about your stories about turning your normal husbands to cuckolds.

Kiss you all...
My wife told me after years of marriage that she wondered what. It would be like ti be with another man we agreed and she got dressed up very sexy very extreme. When I saw her before she left I was very tired on. She said in told you a long time ago that yourvcock belongs to me SO LEAVE MY COCK ALONG. i.will see you in 4/5 hours..when she came shw wanted to fuck but in had taken care of my self she wasnt happy about it .She said that she had an unbelievable tine and she is going out again She sIad you were told to leave my property alone. Well when she came home ftom her bext date she knew what i did. The next day she bought me a cick cage ..I wasnt told about itvtill the next time just before she left she made me strip she brought out tge cage and putbit on me. I questioned what she was doin.I WAS TOLD SINCE YOU CANT KEAVE MY PROPERT ALONE EVERYTIME I GO.OUT TO FUCK YOU ''' WILL WEAR THIS SO EVERY 3/4:WEEKS MY CAGE IS ON THE TABLE BY THE BED SO I KNOW THAT NIGHT SHES GOING OUTVTI FUCK THATS BEEN 4 YEARS OF THAT HAPPENING AT LEAST EVERY 3/4"weejs
When I first got with my husband, I had already had a few bf's who let me play with their ass. So when I first got with my husband, he was definitely not prepared for any of that. I was patient, he would get turned on when I talked about fucking other guys, so a little before our wedding, I just asked him if I could buy him a cage. He wore it for three days straight before our wedding and on the wedding day. It was so sexy knowing he was caged in front of our friends and family. That night I allowed him to take the cage off and have sex with his beautiful wife, as a wedding present I bought him an anal training kit. He got more and more Into it. He started looking on different forums and had a really open mind. He ordered his first pair of sexy panties to wear when he is caged. We fantized together about finding a bull. In the beginning I was careful about the whole situation because I wanted him to want it and not just a it's just for me thing. The more he talked on the forums he opened up more and more, eventually I started fucking him with a strap-on, and bought him a plug to wear while caged. We talk so dirty while he is caged. As nervous as I was talking about the lifestyle at first, I'm glad I did, it's brought us closer together and it's so hot thinking of our bull having his way with him. I am really happy with our relationship whole situation. The level of intimacy between us is because of him being a cuck for me, turns me on so much. Turns him on thinking of sharing his wife.
The cuckolding fantasy in general seems to be a male fantasy. So in this topic I am mainly seeking for comments from hotwifes that the idea of opening relation or cuckolding was from their side and NOT from their husbands so they needed to convince their husbands, trick them or put some seeds in their mind untill the get what they want.
My wife didn't give me a choice.. She told me on our first date she needed a relationship where her boyfriend was faithful. She was very jealous. Her first two boyfriends had cheated on her and she wouldn't stand for it.. She also wanted to fuck anyone she wanted whenever she wanted. If I wanted her I would have to deal with it those were her rules.. I got an instant hard on and adrenaline rush. She loves to humiliate and embarrasses me. She enjoys to see me as jealous and insecure as much as possible. She has pussy whipped me and she's proud of it. She is a Goddess and I'm proud she chose me be her cuckold..
She and I would go to parties a lot and she knows I'm almost bi , if that can be said , yes I was almost bi , where I'd be very ok hugging a guy and her male friends were all hugged by me .
And when your young everyone is goooood looking .

Anyways one party turned into a game of play survival, long story but teams of 3 go in the corn field and try to cut the head off the scarecrow in the middle of the field.
It's a western Pennsylvania thing I guess , anyway she and I picked a guy she was friends with at her job , we were all 27 at that time.

Rob my wife and I, were against 5 other 3 somes ( not that way ) .
The prize was 250 dollars,
So to really cut this short , we were beaten by others and the game was called , walking back she flat out ran in front of us and dared me to kiss rob in front of her .

I was shocked and so was rob , she asked again and said she won't stop until we did it .
Well to end her pestering, I looked at rob , ( he was cute and sexy even to me ) , I gave him that look and I just planted one on his lips .
What I didn't plan on was him wrapping his arms around me and holding me and his tongue pushed into my mouth,
Yup I was getting French kisses by a hot looking guy , and I started kissing him back like he was my girl.
She was encouraging us to keep going , so I thought it was only going to be a quick peck turned out to be a long wet deep kissing event that lasted a long time.

Wow , I remember that kiss like it was yesterday,

Ok to get to your question, days later, she called Rob over before I got home, she asked me to sit down patting her hand on the couch , now I'm sitting on one side n rob is on the other side of her ,
She looks at me and says , you had your turn with Rob in the corn field , now it's my turn , and she turned to him and gave him a nice long kiss .
She stopped and turned to me and said now it's your turn , and kissed me.
She licked her lips and tasted them and said ummm yummy then back to rob kissing him again , and then back to me .
We did this about 8 or 9 times .

That's when she began taking her top off , then kissing each of us again then off went her tights and more kissing then off went her panties and more kissing .

She kissed both of us with each piece of clothing she took off , till she was standing there naked .
I looked at rob and he at me , then she said ok now it's you guys turn to get naked .
Rob yanked off his shirt but she said No not like that .

She wanted us to kiss each other with each piece of clothes we took off like she did with us .
Rob looked at me again and stood up and kissed her then took off his shirt again , she said NO again .
We both didn't understand her I even asked what's wrong he did what y asked .
She said not her , but us , we had to kiss each other then take off something.

Well we wound up kissing a lot that night and she kept up this kissing game she was playing on us , cause each thing we wanted to do with her rob and I had to kiss each other.
And not just a peck ,it had to be passionate and with deep tonguing.
Rob and I kissed so much that night we both were too worn out and we ended it 4 hours later .

She loved watching us kissing like this and I really enjoyed diving in robs mouth , I admitted that to her after he went home .

Now from that time on Rob would come over and have his way with her and since we have been sucking each others face it was so much easier for me watching them together.

They ' dated ' if I could use that word , each other for a little over a year, I have watched them have amazing sex more than half the times , except when I was out of town at work .
I was very at ease with both of them and I have also been alone with him yet we didn't have sex per say , we continued kissing and I have even given him oral a dozen times.

When he got a new job in Dallas that was the end of us 3 .

She admitted to getting us to kiss like that so it would be easier on me to go with her cucking me .
I admitted to her that I liked him and liked kissing him too , and also giving him oral .

What I didn't know was she knew that part all along , cause he told her the first time I did it and she got excited and she admitted she gave him the best sex she had to give him that night ,
No wonder why he let me do it more , he was getting her all wet just hearing about it.

She kissed me and said she knew every time I blew him cause she could taste his cum on my kisses .

That was our start into this lifestyle, now when she looks for a new boyfriend, she only looks for bisexual guys , so I can enjoy him too.

I love the fact that she's not selfish or greedy, and that she actually likes when I'm included in this .

I guess I can say I'm ( one ) of the luckiest cucks out here .

Now fact be told , I won't look myself, I let her do that part , she knows I'm interested in playing with them also she was the one to start that in the first place, and I've told her if this happened again I want him to be good looking for me too not just her , so she knows my likes and only looks for that kinda guy then he has to be bisexual also.
I'm not sure if I will ever have full sex with a guy , but kissing and oral , yes this is where I'm at and she likes that .

So am I a true Cuckold, I don't know, but what I do know is I get to enjoy the same guy she enjoys.