I’ll post my story and questions soon but to help from someone that just did this. Be fucking careful. Like they say, you can’t uniting the bell. How true this is.
I’ve been into the fantasy for a LONG time. When I watched porn it was practically the only porn I would watch. If you bring it up to your lady you need to study her response and set ground rules and talk talk talk. If either of you don’t agree on something figure it out and be certain where you both stand going forward. Any discrepancies on an expected outcome could mean disaster and you can’t take it back. Also be fearful of her seeing you different. Do not l, I repeat do not push if she’s not into it. If ...... goes south you need her support to help you emotionally, and vice versa.
I will tell you that being jealous and wanting this is enough to make your head split, I was horny and stroking but dying inside. Felt sick to my stomach lost a bunch of weight and then find myself fantasizing over it again. And to those saying ya you just get through that and your a cuck well let me tell you it isn’t that easy. Ask yourself, after the sex is done and days have passed will you be ok if she is talking to this guy all the time. Will you be ok not knowing what she is doing, will you be ok if she comes home late and legit has a reason but you have it in your head she might have been with him, ask yourself if you are ok with her having another relationship outside of yours. Are you guys strong enough to endure that? Will she view you the same? He will be new and exciting.. can you deal with the lack of attention you will receive? If you have an argument and she goes to see him will you be fearful of your relationship?
Look this stuff doesn’t always happen but it could and it does. Fantasy is cool it’s hot, but be careful turning this into reality