For better or for worse I did not let on to my wife the feelings/emotions I was going through in the moment. I kept everything to myself and continued to encourage her and act (albeit a small act) like I was very turned on by seeing my wife with other men. Each time we had MFM adventures it became less and less difficult to process until reaching the point where I was turned on by what she was doing with other men. So to answer the question of facing my feeling alone, yes I faced them alone. This also answer the next question since I never shared my true feelings at the time there was no opportunity for her to help or know I was struggling. I should clarify that the most intense feelings where in the first few MFM encounters. Sharing her went from partially negative to extremely positive very quickly. I was able to handle it and did not need to say anything to her. It isn't a science but I would say or give advice along the lines of if when you first get in to the lifestyle and your feelings of doubt, jealousy, bruised ego, inferiority, threatened, etc. subside then you will be alright.Thank you for your reply and thank you for understanding the motivation for my questions. It's tough to sort out the sensationalized posts from the true ones. It's much easier to believe posts that reveal the vulnerability of the husband/bf. Like in your post you state that at no time did your wife make you feel insecure or degraded yet further on in your reply you said you HAD plenty of feelings, emotions, personal insecurities and an ego to overcome. Even though your wife didn't intentionally MAKE you feel that way did she later realize why you had felt that way? When you were in the midst of those issues did you face them alone? Did your wife recognize your struggle(s) at the time? Did she do anything that helped you work past those issues?
I can only speak for myself but can say that if my feelings did not lesson over time then I would have put an end to what we where doing. It would have been a big red flag that sharing the wife with other men was not something I could not only handle but learn to enjoy. I think I said it before but this lifestyle is not for everyone. The marriage has to be rock solid and communication between each other open and honest.