Ever recognize or been recognized?

Was they polite about it? How did they approach you? What was their comments?
The guy in the grocery store was nice, but he caught me off guard. I heard someone call Linda and I turned around. He came up to me and said hello. I did not recognize him, so I asked if I know him. He just said "from the site" over and over and I had no idea what he meant. He then apologized and took off quickly. I thought it was odd, but did not worry about it. When I got home I found out that he had messaged my husband on another site and told him he just ran into e in the grocery store and told him the same story. So, that was not bad.

In December a guy I worked with 10 years ago tracked me down and sent me a message saying he had seen my nudes online and going on and on about it. I messaged him back trying to calm him down, but he was looking to get together. Since I remembered him as a good guy, I have been in touch since then, but we have not met up yet.

About a week later, a guy started messaging me on another site. I chatted with him before he revealed that he is a friend of my ...... and we know him very well. That was really embarrassing.

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