sorry for longer post, my ex girlfriend, between wife 2 and 3, is one who really got me into 3 ways. After a few failed attempts on Craiglist, we finally found a guy willing to meet up. A younger college student who was looking to get laid and who also claimed to bi. So we meet up at the bar, have a drink, go back to my place and he couldnt get it up. My ex finally got tired of trying to suck him off and told him "sorry youre not working..."
A week later he tried to explain himself saying he didnt know we were going to go that far upon meeting which caused him to underperform.
Anyways, fast forward a few years later, current wife and I are on public transpertation and we happen to sit right across from the same guy. The look on his face gave it away, he smirked at me, got up and got off the train.