Has your cuckold fantasy developed over time?

I first need to know just what I am accepting, so tell us exactly what a "cuckold" is, with denotation and connotation laid bare.

Here is what the blessed and irreproachable dictionary tells us:

cuckold (English)​

Origin & history​

From Middle English cokolde, cokewold, cockewold, kukwald, kukeweld, from Old French cucuault; a compound of cucu ("cuckoo") (some varieties of the cuckoo bird lay their eggs in another’s nest) and Old French -auld. Cucu is either a directly derived onomatopoeic derivative of the cuckoo's call, or from Latin cuculus. Latin cuculus‎ is a compound of onomatopoeic cucu (compare Late Latin cucus‎) and the diminutive suffix -ulus. -auld is from Frankish *-wald (similar suffixes are used in some personal names within other Germanic languages as well; confer English Harold‎, for instance), a suffixal note of Frankish *wald ("power, mastery, dominion"), from Proto-Germanic *waldą ("might, power, authority"), from *waldaną ("to rule"), from Proto-Indo-European *wal- ("to be strong"). Appears in Middle English in noun form circa 1250 as cokewald. First known use of the verb form is 1589.


  • Rhymes: -əʊld
  • (Brit. Eng.) IPA: /ˈkʌk.əʊld/
  • (Amer. Eng.) IPA: /ˈkʌk.oʊld/


cuckold (pl. cuckolds)
  1. A man married to an unfaithful wife, especially when he is unaware or unaccepting of the fact.
    • 1546, François Rabelais, The Third Book, Chapter 36
      If I never marry, I shall never be a cuckold.
  2. A West Indian plectognath fish, Rhinesomus.
  3. The cowfish, Acanthostracion quadricornis and allied species.

The absolutely essential variable are that a marriage exists and that his wife is unfaithful. Still with me? Thus, a mere boyfriend can never be a cuckold, no matter how sexually wanton and unrestrained his girlfriend with pliable knees might be. In addition, the husband's wife must prove unfaithful, which does not mean that she exhibits a faithlessness in religion, but that she violated her acknowledged sexual agreement with her husband. Any disagreements so far?

The dictionary's qualifying clause —"especially when he is unaware or unaccepting of the fact" — is no less important; indeed, it is paramount.

What if the husband is aware? If he knows and only tolerates her extra-marital sex, he probably should be labeled a "wittol." Look it up. What the world needed, however, was a new label for those husbands who allow/encourage/enjoy her extra-marital sex, but are not mentally or physically or sexually weak and worthy of derision and scorn. That new label is "stag," whose connotation is the opposite of "cuckold." No sniveling, no cages, no begging, no fluffing, no panties, no abstinence from sex! The stag husband is so fucking sexually confident that he can bestow the gift of sexual liberty upon his wife.

No doubt stag husbands have always existed, but this social arrangement required the advent of quality birth-control to make it both more popular and functionally possible.

How do you define "stag"?
You seem to have your way of looking at things. You have decided to throw that into the mix to try and support your failed position. If you were to lookup faithful you'd find it is sexually defined, not religiously or any other way.

Additionally "especially" does not exclusively.

You will also find that "No sniveling, no cages, no begging, no fluffing, no panties, no abstinence from sex!" is not part of any accepted definition.

It's OK to be in error, accepatance of being erroneous is an admirable quality.
You are triumphant. Who can deny it? Yet, I am reminded of when Arrhichion was the winner of the 568 BC pankration contest (which was the Greek equivalent of today's MMA). The fight was described by Pausanias. According to him:

For when he was contending for the wild olive with the last remaining competitor, whoever he was, the latter got a grip first, and held Arrhachion, hugging him with his legs, and at the same time he squeezed his neck with his hands. Arrhachion dislocated his opponent's toe, but expired owing to ......; but he who suffocated Arrhachion was forced to give in at the same time because of the pain in his toe. The Eleans crowned and proclaimed victor the corpse of Arrhachion.

Yes, the fighter who died was pronounced the winner, not the one who lived. Or, might the Black Knight of Monty Python's film, Monty Python And The Holly Grail, with his constant rejoinder of "Tis but a scratch, " prove a more apt description of your decisive and unquestionable victory. What a fool I was to contend with so daunting an opponent. What a brilliant counter move you made when I wrote:

"the husband's wife must prove unfaithful, which does not mean that she exhibits a faithlessness in religion, but that she violated her acknowledged sexual agreement with her husband."

by your stating "If you were to lookup faithful you'd find it is sexually defined, not religiously or any other way." Genius. Of course, some might falsely point out that my statement went out of its way to preclude religious faith. Others might point out that you never defined "stag," or tried to disambiguate it from "cuckold", but that would miss the grandeur and sweep of your victory.
2wheel is on a crusade to get all us stags and husbands of hotwives to admit that we are no different from the lowly cuckold, the masochistic sniveling cuckold. But of course, we are different. We do not wear cages or suck cock or lick men's anuses... Perhaps I am being too harsh to 2wheel, perhaps his motivation is merely a fanatical devotion to lexicographical purity: what the dictionary say rules.
I don't think you're being harsh. Who gives a fuck what "technicalities" there are in the definitions on a site like this?

Sure, by definition, you could include EVERYTHING under the cuck banner. But the majority of us see a clear division.

Also, I'll resubmit, who gives a ......? Just enjoy the photos, videos, and stories.