Cuckolds What if you caught your wife cheating on you with someone you specifically said to her not to do it with


Well-Known Member
It happened to me and our 8-year marriage ended three years ago.
I flipped that she did it with a guy who was much older than me ugly, alcoholic, and on .......
I specifically told her while in bed when she brought the idea about playing with him I said "not to do it and if you do, nothing will remain the same between us mean our marriage"
I guess she didn't take me seriously or thought that I won't find out but I sure did with a hidden cam. 😏

What do you think if this happens to you?
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I had a fiancé one time long ago.
Living together. I pleaded with her to just be honest and transparent about fucking other men that it turned me on and I loved her being a slut.
I just wanted to be kept in the know, for her safety, and my titillation.
Nope !
She persisted in lying to me time and time again.
She insisted she wasn’t fucking other men.
When we broke up she apologized for having lied to me. Deceit sux.
Oh well!
I now have a happy hotwife who loves to tease me and enjoys fucking other men in front of me!!
Not to be the downer here, but doesn't cheating mean all the guys would be classified in that way?

I've been with a girl that cheated, therefore, all of those guys were without my consent. I've watched through windows and was very turned on by it. We didn't talk about it.

Now, if you mean that she fucked someone you both agreed was a no, and she did anyway. That's a different question and I'd say no to that.
If your wife is cheating on you that is not a Hotwife/Cuckold relationship. I don't understand why anyone even think cheating belongs in this site. Just my opinion
Technically, cheating is a form of cuckolding. But, I see the point you're making. To this I'll add, if you put a question/ discussion in the forum, people will respond with their opinions regardless of what the subject matter is.
What hurts is that she never needed to cheat. if she showed real interest in the guy and came forward to me even after the act, I'm sure I would have accepted it. but she still denied it aggressively until I showed her I got on hidden cam. she blamed me for setting the cam and kind of blamed me for that
When this happened we had already been playing with her coworker and a few others over 2 years.

We were in Laughlin with a group of friends. One of the guys I never got a long with, he was tall, built like an athlete and took a fancy to my wife. I had surgery on my leg and couldn’t get into the water. That day tequila was the drink of choice, big mistake, my like many others losses her self control along with her big dick coworker has been out of state trading for the last 2 months.

I noticed in when most of them whet playing in the water (4 couples a few single guys and my wife) so I noticed my wife and him horse playing and a few times her 36dds would pop out, now that is the pretty normal, we had no issues of her flashing her tits, my issue was when she was using the inner tube. She was just holding on and he was behind between her legs, they were floating around for about 10-15 minutes when she came back to shore, I noticed as she walked out of the water her bottoms were still pulled to the side with her long lips hangout to one side, she saw me looking as she adjusted herself and never looked me in the eye. Being ...... and upset I took to the side out of sight and kisse her as I ran my hand under bottoms and felt his cum leaking out. I was pissed, this guy had a huge smile. We went back to the room she was saying what’s the difference between her fucking Jose or dick head. I told the difference is this guy is a jerk, you could find anybody there and you fucked the one guy I told you not too. I should’ve left but we stayed 2 more days, and she fucked twice more which one I walked in on them the second I was there and joined in. She made up for it the next week.
If your wife is cheating on you that is not a Hotwife/Cuckold relationship. I don't understand why anyone even think cheating belongs in this site. Just my opinion
Interesting point of view and I've argued just the opposite on this site many times. No reason for me to do so again. As for cheating "belonging on this site", I would direct you over to the "Cheating Wives and Cuckolds" forum ON THIS SITE where you can read posts all day regarding "cheating wives" in this lifestyle.

I think many (if not most) here would take exception to your definition of "Hotwife/Cuckold relationship." You are correct though, that it must be an actual part of THIS LIFESTYLE and not just cheating as most couples would describe it. It would be destructive in a "vanilla" relationship and often causes problems within marriages. Perhaps that's what you actually meant?

Mrs Hotwife
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I had a fiancé one time long ago.
Living together. I pleaded with her to just be honest and transparent about fucking other men that it turned me on and I loved her being a slut.
I just wanted to be kept in the know, for her safety, and my titillation.
Nope !
She persisted in lying to me time and time again.
She insisted she wasn’t fucking other men.
When we broke up she apologized for having lied to me. Deceit sux.
Oh well!
I now have a happy hotwife who loves to tease me and enjoys fucking other men in front of me!!
I went through the same exact thing as you! I told her that I would never leave her for being honest and telling me the truth, no matter what it was!! I told her that it would actually turn me on but I only wanted her to be truthful. Well she just wasn’t capable and couldn’t do something so easy, and something so beneficial for both of us! She would lie over and over again, so after being together for 10 years, I finally told her she needed to leave and I called off our engagement. Such a shame, because we had so much fun together!
I went through the same exact thing as you! I told her that I would never leave her for being honest and telling me the truth, no matter what it was!! I told her that it would actually turn me on but I only wanted her to be truthful. Well she just wasn’t capable and couldn’t do something so easy, and something so beneficial for both of us! She would lie over and over again, so after being together for 10 years, I finally told her she needed to leave and I called off our engagement. Such a shame, because we had so much fun together!
Her name wasn’t Diane was it? LoL The woman I had the issue with would do this same cheating and lying routine with each man that fell in love with her. A few guys reacted rather poorly to her behavior and landed serious prison time for physically beating her. I saw the signs, got warned by some kind souls who had witnessed her manipulating previous men and got away from her before I lost my “......” so to speak. Some men can’t handle being lied to and being played a fool.
If your wife is cheating on you that is not a Hotwife/Cuckold relationship. I don't understand why anyone even think cheating belongs in this site. Just my opinion
I agree with you Robert 100%. Now there may be a kink where the husband tells the wife she can fuck around and not tell him about it and he secretly fantasizes about her fucking other men and snoops around and sees the evidence and when he confronts her she denies it but thats his Kink and the whole scene is his construct to satisfy it. Thats completely different that purposefully deceit and lying to some one who wants honesty
Her name wasn’t Diane was it? LoL The woman I had the issue with would do this same cheating and lying routine with each man that fell in love with her. A few guys reacted rather poorly to her behavior and landed serious prison time for physically beating her. I saw the signs, got warned by some kind souls who had witnessed her manipulating previous men and got away from her before I lost my “......” so to speak. Some men can’t handle being lied to and being played a fool.
No, her name is Robin! Lol! One thing with her was that she had a somewhat sheltered life in her youth, and she played the role of being naive very very good! What made it difficult is because she truly was about a lot of things, so you just never really knew when it was real, or if she was just playing like it. As for her lying, her parents are VERY controlling and I honestly believe that she was forced into lying at an early age. Then, she had already been married 3 times when I met her, and 2 of the 3 of them, were also very controlling, again causing her having to lie. So when I recognized this early on, I made it perfectly clear to her that I would never leave her for telling me the truth, but that I would if she lied to me, especially on a regular basis, and that if I would find the truth from someone else. She ended up lying to me about two particular situations, but she also ended up telling me sometime later, the real truth which I had had suspicions about, so I was really proud of her, but after some time, she ended up falling back into her old habits! Another thing she would do, is if we were out at a club and her friends, or a particular person showed up, and if the conversation within the group, was just about to reveal something she hadn’t told me before, or that she had lied to me about, she would quickly grab me and tell me, “I have something to tell you, and I want you to hear it from me, before you hear it from someone else, but...” then she would tell me the truth, or tell me about something I wasn’t aware of! She had this belief that as long as she told me herself, before I heard it from the group, that she was doing the right thing. I told her that I wanted her to be truthful and honest on her own, not just when she’s forced to because I’m about to find out!! It really sucks because she was exactly the woman I had been looking for, and especially when she accepted my desires and fantasies, and that I accepted hers just the same.
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No, her name is Robin! Lol! One thing with her was that she had a somewhat sheltered life in her youth, and she played the role of being naive very very good! What made it difficult is because she truly was about a lot of things, so you just never really knew when it was real, or if she was just playing like it. As for her lying, her parents are VERY controlling and I honestly believe that she was forced into lying at an early age. Then, she had already been married 3 times when I met her, and 2 of the 3 of them, were also very controlling, again causing her having to lie. So when I recognized this early on, I made it perfectly clear to her that I would never leave her for telling me the truth, but that I would if she lied to me, especially on a regular basis, and that if I would find the truth from someone else. She ended up lying to me about two particular situations, but she also ended up telling me sometime later, the real truth which I had had suspicions about, so I was really proud of her, but after some time, she ended up falling back into her old habits! Another thing she would do, is if we were out at a club and her friends, or a particular person showed up, and if the conversation within the group, was just about to reveal something she hadn’t told me before, or that she had lied to me about, she would quickly grab me and tell me, “I have something to tell you, and I want you to hear it from me, before you hear it from someone else, but...” then she would tell me the truth, or tell me about something I wasn’t aware of! She had this belief that as long as she told me herself, before I heard it from the group, that she was doing the right thing. I told her that I wanted her to be truthful and honest on her own, not just when she’s forced to because I’m about to find out!! It really sucks because she was exactly the woman I had been looking for, and especially when she accepted my desires and fantasies, and that I accepted hers just the same.
It sounds like she was just a liar in general. That is not acceptable.
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I agree with you Robert 100%. Now there may be a kink where the husband tells the wife she can fuck around and not tell him about it and he secretly fantasizes about her fucking other men and snoops around and sees the evidence and when he confronts her she denies it but thats his Kink and the whole scene is his construct to satisfy it. Thats completely different that purposefully deceit and lying to some one who wants honesty
I have to agree with this statement somewhat. If you've read about Mrs Hotwife and me and our relationship then you know that we had VERY explicit and detailed sexual fantasies we discussed and had great sex from those things from well before we were married. I had encouraged her to spread her wings and engage in sex with some other guys as well. She knew I MEANT it but she was NOT about to go through with that. She had a very interesting sexual past but wanted to try to be a "normal", faithful wife after we were engaged. As you've read, that didn't happen and there was no way that she would have been in any kind of a marriage very long if she had to remain sexually faithful.

But, she DID NOT want me to know about her past and she was NOT going to tell me about the cheating she did when we were engaged nor was she going to tell me about her infidelities after our marriage. She wanted to have sex with other guys but she didn't want me to know about it, probably due to uncertainties of the reality and what that reaction might be from me. Thing is, I caught her (without her knowing) on many occasions and NEVER said a word to her that I knew. For some reason I was totally turned on by the lies and the attempts she made to cover up her infidelity. I can't explain that. I actually looked forward to her stories. At some point, early in our marriage, her "fantasy stories" that she would tell me as a lead up to sex, were actually TRUE stories that I was led to believe were just realistic fantasies. Some of them were true because I had caught her during the actual event and she didn't know about it. She later told me that it was easier to keep to 90 percent of the truth and embellish the stories only slightly.

I loved that she was lying to me but telling me the truth at the same time. We never really had any sort of discussion about her cheating or infidelities and eventually it was just assumed between us that she was having sex with other guys and we both had accepted it. If you've read our LSM article about the lake, it touches upon this reality. It was a really odd chain of events and took many years to develop, but she was cheating, literally, from our wedding day on in one form or another.

I don't read everything on this forum so I don't know if she's actually told the story about "....Then Nothing Happened" yet. She was always surprised at all of the "cheating" she had done and sex we had together immediately afterward, when I should have known immediately that she had just been fucked. (I did know, quite often). She got bolder as she kept realizing that the drama and worry was in her mind, that the next day or the next few minutes after even, NOTHING HAPPENED. She could be calm and quit worrying about me finding out. She just found a groove, as did I, and we went with it, both of us in marital bliss. Of course, I had more than my fair share of sex with other women during that time period as well....and I have to admit this I DID NOT TELL HER about it and I actually LIED at times if I felt I needed to do so to keep her from finding out. Turn about it fair play I suppose.

In the end and years later, we just decided to go into the lifestyle. We play as a couple, her as hotwife and me as single (rarely). To be quite honest, nothing was as sexually exhilarating and fun as those "cheating years". We also discussed that in our LSM articles.


EDIT This is a VERY important point. Her cheating was NEVER the kind you read about where one partner goes out to bars at night and stays out getting fucked all the time. Her cheating was pretty much "targets of opportunity" at the lake and on ski trips or when she was on business travel or back visiting her parents in her old neighborhood. Those places were her hunting ground and the lake and ski trips had a kind of "don't ask, don't tell" vibe about them for us. The rest of the time she was mostly faithful. That would change as time went on, but she still never was just leaving me at home while she was out fucking strange guys all the time.
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I have to agree with this statement somewhat. If you've read about Mrs Hotwife and me and our relationship then you know that we had VERY explicit and detailed sexual fantasies we discussed and had great sex from those things from well before we were married. I had encouraged her to spread her wings and engage in sex with some other guys as well. She knew I MEANT it but she was NOT about to go through with that. She had a very interesting sexual past but wanted to try to be a "normal", faithful wife after we were engaged. As you've read, that didn't happen and there was no way that she would have been in any kind of a marriage very long if she had to remain sexually faithful.

But, she DID NOT want me to know about her past and she was NOT going to tell me about the cheating she did when we were engaged nor was she going to tell me about her infidelities after our marriage. She wanted to have sex with other guys but she didn't want me to know about it, probably due to uncertainties of the reality and what that reaction might be from me. Thing is, I caught her (without her knowing) on many occasions and NEVER said a word to her that I knew. For some reason I was totally turned on by the lies and the attempts she made to cover up her infidelity. I can't explain that. I actually looked forward to her stories. At some point, early in our marriage, her "fantasy stories" that she would tell me as a lead up to sex, were actually TRUE stories that I was led to believe were just realistic fantasies. Some of them were true because I had caught her during the actual event and she didn't know about it. She later told me that it was easier to keep to 90 percent of the truth and embellish the stories only slightly.

I loved that she was lying to me but telling me the truth at the same time. We never really had any sort of discussion about her cheating or infidelities and eventually it was just assumed between us that she was having sex with other guys and we both had accepted it. If you've read our LSM article about the lake, it touches upon this reality. It was a really odd chain of events and took many years to develop, but she was cheating, literally, from our wedding day on in one form or another.

I don't read everything on this forum so I don't know if she's actually told the story about "....Then Nothing Happened" yet. She was always surprised at all of the "cheating" she had done and sex we had together immediately afterward, when I should have known immediately that she had just been fucked. (I did know, quite often). She got bolder as she kept realizing that the drama and worry was in her mind, that the next day or the next few minutes after even, NOTHING HAPPENED. She could be calm and quit worrying about me finding out. She just found a groove, as did I, and we went with it, both of us in marital bliss. Of course, I had more than my fair share of sex with other women during that time period as well....and I have to admit this I DID NOT TELL HER about it and I actually LIED at times if I felt I needed to do so to keep her from finding out. Turn about it fair play I suppose.

In the end and years later, we just decided to go into the lifestyle. We play as a couple, her as hotwife and me as single (rarely). To be quite honest, nothing was as sexually exhilarating and fun as those "cheating years". We also discussed that in our LSM articles.


EDIT This is a VERY important point. Her cheating was NEVER the kind you read about where one partner goes out to bars at night and stays out getting fucked all the time. Her cheating was pretty much "targets of opportunity" at the lake and on ski trips or when she was on business travel or back visiting her parents in her old neighborhood. Those places were her hunting ground and the lake and ski trips had a kind of "don't ask, don't tell" vibe about them for us. The rest of the time she was mostly faithful. That would change as time went on, but she still never was just leaving me at home while she was out fucking strange guys all the time.
Glad you two found what works for you!
Would you say she is a nymphomaniac?
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If both agree that a hotwife cheats.. then it's not cheating. But if both agree even if it happens on an impulse is for that one to tell about it and not keep it a secret.. and this is what we agreed on, and for her to go on for a month doing it and then deny it happened when confronted.... it is without a doubt cheating.
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Glad you two found what works for you!
Would you say she is a nymphomaniac?
No, she isn't a nympho. She is really selective about who she plays with and has no problems turning guys down if she isn't totally turned on by them and has no problem giving up sex for other activities or when something else demands her attention. She does have a lot of sex though.

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It sounds like she was just a liar in general. That is not acceptable.
I totally agree, and we’re no longer together because of it. We’re still friends and talk or text every once in a while and we’ve talked about some of those issues and I now have a better understanding as to why she was that way.
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It happened to me and our 8-year marriage ended three years ago.
I flipped that she did it with a guy who was much older than me ugly, alcoholic, and on .......
I specifically told her while in bed when she brought the idea about playing with him I said "not to do it and if you do, nothing will remain the same between us mean our marriage"
I guess she didn't take me seriously or thought that I will find out but I did with a hidden cam.
what do you think if this happens to you?
You should have left it as a fantasy.very devious behaviour hidden cam. She done the right thing leaving u
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